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bash and zsh key bindings for Git objects, powered by [fzf][fzf].
<img width="1680" alt="image" src="">
Each binding will allow you to browse through Git objects of a certain type,
and select the objects you want to paste to your command-line.
1. Install the latest version of [fzf][fzf]
* (Optional) Install [bat]( for
syntax-highlighted file previews
1. Source []( file from your .bashrc or .zshrc
* List of bindings
* <kbd>CTRL-G</kbd><kbd>CTRL-F</kbd> for **F**iles
* <kbd>CTRL-G</kbd><kbd>CTRL-B</kbd> for **B**ranches
* <kbd>CTRL-G</kbd><kbd>CTRL-T</kbd> for **T**ags
* <kbd>CTRL-G</kbd><kbd>CTRL-R</kbd> for **R**emotes
* <kbd>CTRL-G</kbd><kbd>CTRL-H</kbd> for commit **H**ashes
* <kbd>CTRL-G</kbd><kbd>CTRL-S</kbd> for **S**tashes
* <kbd>CTRL-G</kbd><kbd>CTRL-E</kbd> for **E**ach ref (`git for-each-ref`)
> :warning: You may have issues with these bindings in the following cases:
> * <kbd>CTRL-G</kbd><kbd>CTRL-B</kbd> will not work if
> <kbd>CTRL-B</kbd> is used as the tmux prefix
> * <kbd>CTRL-G</kbd><kbd>CTRL-S</kbd> will not work if flow control is enabled,
> <kbd>CTRL-S</kbd> will freeze the terminal instead
> * (`stty -ixon` will disable it)
> To workaround the problems, you can use
> <kbd>CTRL-G</kbd><kbd>*{key}*</kbd> instead of
> <kbd>CTRL-G</kbd><kbd>CTRL-*{KEY}*</kbd>.
* Inside fzf
* <kbd>TAB</kbd> or <kbd>SHIFT-TAB</kbd> to select multiple objects
* <kbd>CTRL-/</kbd> to change preview window layout
* <kbd>CTRL-O</kbd> to open the object in the web browser (in GitHub URL scheme)
# Redefine this function to change the options
_fzf_git_fzf() {
fzf-tmux -p80%,60% -- \
--layout=reverse --multi --height=50% --min-height=20 --border \
--border-label-pos=2 \
--color='header:italic:underline,label:blue' \
--preview-window='right,50%,border-left' \
--bind='ctrl-/:change-preview-window(down,50%,border-top|hidden|)' "$@"
Defining shortcut commands
Each binding is backed by `_fzf_git_*` function so you can do something like
this in your shell configuration file.
gco() {
local selected=$(_fzf_git_each_ref --no-multi)
[ -n "$selected" ] && git checkout "$selected"