@ -75,6 +75,22 @@ likely to generate errors and out-of-order events.
> Defaults to `250`.
### `.setMaxIntervalForTapRepeat(timeout)`
> Sets the time (in milliseconds) that limits the tap-repeat window. If the same
> qukey is pressed, released, and pressed again within this timeframe, then
> held, Qukeys will turn it into a single press and hold event, using the
> primary key value (which cannot otherwise be held). If the second press is
> also a tap, and the two _release_ events occur within the same timeframe, it
> will instead be treated as a double tap (of the primary key value).
> To effectively shut off the tap-repeat feature, set this value to `0`. The
> maximum value is `255`; anything higher than `250` could result in key repeat
> being triggered on the host before Qukeys determines whether it's a tap-repeat
> or a double-tap sequence, because most systems delay the key repeat by 500 ms.
> Defaults to `200`.
### `.setOverlapThreshold(percentage)`
> This sets a variable that allows the user to roll over from a qukey to a
@ -205,6 +221,16 @@ the given alternate value on all layers, regardless of what the primary value is
for that key on the top currently active layer.
### Tap-Repeat Behaviour
If a qukey is tapped, then immediately pressed and held, Qukeys will turn that
sequence of events into a single press and hold of the primary key value
(whereas merely holding the key yeilds the alternate value). This is
particularly useful on macOS apps that use Apple's Cocoa input system, where
holding a key gives the user access to a menu of accented characters, rather
than merely repeating the same character until the key is released.
## Design & Implementation
When a qukey is pressed, it doesn't immediately add a corresponding keycode to