@ -5,14 +5,17 @@ module RankKing
OS = OpenSkill.new
Match = Data.define(:a, :b)
# rates all possible 1v1 games to find which generally decreases sigma
# regardless of the winner/loser - is this mathematically sound? I have
# no idea
def self.suggest_game(axis)
items = axis.pool.items
ratings = items.to_h { [_1.id, Rating.first(axis:, item: _1) || OS.rating] }
items.combination(2).sort_by {|combo|
# TODO get all the ratings at once
ratings = combo.map {|item| Rating.first(axis:, item:) || OS.rating }
game = combo.map { ratings.fetch(_1.id) }
[ratings, ratings.reverse]
[game, game.reverse]
.map {|game| [game, OS.rate(*game).flatten] }
.sum {|pre,post| pre.zip(post).sum { (_1.sigma - _2.sigma)**2 }}