@ -233,7 +233,8 @@ zstyle ':prezto:module:git:alias' skip 'yes'
### Push
### Push
- `gp` updates remote refs along with associated objects.
- `gp` updates remote refs along with associated objects.
- `gpf` forcefully updates remote refs along with associated objects.
- `gpf` forcefully updates remote refs along with associated objects using the safer `--force-with-lease` option.
- `gpF` forcefully updates remote refs along with associated objects using the riskier `--force` option.
- `gpa` updates remote branches along with associated objects.
- `gpa` updates remote branches along with associated objects.
- `gpA` updates remote branches and tags along with associated objects.
- `gpA` updates remote branches and tags along with associated objects.
- `gpt` updates remote tags along with associated objects.
- `gpt` updates remote tags along with associated objects.