Feat (git): add an alias displaying the commits yet to be applied to upstream (#1565)

François VANTOMME 7 years ago committed by Kaleb Elwert
parent 443021237a
commit 1b441e7654

@ -82,6 +82,8 @@ zstyle ':prezto:module:git:alias' skip 'yes'
- `gcR` removes the *HEAD* commit.
- `gcs` displays various types of objects.
- `gcl` lists lost commits.
- `gcy` displays commits yet to be applied to upstream in the short format.
- `gcY` displays commits yet to be applied to upstream.
### Conflict

@ -69,6 +69,8 @@ if ! zstyle -t ':prezto:module:git:alias' skip 'yes'; then
alias gcR='git reset "HEAD^"'
alias gcs='git show'
alias gcl='git-commit-lost'
alias gcy='git cherry -v --abbrev'
alias gcY='git cherry -v'
# Conflict (C)
alias gCl='git --no-pager diff --name-only --diff-filter=U'
