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943 B

Attitude Adjuster

Installation notes

  1. Download Raspberian Stretch Lite

  2. Install Etcher: brew cask install balenaetcher

  3. Flash the SD card

  4. Enable SSH

  5. Run the Ansible playbooks

  • ansible-playbook --extra-vars "ansible_user=pi" --ask-pass attitude-adjuster/bootstrap.yml
  • ansible-playbook attitude-adjuster/main.yml
  1. Install Pi-hole
  • curl -sSL | bash


  1. Use raspi-config to set up the WiFi
  • Additional setup
  • Add scan_ssid=1 to /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
  • Restart WiFi: wpa_cli -i wlan0 reconfigure
  1. Use raspi-config to set the keyboard layout