Copy current URL with ⇧⌘C in other browsers

Alpha Chen 11 months ago
parent 8e324c675c
commit da4a9ca18f
Signed by: alpha
SSH Key Fingerprint: SHA256:3fOT8fiYQG/aK9ntivV3Bqtg8AYQ7q4nV6ZgihOA20g

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
: loadSpoon
: logger
: notify
: osascript
: pasteboard
: screen
: uielement
@ -52,27 +53,47 @@
(s:sub 1 -2)
;; mash-e: edit selected text in neovide, inspired by quickcursor (hence
;; the temporary filenme)
(hotkey.bind mash :e
#(with-selection (fn [text]
(let [home (os.getenv :HOME)
date (chomp (run "date -Iseconds -u"))
file (.. home :/.quickcursor. date)]
(pasteboard.setContents text)
(run (.. "pbpaste > " file)
(.. "/opt/homebrew/bin/neovide --nofork "
(.. "pbcopy < " file) (.. "rm " file))
(hotkey.bind mash :t #(execute "/opt/homebrew/bin/alacritty msg create-window"))
(let [editor "/opt/homebrew/bin/neovide --nofork"]
#(with-selection (fn [text]
(let [home (os.getenv :HOME)
date (chomp (run "date -Iseconds -u"))
file (.. home :/.quickcursor. date)]
(pasteboard.setContents text)
(run (.. "pbpaste > " file)
(.. editor " " file)
(.. "pbcopy < " file) (.. "rm " file))
;; mash-, modal hotkeys
(modal-bind mash "," nil
;; mash-, mash-l: create a markdown link using the selected
;; text as the title and pastboard contents as the link
(fn []
(with-selection #(.. "[" $1 "]" "(" $2 ")")))]])
;; cmd-shift-c: copy current url
(let [safari-applescript "tell application \"Safari\" to get URL of front document"
copy-safari ( [:cmd :shift] :c
#(let [(_ obj _) (osascript.applescript safari-applescript)]
(pasteboard.setContents obj)))
copy-firefox ( [:cmd :shift] :c #(eventtap.keyStrokes :yy))
{: activated : deactivated} application.watcher
update-hotkey (fn [name event app]
(match [name event]
["Firefox Developer Edition" activated] (copy-firefox:enable)
["Firefox Developer Edition" deactivated] (copy-firefox:disable)
[:Safari activated] (copy-safari:enable)
[:Safari deactivated] (copy-safari:disable)))
watcher ( update-hotkey)]
;; hold onto watcher as a global so it doesn't get GC'ed
(set _G.watcher (watcher:start)))
;;; Elgato Key Light Air
;; Run `package.loaded["key-light-air"]["find-hostname"]()`
