hammerspoon local-ization

Alpha Chen 2 years ago
parent e0c3ebbced
commit 8b0da08014
Signed by: alpha
SSH Key Fingerprint: SHA256:3fOT8fiYQG/aK9ntivV3Bqtg8AYQ7q4nV6ZgihOA20g

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
;; https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39464668/how-to-get-bundle-id-of-mac-application
;; osascript -e 'id of app "SomeApp"'
;; mdls -name kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier -r SomeApp.app
;; (. (hs.application.infoForBundlePath "/path/to/app") :CFBundleIdentifier)
(local bundle-ids {:firefox-dev :org.mozilla.firefoxdeveloperedition
:firefox :org.mozilla.firefox
:safari :com.apple.Safari
:zoom :us.zoom.xos})
(var handlers [])
(fn run [bin url]
(let [prog (.. bin " '" url "'")
handle (io.popen prog)]
(handle:read :*a)))
(fn de-utm [url]
(run "~/.dotfiles/bin/de-utm" url))
(fn follow-redirects [url]
(run "curl --location --silent -o /dev/null -w %{url_effective}" url))
(fn open-url [app url]
(let [bundle-id (. bundle-ids app)]
(hs.urlevent.openURLWithBundle url bundle-id)))
(fn open-with [app]
(partial open-url app))
(fn url->handler [url]
(accumulate [acc nil _ [pat handler] (ipairs handlers) &until acc]
(if (url:find pat) #(handler url) nil)))
(fn handle-url [url]
(let [handler (or (url->handler url) #(open-url :default url))]
(fn setup [{:bundle-ids extra-bundle-ids :handlers extra-handlers}]
(let [default-handlers [["^https://.*%.?zoom.us/j/%d+" (open-with :zoom)]
#(open-url :default (.. "https://sci-hub.st/" $1))]]]
(each [k v (pairs (or extra-bundle-ids {}))]
(tset bundle-ids k v))
(set handlers (hs.fnutils.concat extra-handlers default-handlers))))
(fn start []
(set hs.urlevent.httpCallback
(fn [scheme host params url]
(let [clean-url (de-utm url)]
(handle-url clean-url)))))
;; example usage
;; (let [{: setup : start : open-with} (require :handle-urls)]
;; (setup {:bundle-ids {:default :org.mozilla.firefoxdeveloperedition}
;; :handlers [["^https://.*%.?discnw.org/" (open-with :safari)]
;; ["^https://squareup.com/" (open-with :safari)]
;; ["^https://.*%.?bulletin.com/" (open-with :safari)]]})
;; (start))
{: setup : start : open-url : open-with}

@ -1,9 +1,15 @@
(local mash [:cmd :alt :ctrl])
(local smash [:shift :cmd :alt :ctrl])
(fn modal-bind [mods key message bindings] (fn modal-bind [mods key message bindings]
(let [modal (hs.hotkey.modal.new mods key message)] (let [modal (hs.hotkey.modal.new mods key message)]
(tset modal :entered #(hs.timer.doAfter 0.5 #(modal:exit))) (tset modal :entered #(hs.timer.doAfter 1 #(modal:exit)))
; (tset modal :exited #(hs.alert :exited)) ;; (tset modal :exited #(hs.alert :bye))
(each [_ [mods key message f] (ipairs bindings)] (each [_ [mods key message f] (ipairs bindings)]
(modal:bind mods key message #(do (f) (modal:exit)))))) (modal:bind mods key message
{:mash [:cmd :alt :ctrl] :smash [:cmd :alt :ctrl :shift] : modal-bind} {: mash : smash : modal-bind}

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
(local {: mash : smash : modal-bind} (require :hotkey))
(local log (hs.logger.new :log :info)) (local log (hs.logger.new :log :info))
(set hs.logger.defaultLogLevel :info) (set hs.logger.defaultLogLevel :info)
(local {: mash : smash : modal-bind} (require :hotkey))
(set hs.window.animationDuration 0.0) (set hs.window.animationDuration 0.0)
(hs.loadSpoon :MiroWindowsManager) (hs.loadSpoon :MiroWindowsManager)
;; (set spoon.MiroWindowsManager.fullScreenSizes [1 (/ 4 3) 2]) ; only fullscreen ;; (set spoon.MiroWindowsManager.fullScreenSizes [1 (/ 4 3) 2]) ; only fullscreen
@ -59,41 +59,7 @@
(hs.eventtap.keyStroke [:cmd] :v) (hs.eventtap.keyStroke [:cmd] :v)
(hs.pasteboard.setContents prev-pasteboard))) (hs.pasteboard.setContents prev-pasteboard)))
(modal-bind mash "," "," [[mash :l :linkify linkify]]) (modal-bind mash "," nil [[mash :l nil linkify]])
;; https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39464668/how-to-get-bundle-id-of-mac-application
;; osascript -e 'id of app "SomeApp"'
;; mdls -name kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier -r SomeApp.app
;; fnlfmt: skip
(local bundle-ids {:firefox :org.mozilla.firefoxdeveloperedition
:firefox :org.mozilla.firefox
:safari :com.apple.Safari
:zoom :us.zoom.xos})
(fn handle [url orig-url]
(let [open-with (fn [app]
(partial #(hs.urlevent.openURLWithBundle $2 $1)
(. bundle-ids app)))
open-url #((open-with $1) url)]
(if (url:find "^https://.*[.]zoom.us/j/%d+") (open-url :zoom)
(url:find "^https://.*[.]discnw.org/") (open-url :safari)
(url:find "^https://squareup.com/") (open-url :safari)
(url:find "^https://.*[.]bulletin.com/") (open-url :safari)
(string.find orig-url "^https://doi.org/")
((open-with :firefox) (.. "https://sci-hub.st/" orig-url))
(string.find orig-url "^https://.*[.]usps.com/")
((open-with :firefox) orig-url) (open-url :safari))))
(set hs.urlevent.httpCallback
(fn [scheme host params url]
(let [run #(: (io.popen (.. $1 " '" $2 "'")) :read :*a)
de-utm (partial run "~/.dotfiles/bin/de-utm")
redirect (partial run "curl -Ls -o /dev/null -w %{url_effective}")
orig-url (de-utm url)
redirected (de-utm (redirect orig-url))]
;; (hs.urlevent.openURLWithBundle orig-url bundle-ids.firefox))))
(handle redirected orig-url))))
;;; Elgato Key Light Air ;;; Elgato Key Light Air
