[meta] updates for catalina, etc

Alpha Chen 5 years ago
parent 8f9023b94c
commit 16912465d1

@ -1,21 +1,16 @@
- [ ] Install Homebrew
`/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"`
- [ ] Install Ansible and mas
`brew install ansible mas`
- [ ] Install [Xcode]
- [ ] Xcode
- [ ] Install Xcode
`mas install 497799835`
[xcode]: https://developer.apple.com/download/more/
- [ ] Open Xcode to install additional components
`open Xcode`
- [ ] Install Ansible
`brew install ansible`
- [ ] Accept the Xcode license
`sudo xcodebuild -license`
- [ ] Install the command line developer tools from Xcode
`xcode-select --reset`
- [ ] Install `mas
`brew install mas`
- [ ] Sign in to the Mac App Store
- [ ] Enable Remote Login
`open /System/Library/PreferencePanes/SharingPref.prefPane`
@ -30,17 +25,26 @@
ansible-playbook main.yml --ask-pass --ask-become-pass
- [ ] [chunkwm](https://github.com/crisidev/homebrew-chunkwm#caveats)
- [ ] macOS preferences
- [ ] General
- [ ] Appearance -> Auto
- [ ] Displays
- [ ] Enable Night Shift
- [ ] Night Shift
- [ ] Keyboard
- [ ] Modifiers
- [ ] Function keys
- [ ] Setup programs
- [ ] 1Password
- [ ] Firefox
- [ ] Fantastical
- [ ] Change hotkeys
- [ ] Alfred
- [ ] Arq
- [ ] Bartender
- [ ] Dash
- [ ] Encrypt.me
- [ ] Fantastical
- [ ] Firefox
- [ ] MailMate
- [ ] Slack
- [ ] hammerspoon
- [ ] syncthing

@ -65,16 +65,15 @@
- 1password-cli
- acorn
- alfred
- amethyst
- arq
- bartender
- bitbar
- daisydisk
- dash
- dropbox
- encryptme
- fantastical
- firefox-developer-edition
- flotato
- font-fira-mono
- font-hack
- font-hasklig
