@ -166,6 +166,18 @@ fi
# has to go after compinit
# has to go after compinit
if (( $+commands[zoxide] )); then
if (( $+commands[zoxide] )); then
eval "$(zoxide init zsh)"
eval "$(zoxide init zsh)"
# https://junegunn.github.io/fzf/examples/directory-nagivation/#integration-with-fzf
# https://junegunn.github.io/fzf/examples/directory-nagivation/#zoxidehttpsgithubcomajeetdsouzazoxide
unalias z 2> /dev/null
z() {
local dir=$(
zoxide query --list --score |
fzf --height 40% --layout reverse --info inline \
--nth 2.. --tac --no-sort --query "$*" \
--bind 'enter:become:echo {2..}'
) && cd "$dir"
# Define named directories: ~w <=> Windows home directory on WSL.
# Define named directories: ~w <=> Windows home directory on WSL.