You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

213 lines
7.0 KiB

1 week ago
(vim.cmd.colorscheme :paramount)
2 years ago
(set vim.o.cmdheight 0)
1 week ago
(set vim.o.foldlevel 1)
(set vim.o.foldminlines 2)
(set vim.o.linebreak true)
(set vim.o.list true)
(set vim.o.listchars "tab:⇥ ,trail:␣,extends:⇉,precedes:⇇,nbsp:·")
(set vim.o.number true)
(set vim.o.showmode false)
(set vim.o.termguicolors true)
(set vim.o.virtualedit :block)
(set vim.o.wildmode "longest:full")
;; search
(set vim.o.gdefault true)
(set vim.o.ignorecase true)
(set vim.o.smartcase true)
(set vim.o.mouse nil)
1 year ago
;;; completion
(set vim.o.completeopt "longest,menuone")
;; gui
1 year ago
(set vim.o.guifont "Source Code Pro")
(set vim.g.markdown_fenced_languages [:ts=typescript])
1 year ago
;;; mappings
(set vim.g.mapleader " ")
;; disable arrow keys
(each [_ v (ipairs [:up :down :left :right])]
(vim.keymap.set :n (.. "<" v ">") :<nop>))
1 year ago
;; command mode
(vim.keymap.set :c :<c-a> :<home>)
;; quick save
(vim.keymap.set :n "\\\\" ":write<cr>")
(vim.keymap.set :i "\\\\" "<esc>:write<cr>")
;; highlight
2 years ago
(set vim.o.hlsearch true)
(vim.keymap.set :n :<leader>/ ":nohlsearch<cr>")
(let [{: nvim_create_autocmd : nvim_create_augroup} vim.api
2 years ago
au-group (nvim_create_augroup :nvim-hl-on-yank {})
2 years ago
cb #(vim.highlight.on_yank {:higroup :Search :timeout 100})]
2 years ago
(nvim_create_autocmd :TextYankPost {:callback cb :group au-group}))
;; non-shifted shortcuts for moving the cursor to the start/end of the current line
(vim.keymap.set :n :H "^")
(vim.keymap.set :n :L "$")
;; re-run the last macro
(vim.keymap.set :n :Q "@@")
;; smart tab
(vim.keymap.set :i :<tab>
(fn []
(let [line (vim.fn.getline ".")
col (vim.fn.col ".")
line (line:sub 1 (- col 1))
substr (line:match "[^ \t]*$")]
(if (= (substr:len) 0) :<tab> :<c-x><c-o>)))
{:expr true})
;;; restore cursor location
(let [{: nvim_command : nvim_create_autocmd : nvim_create_augroup} vim.api
au-group (nvim_create_augroup :nvim-startup {})
cb (fn []
(when (and (< 0 (vim.fn.line "'\""))
(<= (vim.fn.line "'\"") (vim.fn.line "$"))
(not (string.find :commit)))
(nvim_command "normal! g`\"")))]
;; when restoring the cursor, we want to ignore commit filetypes, so
;; we need to manually enable filetype detection to set up those
;; autocommands before creating the autocommand to restore the cursor
(nvim_command "filetype plugin indent on")
(nvim_create_autocmd :BufReadPost {:callback cb :group au-group}))
;;; filetype
10 months ago
(vim.filetype.add {:extension {:ua :uiua}})
(require :fzf)
(require :lsp)
;;; diagnostic
(vim.diagnostic.config {:float {:source :if_many :border :rounded}})
;;; hotpot
(require :hp)
;;; lightline
(let [colorscheme :powerline
component {:filename "%{expand(\"%:~:.\")}"} ; relative path
palette-key (.. "lightline#colorscheme#" colorscheme "#palette")
palette (. vim.g palette-key)]
(set vim.g.lightline {: colorscheme : component})
(each [_ f (ipairs [:normal :inactive :tabline])]
(tset palette f :middle [[:NONE :NONE :NONE :NONE]]))
(tset vim.g palette-key palette))
;;; netrw
(set vim.g.netrw_fastbrowse 0)
(set vim.g.netrw_home "~/.nvim_tmp")
;;; treesitter
1 year ago
(let [{: treesitter} vim
1 week ago
{: setup} (require :nvim-treesitter.configs)]
(setup {:ensure_installed [:fennel
9 months ago
:sync_install false
:highlight {:enable true :additional_vim_regex_highlighting false}
;; disabling since this is super annoying in Ruby
; :indent {:enable true}
:incremental_selection {:enable true
:keymaps {:init_selection :gnn
:node_incremental :grn
:scope_incremental :grc
:node_decremental :grm}}
:textobjects {:move {:enable true
:set_jumps true
:goto_next_start {"]f" "@function.outer"
"]b" "@block.outer"
"]a" "@parameter.inner"}
:goto_next_end {"]F" "@function.outer"
"]B" "@block.outer"
"]A" "@parameter.inner"}
:goto_previous_start {"[f" "@function.outer"
"[b" "@block.outer"
"[a" "@parameter.inner"}
:goto_previous_end {"[F" "@function.outer"
"[B" "@block.outer"
"[A" "@parameter.inner"}}
:select {:enable true
:lookahead true
:keymaps {:af "@function.outer"
:if "@function.inner"
:ac "@class.outer"
:ic "@class.inner"
:ab "@block.outer"
:ib "@block.inner"
:aa "@parameter.outer"
1 year ago
:ia "@parameter.inner"}}}})
1 week ago
(treesitter.language.register :yaml :yaml.ansible)
(treesitter.query.set :python :folds "[
] @fold
]+ @fold"))
(let [tscontext (require :treesitter-context)]
(set vim.o.foldmethod :expr)
(set vim.o.foldexpr "nvim_treesitter#foldexpr()")
;;; neovide
;; disable animation
(set vim.g.neovide_cursor_animation_length 0)
2 years ago
;;; fidget
1 week ago
(let [{: setup} (require :fidget)] (setup))
2 years ago
2 years ago
;; dirvish
(set vim.g.dirvish_mode ":sort ,^.*[\\/],")
;; indent-blankline
1 week ago
(let [{: setup} (require :ibl)] (setup))
;;; generate help files
;; Load all plugins now.
;; Plugins need to be added to runtimepath before helptags can be generated.
(vim.api.nvim_command :packloadall)
;; Load all of the helptags now, after plugins have been loaded.
;; All messages and errors will be ignored.
(vim.api.nvim_command "silent! helptags ALL")