Alpha Chen 9 months ago
parent 436e8d013e
commit e40324df41
Signed by: alpha
SSH Key Fingerprint: SHA256:3fOT8fiYQG/aK9ntivV3Bqtg8AYQ7q4nV6ZgihOA20g

@ -91,6 +91,7 @@
;;; filetype
(set vim.g.do_filetype_lua true)
(vim.filetype.add {:extension {:ua :uiua}})
;;; ftplugins in fennel

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
" uiua 0.8.0
if exists("b:current_syntax")
let b:current_syntax = "uiua"
syn iskeyword a-z
syn keyword uiuaIdentifier e os Family Arch ExeExt DllExt Sep NumProcs MaxInt
syn match uiuaIdentifier '\a\+!*'
" {{{ functions and modifiers
" constants and recur
syn keyword uiuaNoadic eta pi tau inf[inity] rand[om] recu[r] tag now
syn match uiuaNoadic '[ηπ∞τ⚂↫]'
" monadic and dyadic pervasive functions
syn keyword uiuaPervasive not sig[n] abs[olute] sqr[t] sin[e] flo[or] cei[ling] rou[nd] add subtract multiply divide mod[ulus] pow[er] log[arithm] min[imum] max[imum] ata[ngent] com[plex]
syn match uiuaPervasive '[¬±`¯⌵√○⌊⌈⁅]\|!=\|<=\|>=\|[=≠<≤>≥+\-×*÷%◿ⁿₙ↧↥∠ℂ]'
" monadic non-pervasive functions
syn keyword uiuaMonadic len[gth] sha[pe] rang[e] fir[st] rev[erse] des[hape] fix bit[s] tran[spose] ris[e] fal[e] whe[re] cla[ssify] ded[uplicate] box par[se] wait recv tryrecv gen utf type memo comptime
syn match uiuaMonadic '[⧻△⇡⊢⇌♭¤⋯⍉⍏⍖⊚⊛⊝□⋕↬]'
" dyadic non-pervasive functions
syn keyword uiuaDyadic joi[n] cou[ple] mat[ch] pic[k] sel[ect] res[hape] rer[ank] tak[e] dro[p] rot[ate] win[dows] kee[p] fin[d] mem[ber] ind[exof] ass[ert] send deal regex map has get insert remove
syn match uiuaDyadic '[⊂⊟≍⊡⊏↯☇↙↘↻◫▽⌕∊⊗⍤]'
" monadic modifiers
" gap, dip, and identity single-letter spellings aren't accounted for
" 1. it's not very useful since adjacent ones won't be highlighted
" 2. it'll get formatted anyways
syn keyword uiuaMonadicMod gap dip eac[h] row[s] tab[le] cro[ss] rep[eat] fol[d] reduce scan gro[up] par[tition] un bot[h] unp[ack] rect[ify] thi[s] spawn
syn match uiuaMonadicMod '[⋅⊙∵≡⊞⊠⍥∧/\\⊕⊜°∩⊐⌅↬]'
" non-monadic modifiers
syn keyword uiuaOtherMod do und[er] fil[l] bra[cket] for[k] cas[cade] all try setinv setund
syn match uiuaOtherMod /[⍢⍜⬚⊓⊃⪾⋔⍣]/
" }}}
" {{{ system functions
" defined in inverse order so precedence for e.g.
" &i and &ime, &s and &sc, etc. is correct
" modules
syn match uiuaModuleSF '&i'
syn match uiuaDyadicSF '\v\&(rs|rb|ru|w|fwa|ime|ae|tcpsrt|tcpswt|httpsw)'
syn match uiuaMonadicSF '\v\&(sl|s|pf|p|raw|var|runi|runc|cd|cl|fo|fc|fde|ftr|fe|fld|fif|fras|frab|fwa|imd|ims|gifd|gife|ad|ap|tcpl|tcpa|tcpc|tcpsnb|tcpaddr|invk)'
syn match uiuaNoadicSF '\v\&(sc|ts|args|asr)'
syn match uiuaModifierSF '&ast'
" }}}
" {{{ literals
" numeric literal
syn match uiuaNum 'NaN\|[¯`]\?\d\+\(\.\d\+\)\?\(e[¯`]\?\d\+\)\?'
" escape sequence and format placeholder
syn match uiuaEsc contained /\\[\\'"_0nrt]/
syn match uiuaFmt contained '_'
" character literal
syn match uiuaChar '@.' contains=uiuaEsc
" string literal (plain, format, and multiline)
syn region uiuaStr start='"' end='"' skip='\\"' contains=uiuaEsc
syn region uiuaStr start='\$"' end='"' skip='\\"' contains=uiuaEsc,uiuaFmt
syn region uiuaStr start='\$ ' end='$' contains=uiuaEsc,uiuaFmt
" }}}
" {{{ misc
" function signatures
syn match uiuaSignature '|\d\+\(\.\d\+\)\?'
" function placeholders in custom modifiers
syn match uiuaFunctionPlaceholder '\^\d\+\(\.\d\+\)\?'
" test scopes, <- assignments, stranded arrays, and ' or '' line joining
syn match uiuaFaded '^---$\|[←_']'
" debug functions
syn keyword uiuaDebug dump stack trac[e]
syn match uiuaDebug '[⸮?]'
" comments
syn match uiuaComment '#.*$'
" }}}
" {{{ highlight groups
hi def link uiuaNoadic Keyword
hi def link uiuaNoadicSF Keyword
hi def link uiuaPervasive Operator
hi def link uiuaMonadic Function
hi def link uiuaMonadicSF Function
hi def link uiuaDyadic Identifier
hi def link uiuaDyadicSF Identifier
hi def link uiuaMonadicMod Type
hi def link uiuaOtherMod Number
hi def link uiuaModifierSF Type
hi def link uiuaOcean String
hi def link uiuaModuleSF Keyword
hi def link uiuaNum Number
hi def link uiuaEsc SpecialChar
hi def link uiuaChar String
hi def link uiuaFmt Operator
hi def link uiuaStr String
hi def link uiuaSignature Type
hi def link uiuaFunctionPlaceholder Keyword
hi def link uiuaDebug Operator
hi def link uiuaFaded Comment
hi def link uiuaComment Comment
" }}}