
Alpha Chen 8 years ago
parent 54a44cd143
commit 999f1e2f19

@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
move position 0 to position 3
rotate right 0 steps
rotate right 1 step
move position 1 to position 5
swap letter h with letter b
reverse positions 1 through 3
swap letter a with letter g
swap letter b with letter h
rotate based on position of letter c
swap letter d with letter c
rotate based on position of letter c
swap position 6 with position 5
rotate right 7 steps
swap letter b with letter h
move position 4 to position 3
swap position 1 with position 0
swap position 7 with position 5
move position 7 to position 1
swap letter c with letter a
move position 7 to position 5
rotate right 4 steps
swap position 0 with position 5
move position 3 to position 1
swap letter c with letter h
rotate based on position of letter d
reverse positions 0 through 2
rotate based on position of letter g
move position 6 to position 7
move position 2 to position 5
swap position 1 with position 0
swap letter f with letter c
rotate right 1 step
reverse positions 2 through 4
rotate left 1 step
rotate based on position of letter h
rotate right 1 step
rotate right 5 steps
swap position 6 with position 3
move position 0 to position 5
swap letter g with letter f
reverse positions 2 through 7
reverse positions 4 through 6
swap position 4 with position 1
move position 2 to position 1
move position 3 to position 1
swap letter b with letter a
rotate based on position of letter b
reverse positions 3 through 5
move position 0 to position 2
rotate based on position of letter b
reverse positions 4 through 5
rotate based on position of letter g
reverse positions 0 through 5
swap letter h with letter c
reverse positions 2 through 5
swap position 7 with position 5
swap letter g with letter d
swap letter d with letter e
move position 1 to position 2
move position 3 to position 2
swap letter d with letter g
swap position 3 with position 7
swap letter b with letter f
rotate right 3 steps
move position 5 to position 3
move position 1 to position 2
rotate based on position of letter b
rotate based on position of letter c
reverse positions 2 through 3
move position 2 to position 3
rotate right 1 step
move position 7 to position 0
rotate right 3 steps
move position 6 to position 3
rotate based on position of letter e
swap letter c with letter b
swap letter f with letter d
swap position 2 with position 5
swap letter f with letter g
rotate based on position of letter a
reverse positions 3 through 4
rotate left 7 steps
rotate left 6 steps
swap letter g with letter b
reverse positions 3 through 6
rotate right 6 steps
rotate based on position of letter c
rotate based on position of letter b
rotate left 1 step
reverse positions 3 through 7
swap letter f with letter g
swap position 4 with position 1
rotate based on position of letter d
move position 0 to position 4
swap position 7 with position 6
rotate right 6 steps
rotate based on position of letter e
move position 7 to position 3
rotate right 3 steps
swap position 1 with position 2

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
input = 'abcdefgh'
ARGF.read.split("\n").each do |instruction|
case instruction
when /swap position (\d+) with position (\d+)/
x = $1.to_i
y = $2.to_i
input[x], input[y] = input[y], input[x]
when /swap letter (\w+) with letter (\w+)/
x = $1
y = $2
input.tr!("#{x}#{y}", "#{y}#{x}")
when /rotate (left|right) (\d+) steps?/
steps = $2.to_i
steps = -steps if $1 == 'right'
input = input.chars.rotate(steps).join
when /rotate based on position of letter (\w+)/
index = input.index($1)
index += 1 if index >= 4
index += 1
index = -index
input = input.chars.rotate(index).join
when /reverse positions (\d+) through (\d+)/
x = $1.to_i
y = $2.to_i
input[x..y] = input[x..y].reverse
when /move position (\d+) to position (\d+)/
x = $1.to_i
x = input[x]
input[x] = ''
y = $2.to_i
input.insert(y, x)
raise "invalid instruction: '#{instruction}'"
puts input