@ -21,3 +21,12 @@ Other duplication across Makefiles
- Intended, but already drifing; also, shouldn't be in manual copies
- Intended, but already drifing; also, shouldn't be in manual copies
Duplication of delegate.mk
Duplication of delegate.mk
- Intended, to support invoking kaleidoscope-builder, but definitely shouldn't be manually copied
- Intended, to support invoking kaleidoscope-builder, but definitely shouldn't be manually copied
Directory structure
- Tests (e.g. testing/hello-simulator, testing/kaleidoscope, testing/issue_840) should be moved into a directory
separate from test infrastructure, maybe just tests/
- Tests should be able to be organized in a hierarchical manner, eg
- tests/regression/issue_blah
- tests/hid/usb/bootkeyboard/foo
- Test infracture (now in testing/common/) should be moved into testing/ after the actual tests are moved out
- Test infrastructure should be able to be hierarchically organized