@ -34,7 +34,9 @@ export FQBN ?= keyboardio:virtual:model01
TESTS := $( shell cd $( tests_dir) ; find ${ TEST_PATH } -name '*.ino' -exec dirname { } \; )
# The clutter up the test output on Make 4.0 and newer
MAKEFLAGS += --no-print-directory
i n c l u d e $( top_dir ) / e t c / m a k e f i l e s / a r d u i n o - c l i . m k
@ -44,48 +46,53 @@ include $(top_dir)/etc/makefiles/arduino-cli.mk
KALEIDOSCOPE_ETC_DIR ?= $( top_dir) /etc
.PHONY : clean cmake -clean all googletest generate -testcases
.PHONY : clean cmake -clean all googletest
generate-testcases :
@for test in ${ TESTS } ; do \
${ MAKE } -s -f ${ top_dir } /testing/makefiles/testcase.mk -C $$ { test} testcase = $$ { test} generate-testcase; \
all : ${libcommon_a } googletest ${TESTS }
all : ${TESTS } run -all
cmake-clean :
rm -rf " ${ top_dir } " /testing/googletest/build/*
run-all : ${TESTS }
@for test in ${ TESTS } ; do \
${ MAKE } -s -f ${ top_dir } /testing/makefiles/testcase.mk -C $$ { test} testcase = $$ { test} run || ERROR = $$ ?; \
${ MAKE } -s -f ${ top_dir } /testing/makefiles/testcase.mk \
-C $$ { test} \
testcase = $$ { test} run || ERROR = $$ ?; \
done ; \
if [ -n $$ { ERROR} ] ; then exit $$ { ERROR} ; fi
cmake-clean :
rm -rf " ${ top_dir } " /testing/googletest/build/*
clean : cmake -clean
@for test in ${ TESTS } ; do \
${ MAKE } -s -f ${ top_dir } /testing/makefiles/testcase.mk -C $$ { test} testcase = $$ { test} clean; \
${ MAKE } -s -f ${ top_dir } /testing/makefiles/testcase.mk \
-C $$ { test} \
testcase = $$ { test} clean; \
rm -rf " ${ build_dir } " /*
googletest : ${top_dir }/testing /googletest /build /Makefile
cd ${ top_dir } /testing/googletest/build && $( MAKE)
${ MAKE } -C ${ top_dir } /testing/googletest/build
${top_dir}/testing/googletest/build/Makefile :
$( info googletest Makefile is being remade)
install -d ${ top_dir } /testing/googletest/build && cd ${ top_dir } /testing/googletest/build && cmake -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER= $( call _arduino_prop,compiler.path) $( call _arduino_prop,compiler.c.cmd) -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER= $( call _arduino_prop,compiler.path) $( call _arduino_prop,compiler.cpp.cmd) ..
# This can fail if we're running in parallel, but that'd be harmless
-install -d ${ top_dir } /testing/googletest/build
$( QUIET) cmake \
-S ${ top_dir } /testing/googletest \
-B ${ top_dir } /testing/googletest/build \
-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER= $( call _arduino_prop,compiler.path) $( call _arduino_prop,compiler.c.cmd) \
-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER= $( call _arduino_prop,compiler.path) $( call _arduino_prop,compiler.cpp.cmd) \
${libcommon_a} :
${ MAKE } -f ${ top_dir } /testing/makefiles/libcommon.mk -C ${ top_dir } /testing
$( QUIET) ${ MAKE } -f ${ top_dir } /testing/makefiles/libcommon.mk -C ${ top_dir } /testing
Makefile :
${TESTS} : ${libcommon_a } googletest
${ MAKE } -f ${ top_dir } /testing/makefiles/testcase.mk -C $@ testcase = $@ build
%+run :
${ MAKE } -s -f ${ top_dir } /testing/makefiles/testcase.mk -C $* testcase = $* run
$( QUIET) ${ MAKE } -f ${ top_dir } /testing/makefiles/testcase.mk -C $@ testcase = $@ build run