Moved all of the hardware-specific code to a separate library. As such, use the special `KEYBOARDIO_HARDWARE_H` define to include the appropriate header, as set by the board's `boards.txt`. Signed-off-by: Gergely Nagy <>pull/96/head
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
#include "KeyboardConfig.h"
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "Model01.h"
@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
#include "Model01.h"
KeyboardioScanner Model01::leftHand(0);
KeyboardioScanner Model01::rightHand(3);
static constexpr uint8_t key_led_map[4][16] = {
{3,4,11,12,19,20,26,27, 36,37,43,44,51,52,59,60},
{2,5,10,13,18,21,25,28, 35,38,42,45,50,53,58,61},
{1,6, 9,14,17,22,24,29, 34,39,41,46,49,54,57,62},
{0,7, 8,15,16,23,31,30, 33,32,40,47,48,55,56,63},
Model01::Model01(void) {
void Model01::enable_scanner_power(void) {
// PC7
//pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
//digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
// Turn on power to the LED net
DDRC |= _BV(7);
PORTC |= _BV(7);
// This lets the keyboard pull up to 1.6 amps from
// the host. That violates the USB spec. But it sure
// is pretty looking
void Model01::enable_high_power_leds(void) {
// PE6
// pinMode(7, OUTPUT);
// digitalWrite(7, LOW);
DDRE |= _BV(6);
PORTE &= ~_BV(6);
void Model01::setup(void) {
// Consider not doing this until 30s after keyboard
// boot up, to make it easier to rescue things
// in case of power draw issues.
leftHandState.all = 0;
rightHandState.all = 0;
TWBR=12; // This is 400mhz, which is the fastest we can drive the ATTiny
void Model01::led_set_crgb_at(uint8_t i, cRGB crgb) {
if(i<32) {
leftHand.ledData.leds[i] = crgb;
} else if (i<64) {
rightHand.ledData.leds[i-32] = crgb;
} else {
// TODO how do we want to handle debugging assertions about crazy user
// code that would overwrite other memory?
void Model01::led_set_crgb_at(byte row, byte col, cRGB color) {
led_set_crgb_at(key_led_map[row][col], color);
cRGB Model01::led_get_crgb_at(uint8_t i) {
if(i<32) {
return leftHand.ledData.leds[i];
} else if (i<64) {
return rightHand.ledData.leds[i-32] ;
} else {
return {0, 0, 0};
void Model01::led_sync() {
void debug_key_event(keydata_t state, keydata_t previousState, uint8_t keynum, uint8_t row, uint8_t col) {
if (bitRead(state.all, keynum) != bitRead(previousState.all, keynum )) {
Serial.print("Looking at row ");
Serial.print(", col ");
Serial.print(" key # ");
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print(bitRead(previousState.all, keynum));
Serial.print(" -> ");
Serial.print(bitRead(state.all, keynum ));
void Model01::read_matrix() {
//scan the Keyboard matrix looking for connections
previousLeftHandState = leftHandState;
previousRightHandState = rightHandState;
if (leftHand.readKeys()) {
leftHandState = leftHand.getKeyData();
if (rightHand.readKeys()) {
rightHandState = rightHand.getKeyData();
void Model01::act_on_matrix_scan() {
for (byte row = 0; row < 4; row++) {
for (byte col = 0; col < 8; col++) {
uint8_t keynum = (row*8)+(col);
uint8_t keyState = (bitRead(previousLeftHandState.all, keynum) << 0) |
(bitRead(leftHandState.all, keynum) << 1);
handle_key_event(Key_NoKey, row, 7-col, keyState);
keyState = (bitRead(previousRightHandState.all, keynum) << 0) |
(bitRead(rightHandState.all, keynum) << 1);
handle_key_event(Key_NoKey, row, (15- col), keyState);
void Model01::scan_matrix() {
@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include <Arduino.h>
#include "KeyboardioScanner.h"
#include "keymap_metadata.h"
#include "key_events.h"
class Model01 {
void led_sync(void);
void led_set_crgb_at(byte row, byte col, cRGB color);
void led_set_crgb_at(uint8_t i, cRGB crgb);
cRGB led_get_crgb_at(uint8_t i);
cRGB get_key_color(byte row, byte col);
void scan_matrix(void);
void read_matrix(void);
void act_on_matrix_scan(void);
void setup();
void enable_high_power_leds(void);
void enable_scanner_power(void);
keydata_t leftHandState;
keydata_t rightHandState;
keydata_t previousLeftHandState;
keydata_t previousRightHandState;
static KeyboardioScanner leftHand;
static KeyboardioScanner rightHand;
#define SCANBIT(row,col) ((uint32_t)1 << (row * 8 + (7 - col)))
#define R0C0 SCANBIT(0, 0)
#define R0C1 SCANBIT(0, 1)
#define R0C2 SCANBIT(0, 2)
#define R0C3 SCANBIT(0, 3)
#define R0C4 SCANBIT(0, 4)
#define R0C5 SCANBIT(0, 5)
#define R0C6 SCANBIT(0, 6)
#define R0C7 SCANBIT(0, 7)
#define R1C0 SCANBIT(1, 0)
#define R1C1 SCANBIT(1, 1)
#define R1C2 SCANBIT(1, 2)
#define R1C3 SCANBIT(1, 3)
#define R1C4 SCANBIT(1, 4)
#define R1C5 SCANBIT(1, 5)
#define R1C6 SCANBIT(1, 6)
#define R1C7 SCANBIT(1, 7)
#define R2C0 SCANBIT(2, 0)
#define R2C1 SCANBIT(2, 1)
#define R2C2 SCANBIT(2, 2)
#define R2C3 SCANBIT(2, 3)
#define R2C4 SCANBIT(2, 4)
#define R2C5 SCANBIT(2, 5)
#define R2C6 SCANBIT(2, 6)
#define R2C7 SCANBIT(2, 7)
#define R3C0 SCANBIT(3, 0)
#define R3C1 SCANBIT(3, 1)
#define R3C2 SCANBIT(3, 2)
#define R3C3 SCANBIT(3, 3)
#define R3C4 SCANBIT(3, 4)
#define R3C5 SCANBIT(3, 5)
#define R3C6 SCANBIT(3, 6)
#define R3C7 SCANBIT(3, 7)
#define R0C8 SCANBIT(0, 0)
#define R0C9 SCANBIT(0, 1)
#define R0C10 SCANBIT(0, 2)
#define R0C11 SCANBIT(0, 3)
#define R0C12 SCANBIT(0, 4)
#define R0C13 SCANBIT(0, 5)
#define R0C14 SCANBIT(0, 6)
#define R0C15 SCANBIT(0, 7)
#define R1C8 SCANBIT(1, 0)
#define R1C9 SCANBIT(1, 1)
#define R1C10 SCANBIT(1, 2)
#define R1C11 SCANBIT(1, 3)
#define R1C12 SCANBIT(1, 4)
#define R1C13 SCANBIT(1, 5)
#define R1C14 SCANBIT(1, 6)
#define R1C15 SCANBIT(1, 7)
#define R2C8 SCANBIT(2, 0)
#define R2C9 SCANBIT(2, 1)
#define R2C10 SCANBIT(2, 2)
#define R2C11 SCANBIT(2, 3)
#define R2C12 SCANBIT(2, 4)
#define R2C13 SCANBIT(2, 5)
#define R2C14 SCANBIT(2, 6)
#define R2C15 SCANBIT(2, 7)
#define R3C8 SCANBIT(3, 0)
#define R3C9 SCANBIT(3, 1)
#define R3C10 SCANBIT(3, 2)
#define R3C11 SCANBIT(3, 3)
#define R3C12 SCANBIT(3, 4)
#define R3C13 SCANBIT(3, 5)
#define R3C14 SCANBIT(3, 6)
#define R3C15 SCANBIT(3, 7)
#define LED_COUNT 64
#define LED_PGDN 0
#define LED_PGUP 1
#define LED_BACKTICK 2
#define LED_LED 3
#define LED_1 4
#define LED_Q 5
#define LED_A 6
#define LED_Z 7
#define LED_X 8
#define LED_S 9
#define LED_W 10
#define LED_2 11
#define LED_3 12
#define LED_E 13
#define LED_D 14
#define LED_C 15
#define LED_V 16
#define LED_F 17
#define LED_R 18
#define LED_4 19
#define LED_5 20
#define LED_T 21
#define LED_REC_MACRO 22
#define LED_B 23
#define LED_ESC 24
#define LED_TAB 25
#define LED_REC 26
#define LED_L_FN 27
#define LED_L_CTRL 28
#define LED_DEL 29
#define LED_CMD 30
#define LED_L_SHIFT 31
#define LED_R_SHIFT 32
#define LED_ALT 33
#define LED_SPACE 34
#define LED_CTRL 35
#define LED_R_FN 36
#define LED_ANY 37
#define LED_RETURN 38
#define LED_BUTTERFLY 39
#define LED_N 40
#define LED_H 41
#define LED_Y 42
#define LED_6 43
#define LED_7 44
#define LED_U 45
#define LED_J 46
#define LED_M 47
#define LED_COMMA 48
#define LED_K 49
#define LED_I 50
#define LED_8 51
#define LED_9 52
#define LED_O 53
#define LED_L 54
#define LED_PERIOD 55
#define LED_SLASH 56
#define LED_SEMICOLON 57
#define LED_P 58
#define LED_0 59
#define LED_NUM 60
#define LED_EQUALS 61
#define LED_MINUS 63
r0c0, r0c1, r0c2, r0c3, r0c4, r0c5, r0c6, \
r1c0, r1c1, r1c2, r1c3, r1c4, r1c5, r1c6, \
r2c0, r2c1, r2c2, r2c3, r2c4, r2c5, \
r3c0, r3c1, r3c2, r3c3, r3c4, r3c5, r2c6, \
r0c7, r1c7, r2c7, r3c7, \
r3c6, \
r0c9, r0c10, r0c11, r0c12, r0c13, r0c14, r0c15, \
r1c9, r1c10, r1c11, r1c12, r1c13, r1c14, r1c15, \
r2c10, r2c11, r2c12, r2c13, r2c14, r2c15, \
r2c9, r3c10, r3c11, r3c12, r3c13, r3c14, r3c15, \
r3c8, r2c8, r1c8, r0c8, \
r3c9) \
{ \
{r0c0, r0c1, r0c2, r0c3, r0c4, r0c5, r0c6, r0c7, r0c8, r0c9, r0c10, r0c11, r0c12, r0c13, r0c14, r0c15}, \
{r1c0, r1c1, r1c2, r1c3, r1c4, r1c5, r1c6, r1c7, r1c8, r1c9, r1c10, r1c11, r1c12, r1c13, r1c14, r1c15}, \
{r2c0, r2c1, r2c2, r2c3, r2c4, r2c5, r2c6, r2c7, r2c8, r2c9, r2c10, r2c11, r2c12, r2c13, r2c14, r2c15}, \
{r3c0, r3c1, r3c2, r3c3, r3c4, r3c5, r3c6, r3c7, r3c8, r3c9, r3c10, r3c11, r3c12, r3c13, r3c14, r3c15}, \
#define KEYMAP( \
r0c0, r0c1, r0c2, r0c3, r0c4, r0c5, r0c6, r0c9, r0c10, r0c11, r0c12, r0c13, r0c14, r0c15, \
r1c0, r1c1, r1c2, r1c3, r1c4, r1c5, r1c6, r1c9, r1c10, r1c11, r1c12, r1c13, r1c14, r1c15, \
r2c0, r2c1, r2c2, r2c3, r2c4, r2c5, r2c10, r2c11, r2c12, r2c13, r2c14, r2c15, \
r3c0, r3c1, r3c2, r3c3, r3c4, r3c5, r2c6, r2c9, r3c10, r3c11, r3c12, r3c13, r3c14, r3c15, \
r0c7, r1c7, r2c7, r3c7, r3c8, r2c8, r1c8, r0c8, \
r3c6, r3c9) \
{ \
{r0c0, r0c1, r0c2, r0c3, r0c4, r0c5, r0c6, r0c7, r0c8, r0c9, r0c10, r0c11, r0c12, r0c13, r0c14, r0c15}, \
{r1c0, r1c1, r1c2, r1c3, r1c4, r1c5, r1c6, r1c7, r1c8, r1c9, r1c10, r1c11, r1c12, r1c13, r1c14, r1c15}, \
{r2c0, r2c1, r2c2, r2c3, r2c4, r2c5, r2c6, r2c7, r2c8, r2c9, r2c10, r2c11, r2c12, r2c13, r2c14, r2c15}, \
{r3c0, r3c1, r3c2, r3c3, r3c4, r3c5, r3c6, r3c7, r3c8, r3c9, r3c10, r3c11, r3c12, r3c13, r3c14, r3c15}, \
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
#include "utils.h"
void reboot_bootloader() {
// Set the magic bits to get a Caterina-based device
// to reboot into the bootloader and stay there, rather
// than run move onward
// These values are the same as those defined in
// Caterina.c
uint16_t bootKey = 0x7777;
uint16_t *const bootKeyPtr = (uint16_t *)0x0800;
// Stash the magic key
*bootKeyPtr = bootKey;
// Set a watchdog timer
while (1) {} // This infinite loop ensures nothing else
// happens before the watchdog reboots us
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include <avr/wdt.h>
void reboot_bootloader();
Reference in new issue