@ -26,33 +26,41 @@
// Deprecation warning messages
"The `OneShot.time_out` variable is deprecated. Please use the\n" \
"`OneShot.setTimeout()` function instead."
"`OneShot.setTimeout()` function instead.\n" \
"This variable will be removed after 2021-08-01."
"The `OneShot.hold_time_out` variable is deprecated. Please use the\n" \
"`OneShot.setHoldTimeout()` function instead."
"`OneShot.setHoldTimeout()` function instead.\n" \
"This variable will be removed after 2021-08-01."
"The `OneShot.double_tap_time_out` variable is deprecated. Please use the\n" \
"`OneShot.setDoubleTapTimeout()` function instead."
"`OneShot.setDoubleTapTimeout()` function instead.\n" \
"This variable will be removed after 2021-08-01."
"The `OneShot.inject(key, key_state)` function has been deprecated."
"The `OneShot.inject(key, key_state)` function has been deprecated.\n" \
"This function will be removed after 2021-08-01."
"The `OneShot.isActive(key)` function is deprecated. Please use\n" \
"`OneShot.isActive(key_addr)` instead, if possible."
"`OneShot.isActive(key_addr)` instead, if possible.\n" \
"This function will be removed after 2021-08-01."
"The `OneShot.isSticky(key)` function is deprecated. Please use\n" \
"`OneShot.isSticky(key_addr)` instead, if possible."
"`OneShot.isSticky(key_addr)` instead, if possible.\n" \
"This function will be removed after 2021-08-01."
"The `OneShot.isPressed()` function is deprecated. This function now\n" \
"always returns false."
"always returns false.\n" \
"This function will be removed after 2021-08-01."
"The `OneShot.isModifierActive()` function is deprecated."
"The `OneShot.isModifierActive()` function is deprecated.\n" \
"This function will be removed after 2021-08-01."
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Keymap macros