Remove the fast digital io implementation

We no longer are doing fast digital IO directly from the main MCU.
Jesse Vincent 9 years ago
parent 828834ad7a
commit 2a98f525a9

@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
#if ARDUINO >= 100
#include <Arduino.h>
#include "WProgram.h"
#include <wiring.h>
#define BIT_READ(value, bit) (((value) >> (bit)) & 0x01)
#define BIT_SET(value, bit) ((value) |= (1UL << (bit)))
#define BIT_CLEAR(value, bit) ((value) &= ~(1UL << (bit)))
#define BIT_WRITE(value, bit, bitvalue) (bitvalue ? BIT_SET(value, bit) : BIT_CLEAR(value, bit))
#if !defined(digitalPinToPortReg)
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__)
// Arduino Mega Pins
#define digitalPinToPortReg(P) \
(((P) >= 22 && (P) <= 29) ? &PORTA : \
((((P) >= 10 && (P) <= 13) || ((P) >= 50 && (P) <= 53)) ? &PORTB : \
(((P) >= 30 && (P) <= 37) ? &PORTC : \
((((P) >= 18 && (P) <= 21) || (P) == 38 || ((P) >= 78 && (P) <= 80)) ? &PORTD : \
((((P) >= 0 && (P) <= 3) || (P) == 5 || ((P) >= 83 && (P) <= 85)) ? &PORTE : \
(((P) >= 54 && (P) <= 61) ? &PORTF : \
((((P) >= 39 && (P) <= 41) || (P) == 4 || (P) == 81 || (P) == 82) ? &PORTG : \
((((P) >= 6 && (P) <= 9) || (P) == 16 || (P) == 17 || (P) == 70 || (P) == 71) ? &PORTH : \
(((P) == 14 || (P) == 15 || ((P) >= 72 && (P) <= 77)) ? &PORTJ : \
(((P) >= 62 && (P) <= 69) ? &PORTK : &PORTL))))))))))
#define digitalPinToDDRReg(P) \
(((P) >= 22 && (P) <= 29) ? &DDRA : \
((((P) >= 10 && (P) <= 13) || ((P) >= 50 && (P) <= 53)) ? &DDRB : \
(((P) >= 30 && (P) <= 37) ? &DDRC : \
((((P) >= 18 && (P) <= 21) || (P) == 38 || ((P) >= 78 && (P) <= 80)) ? &DDRD : \
((((P) >= 0 && (P) <= 3) || (P) == 5 || ((P) >= 83 && (P) <= 85)) ? &DDRE : \
(((P) >= 54 && (P) <= 61) ? &DDRF : \
((((P) >= 39 && (P) <= 41) || (P) == 4 || (P) == 81 || (P) == 82) ? &DDRG : \
((((P) >= 6 && (P) <= 9) || (P) == 16 || (P) == 17 || (P) == 70 || (P) == 71) ? &DDRH : \
(((P) == 14 || (P) == 15 || ((P) >= 72 && (P) <= 77)) ? &DDRJ : \
(((P) >= 62 && (P) <= 69) ? &DDRK : &DDRL))))))))))
#define digitalPinToPINReg(P) \
(((P) >= 22 && (P) <= 29) ? &PINA : \
((((P) >= 10 && (P) <= 13) || ((P) >= 50 && (P) <= 53)) ? &PINB : \
(((P) >= 30 && (P) <= 37) ? &PINC : \
((((P) >= 18 && (P) <= 21) || (P) == 38 || ((P) >= 78 && (P) <= 80)) ? &PIND : \
((((P) >= 0 && (P) <= 3) || (P) == 5 || ((P) >= 83 && (P) <= 85)) ? &PINE : \
(((P) >= 54 && (P) <= 61) ? &PINF : \
((((P) >= 39 && (P) <= 41) || (P) == 4 || (P) == 81 || (P) == 82) ? &PING : \
((((P) >= 6 && (P) <= 9) || (P) == 16 || (P) == 17 || (P) == 70 || (P) == 71) ? &PINH : \
(((P) == 14 || (P) == 15 || ((P) >= 72 && (P) <= 77)) ? &PINJ : \
(((P) >= 62 && (P) <= 69) ? &PINK : &PINL))))))))))
#define __digitalPinToBit(P) \
(((P) >= 7 && (P) <= 9) ? (P) - 3 : \
(((P) >= 10 && (P) <= 13) ? (P) - 6 : \
(((P) >= 22 && (P) <= 29) ? (P) - 22 : \
(((P) >= 30 && (P) <= 37) ? 37 - (P) : \
(((P) >= 39 && (P) <= 41) ? 41 - (P) : \
(((P) >= 42 && (P) <= 49) ? 49 - (P) : \
(((P) >= 50 && (P) <= 53) ? 53 - (P) : \
(((P) >= 54 && (P) <= 61) ? (P) - 54 : \
(((P) >= 62 && (P) <= 69) ? (P) - 62 : \
(((P) == 70) ? 2 : \
(((P) == 71) ? 7 : \
(((P) >= 72 && (P) <= 77) ? (P) - 70 : \
(((P) >= 78 && (P) <= 80) ? (P) - 74 : \
(((P) == 81) ? 4 : \
(((P) == 82) ? 3 : \
(((P) == 83) ? 7 : \
(((P) == 84) ? 6 : \
(((P) == 85) ? 2 : \
(((P) == 0 || (P) == 15 || (P) == 17 || (P) == 21) ? 0 : \
(((P) == 1 || (P) == 14 || (P) == 16 || (P) == 20) ? 1 : \
(((P) == 19) ? 2 : \
(((P) == 5 || (P) == 6 || (P) == 18) ? 3 : \
(((P) == 2) ? 4 : \
(((P) == 3 || (P) == 4) ? 5 : 7))))))))))))))))))))))))
// 15 PWM
#define __digitalPinToTimer(P) \
(((P) == 13 || (P) == 4) ? &TCCR0A : \
(((P) == 11 || (P) == 12) ? &TCCR1A : \
(((P) == 10 || (P) == 9) ? &TCCR2A : \
(((P) == 5 || (P) == 2 || (P) == 3) ? &TCCR3A : \
(((P) == 6 || (P) == 7 || (P) == 8) ? &TCCR4A : \
(((P) == 46 || (P) == 45 || (P) == 44) ? &TCCR5A : 0))))))
#define __digitalPinToTimerBit(P) \
(((P) == 13) ? COM0A1 : (((P) == 4) ? COM0B1 : \
(((P) == 11) ? COM1A1 : (((P) == 12) ? COM1B1 : \
(((P) == 10) ? COM2A1 : (((P) == 9) ? COM2B1 : \
(((P) == 5) ? COM3A1 : (((P) == 2) ? COM3B1 : (((P) == 3) ? COM3C1 : \
(((P) == 6) ? COM4A1 : (((P) == 7) ? COM4B1 : (((P) == 8) ? COM4C1 : \
(((P) == 46) ? COM5A1 : (((P) == 45) ? COM5B1 : COM5C1))))))))))))))
// Standard Arduino Pins
#define digitalPinToPortReg(P) \
(((P) >= 0 && (P) <= 7) ? &PORTD : (((P) >= 8 && (P) <= 13) ? &PORTB : &PORTC))
#define digitalPinToDDRReg(P) \
(((P) >= 0 && (P) <= 7) ? &DDRD : (((P) >= 8 && (P) <= 13) ? &DDRB : &DDRC))
#define digitalPinToPINReg(P) \
(((P) >= 0 && (P) <= 7) ? &PIND : (((P) >= 8 && (P) <= 13) ? &PINB : &PINC))
#define __digitalPinToBit(P) \
(((P) >= 0 && (P) <= 7) ? (P) : (((P) >= 8 && (P) <= 13) ? (P) - 8 : (P) - 14))
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega8__)
// 3 PWM
#define __digitalPinToTimer(P) \
(((P) == 9 || (P) == 10) ? &TCCR1A : (((P) == 11) ? &TCCR2 : 0))
#define __digitalPinToTimerBit(P) \
(((P) == 9) ? COM1A1 : (((P) == 10) ? COM1B1 : COM21))
#else //168,328
// 6 PWM
#define __digitalPinToTimer(P) \
(((P) == 6 || (P) == 5) ? &TCCR0A : \
(((P) == 9 || (P) == 10) ? &TCCR1A : \
(((P) == 11 || (P) == 3) ? &TCCR2A : 0)))
#define __digitalPinToTimerBit(P) \
(((P) == 6) ? COM0A1 : (((P) == 5) ? COM0B1 : \
(((P) == 9) ? COM1A1 : (((P) == 10) ? COM1B1 : \
(((P) == 11) ? COM2A1 : COM2B1)))))
#endif //defined(__AVR_ATmega8__)
#endif //mega
#endif //#if !defined(digitalPinToPortReg)
#define __atomicWrite__(A,P,V) \
if ( (int)(A) < 0x40) { bitWrite(*(A), __digitalPinToBit(P), (V) );} \
else { \
uint8_t register saveSreg = SREG; \
cli(); \
bitWrite(*(A), __digitalPinToBit(P), (V) ); \
SREG=saveSreg; \
#ifndef digitalWriteFast
#define digitalWriteFast(P, V) \
do { \
if (__builtin_constant_p(P) && __builtin_constant_p(V)) __atomicWrite__((uint8_t*) digitalPinToPortReg(P),P,V) \
else digitalWrite((P), (V)); \
}while (0)
#endif //#ifndef digitalWriteFast2
#if !defined(pinModeFast)
#define pinModeFast(P, V) \
do {if (__builtin_constant_p(P) && __builtin_constant_p(V)) __atomicWrite__((uint8_t*) digitalPinToDDRReg(P),P,V) \
else pinMode((P), (V)); \
} while (0)
#ifndef noAnalogWrite
#define noAnalogWrite(P) \
do {if (__builtin_constant_p(P) ) __atomicWrite((uint8_t*) __digitalPinToTimer(P),P,0) \
else turnOffPWM((P)); \
} while (0)
#ifndef digitalReadFast
#define digitalReadFast(P) ( (int) _digitalReadFast_((P)) )
#define _digitalReadFast_(P ) \
(__builtin_constant_p(P) ) ? ( \
( BIT_READ(*digitalPinToPINReg(P), __digitalPinToBit(P))) ) : \