@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ void setup();
# include "layers.h"
# include "macro_map.h"
# include "kaleidoscope_internal/event_dispatch.h"
# include "kaleidoscope_internal/deprecations.h"
# include "macro_helpers.h"
# include "plugin.h"
@ -109,82 +108,6 @@ class Kaleidoscope_ {
return millis_at_cycle_start_ ;
// ---- Kaleidoscope.use() ----
// First, we have the zero-argument version, which will satisfy the tail case.
inline void use ( ) {
// Then, the one-argument version, that gives us type safety for a single
// plugin.
inline void DEPRECATED ( USE ) use ( kaleidoscope : : Plugin * p ) {
p - > begin ( ) ;
// We have a no-op with a int argument, as a temporary hack until we remove
// the last instance of a NULL-terminated Kaleidoscope.use() call.
inline void use ( int ) {
// And the magic is in the last one, a template. The first parameter is
// matched out by the compiler, and passed to one of the functions above. The
// rest of the parameter pack (which may be an empty set in a recursive case),
// are passed back to either ourselves, or the zero-argument version a few
// lines above.
template < typename . . . Plugins >
void DEPRECATED ( USE ) use ( kaleidoscope : : Plugin * first , Plugins & & . . . plugins ) {
# pragma GCC diagnostic push
# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
use ( first ) ;
use ( plugins . . . ) ;
# pragma GCC diagnostic pop
# else
// NOTE: Do **NOT** remove this when sunsetting the V1 API!
template < typename Plugin__ >
inline void use ( Plugin__ first , . . . ) {
static_assert ( sizeof ( Plugin__ ) < 0 , _DEPRECATE ( _DEPRECATED_MESSAGE_USE ) ) ;
# endif
// ---- hooks ----
* In most cases , one only wants a single copy of a hook . On the other hand ,
* plugins that depend on other plugins , may want to make it easier for the
* end - user to use the plugin , and call the setup function of the dependent
* plugins too . In case the end - user calls the same setup function , we ' d end up
* with hooks registered multiple times .
* To avoid this , protection against double - registration has been introduced .
* The ` event_handler_hook_use ` and ` loop_hook_use ` functions will only allow
* one copy of the hook . The ` event_handler_hook_append ` and ` loop_hook_append `
* functions will , on the other hand , just append the hooks , and not care about
* protection .
typedef Key ( * eventHandlerHook ) ( Key mappedKey , byte row , byte col , uint8_t keyState ) ;
typedef void ( * loopHook ) ( bool postClear ) ;
static eventHandlerHook eventHandlers [ HOOK_MAX ] ;
static loopHook loopHooks [ HOOK_MAX ] ;
static void replaceEventHandlerHook ( eventHandlerHook oldHook , eventHandlerHook newHook )
static void appendEventHandlerHook ( eventHandlerHook hook )
static void useEventHandlerHook ( eventHandlerHook hook )
static void replaceLoopHook ( loopHook oldHook , loopHook newHook )
static void appendLoopHook ( loopHook hook )
static void useLoopHook ( loopHook hook )
# endif
static bool focusHook ( const char * command ) ;
private :