Added job control detection to title setting functions.

Sorin Ionescu 14 years ago
parent 3fa9dff013
commit cee7ff7e40

@ -5,51 +5,85 @@ fi
# Set the GNU Screen window number. # Set the GNU Screen window number.
if [[ -n "$WINDOW" ]]; then if [[ -n "$WINDOW" ]]; then
else else
SCREEN_NO="" export SCREEN_NO=""
fi fi
# Fully supports GNU Screen, iTerm, and most modern xterm and rxvt terminals. # Sets the GNU Screen title.
# Partially supports Mac OS X Terminal since it can't set window and tab separately. function set-screen-title() {
# Usage: title "tab title" "window title"
function terminal-title {
if ! check-bool "$DISABLE_AUTO_TITLE"; then
if [[ "$TERM" == screen* ]]; then if [[ "$TERM" == screen* ]]; then
# Set GNU Screen's hardstatus (usually truncated at 20 characters). printf "\ek%s\e\\" ${(V)argv}
printf "\ek%s\e\\" ${(V)1} fi
elif [[ "$TERM" == xterm* ]] || [[ "$TERM" == rxvt* ]]; then }
# Set the window title.
printf "\e]2;%s\a" ${(V)2} # Sets the terminal window title.
# Set the tab title (will override window title on a broken terminal). function set-window-title() {
printf "\e]1;%s\a" ${(V)1} if [[ "$TERM" == ((x|a|ml|dt|E)term*|(u|)rxvt*) ]]; then
printf "\e]2;%s\a" ${(V)argv}
# Sets the terminal tab title.
function set-tab-title() {
if [[ "$TERM" == ((x|a|ml|dt|E)term*|(u|)rxvt*) ]]; then
printf "\e]1;%s\a" ${(V)argv}
function set-title-by-command() {
emulate -L zsh
setopt localoptions extended_glob
# Get the command name that is under job control.
if [[ "${1[(w)1]}" == (fg|%*)(\;|) ]]; then
# Get the job name, and, if missing, set it to the default %+.
local job_name="${${1[(wr)%*(\;|)]}:-%+}"
# Make a local copy for use in the subshell.
local -A jobtexts_from_parent_shell
jobs $job_name 2>/dev/null > >(
read index discarded
# The index is already surrounded by brackets: [1].
set-title-by-command "${(e):-\$jobtexts_from_parent_shell$index}"
# Set the command name, or in the case of sudo or ssh, the next command.
local cmd=${1[(wr)^(*=*|sudo|ssh|-*)]}
# Right-truncate the command name to 15 characters.
if (( $#cmd > 15 )); then
fi fi
for kind in window tab screen; do
set-${kind}-title "$cmd"
fi fi
} }
# Don't override precmd/preexec, append to hook array. # Don't override precmd/preexec; append to hook array.
autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook
# Set the tab and window titles before the prompt is displayed. # Sets the tab and window titles before the prompt is displayed.
function terminal-title-precmd { function set-title-precmd {
# 15 character, left-truncated current working directory. if ! check-bool "$DISABLE_AUTO_TITLE"; then
local terminal_tab_title="${(%):-%15<...<%~%<<}" set-window-title "${(%):-%~}"
local terminal_window_title="${(%):-%n@%m: %~}" for kind in tab screen; do
terminal-title "$terminal_tab_title" "$terminal_window_title" # Left-truncate the current working directory to 15 characters.
set-${kind}-title "${(%):-%15<...<%~%<<}"
} }
add-zsh-hook precmd terminal-title-precmd add-zsh-hook precmd set-title-precmd
# Set the tab and window titles before command execution. # Sets the tab and window titles before command execution.
function terminal-title-preexec { function set-title-preexec {
emulate -L zsh if ! check-bool "$DISABLE_AUTO_TITLE"; then
setopt extended_glob set-title-by-command "$2"
# Command name only, or if this is sudo or ssh, the next command. fi
local CMD=${1[(wr)^(*=*|sudo|ssh|-*)]}
local trimmed="${2[1,100]}"
if [[ "$2" != "$trimmed" ]]; then
terminal-title "$CMD" "$trimmed"
} }
add-zsh-hook preexec terminal-title-preexec add-zsh-hook preexec set-title-preexec
