@ -116,20 +116,21 @@ function editor-info {
zle -N editor-info
# Reset the prompt based on the current context and
# the ps-context option.
# Reset the prompt based on the current context and whether the prompt utilizes
# the editor:info zstyle. If the prompt does utilize the editor:info, we must
# reset the prompt, otherwise the change in the prompt will never update. If the
# prompt does not utilize the editor:info, we simply redisplay the command line.
function zle-reset-prompt {
if zstyle -t ':prezto:module:editor' ps-context; then
# Explicitly check to see if there is an editor info keymap set that would
# require a reset of the prompt
if zstyle -L ':prezto:module:editor:info*' | grep -v 'completing' > /dev/null 2>&1; then
# If we aren't within one of the specified contexts, then we want to reset
# the prompt with the appropriate editor_info[keymap] if there is one.
if [[ $CONTEXT != (select|cont) ]]; then
zle reset-prompt
zle -R
zle reset-prompt
zle -R
zle -R
zle -N zle-reset-prompt