fzf-git.sh ========== bash and zsh key bindings for Git objects, powered by [fzf][fzf]. Each binding will allow you to browse through Git objects of a certain type, and select the objects you want to paste to your command-line. [fzf]: https://github.com/junegunn/fzf Installation ------------ 1. Install the latest version of [fzf][fzf] * (Optional) Install [bat](https://github.com/sharkdp/bat) for syntax-highlighted file previews 1. Source [fzf-git.sh](fzf-git.sh) file from your .bashrc or .zshrc Usage ----- * List of bindings * CTRL-GCTRL-F for **F**iles * CTRL-GCTRL-B for **B**ranches * CTRL-GCTRL-T for **T**ags * CTRL-GCTRL-R for **R**emotes * CTRL-GCTRL-H for commit **H**ashes * CTRL-GCTRL-S for **S**tashes * Inside fzf * TAB or SHIFT-TAB to select multiple objects * CTRL-/ to change preview window layout * CTRL-O to open the object in the web browser (in GitHub URL scheme) Customization ------------- ```sh # Redefine this function to change the options _fzf_git_fzf() { fzf-tmux -p80%,60% -- \ --layout=reverse --multi --height=50% --min-height=20 --border \ --preview-window='right,50%,border-left' \ --bind='ctrl-/:change-preview-window(down,50%,border-top|hidden|)' "$@" } ```