You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

149 lines
6.2 KiB

;; Per-directory LSP usage:
;; .envrc:
;; use vim
;; $ rake init:local-nvim[DIR]
(local lspconfig (require :lspconfig))
(local {:api {:nvim_create_autocmd nvim-create-autocmd} : iter : lsp} vim)
; (lsp.set_log_level :debug)
;; rounded borders
(let [{: hover} lsp.handlers]
(tset lsp.handlers :textDocument/hover (lsp.with hover {:border :rounded}))
(tset lsp.handlers :textDocument/signatureHelp
(lsp.with hover {:border :rounded})))
;; set up key mappings
(let [{: keymap} vim
opts {:noremap true :silent true}
callback (fn []
(keymap.set :n :<leader>e vim.diagnostic.open_float opts)
(keymap.set :n :<leader>q vim.diagnostic.setloclist opts)
;; for back-compat - remove once muscle memory has been remapped gd to CTRL+]
(keymap.set :n :gd lsp.buf.definition opts)
;; switch out formatting a single line for formatting the whole file instead
(keymap.set :n :gqq #(lsp.buf.format {:async true}) opts))]
(nvim-create-autocmd :LspAttach {: callback}))
;;; basic lsps
(lspconfig.ansiblels.setup {})
(lspconfig.fennel_ls.setup {:settings {:fennel-ls {:extra-globals "hs spoon vim"}}})
(lspconfig.terraformls.setup {})
(lspconfig.ts_ls.setup {})
(let [{: setup} lspconfig.yamlls
schemas {"" :/.github/workflows/*}]
(setup {:settings {:yaml {: schemas}}}))
;;; python
;; only enable pyright/ruff if they're there
(lspconfig.pyright.setup {:autostart false})
(lspconfig.ruff.setup {:autostart false})
(nvim-create-autocmd :FileType
{:pattern :python
:callback #(each [_ lsp (ipairs [:pyright :ruff])]
(if (= (vim.fn.executable lsp) 1)
(vim.cmd :LspStart lsp)))})
;;; efm-langserver
(let [fmt #{:formatCommand $1 :formatStdin true}
lint #{:lintCommand $1 :lintFormats $2 :lintStdin true}
fennel [(fmt "fnlfmt /dev/stdin")
(lint (let [x (iter [:fennel
"--globals vim,hs,spoon"
"$(realpath --relative-to . ${INPUT})"
(x:join " ")) ["%f:%l: %m"])]
js [{:formatCommand (let [x (iter ["prettier --stdin --stdin-filepath ${INPUT}"
"${--range-start:charStart} ${--range-end:charEnd}"
"${--tab-width:tabWidth} ${--use-tabs:!insertSpaces}"])]
(x:join " "))
:formatStdin true
:formatCanRange true
:rootMarkers [:.prettierrc.json]}]
yaml [(fmt "yamlfmt -in")]]
(lspconfig.efm.setup {:init_options {:documentFormatting true
:hover true
:documentSymbol true
:codeAction true
:completion true}
:settings {:languages {: fennel
: js
:typescript js
:typescriptreact js
: yaml}
;; since otherwise eslint goes haywire
:lintDebounce 1000000000}
:filetypes [:fennel :typescriptreact :yaml]}))
; (fn on-attach-do [...]
; (let [fns [...]] ;
; (fn [client bufnr]
; (on-attach client bufnr)
; (each [_ f (ipairs fns)]
; (f client bufnr)))))
; (fn attach-navic [client bufnr]
; ((. (require :nvim-navic) :attach) client bufnr))
; (fn enable-fmt [client bufnr]
; (let [bufopts {:noremap true :silent true :buffer bufnr}]
; (vim.keymap.set :n :<leader>lf #(lsp.buf.format {:async true}) bufopts)))
; (fn disable-rename [client]
; (set client.server_capabilities.rename false))
; (fn setup-lsp [lsp config]
; (let [{: setup} (. lspconfig lsp)]
; (setup (or config {:on_attach on-attach}))))
; (local eslint
; {:lintCommand "eslint -f visualstudio --stdin --stdin-filename ${INPUT}"
; :lintIgnoreExitCode true
; :lintStdin true
; :lintFormats ["%f(%l,%c): %tarning %m" "%f(%l,%c): %rror %m"]})
; (local eslintd-fmt
; (fmt "eslint_d --stdin --fix-to-stdout --stdin-filename=${INPUT}"))
; (setup-lsp :ruby_lsp)
; (setup-lsp :rust_analyzer
; {:on_attach on-attach
; :cmd [:rustup :run :stable :rust-analyzer]
; :settings {:rust-analyzer {:checkOnSave {:command :clippy}}}})
; (setup-lsp :ts_ls {:on_attach (on-attach-do attach-navic)})
; (setup-lsp :vuels {:on_attach (on-attach-do attach-navic)})
; (local request-diagnostics
; (fn [client buffer]
; (let [{: util : diagnostic} lsp
; params (util.make_text_document_params buffer)
; publish-diagnostics #(diagnostic.on_publish_diagnostics nil
; (vim.tbl_extend :keep
; params
; {:diagnostics $1.items})
; {:client_id})
; update-diagnostics #(when (not $1)
; (publish-diagnostics $2))
; callback #(client.request :textDocument/diagnostic
; {:textDocument params}
; update-diagnostics)]
; (vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd [:BufEnter :BufWritePre :CursorHold]
; {: buffer : callback}))))
; (fn setup-ruby-ls []
; (let []
; (setup-lsp :ruby_ls {:on_attach (on-attach-do request-diagnostics)})))
; {: setup-lsp}