You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

52 lines
1.3 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# <swiftbar.hideAbout>true</swiftbar.hideAbout>
# <swiftbar.hideRunInTerminal>true</swiftbar.hideRunInTerminal>
# <swiftbar.hideLastUpdated>true</swiftbar.hideLastUpdated>
# <swiftbar.hideDisablePlugin>true</swiftbar.hideDisablePlugin>
# <swiftbar.refreshOnOpen>true</swiftbar.refreshOnOpen>
require "json"
switch_audio_source = "/opt/homebrew/bin/SwitchAudioSource"
unless ARGV.empty?
type, id = ARGV
`#{switch_audio_source} -t #{type} -i #{id}`
audio_sources = `#{switch_audio_source} -a -f json`
.lines(chomp: true)
.map {|x| JSON.parse(x) }
.group_by {|x| x.fetch("type") }
input = JSON.parse(`#{switch_audio_source} -c -f json -t input`)
output = JSON.parse(`#{switch_audio_source} -c -f json -t output`)
puts ":waveform: | symbolize=true"
puts "---"
audio_sources.each do |type,sources|
sources.each do |source|
name = source.fetch("name")
id = source.fetch("id")
sf_type = case type
when "input" then ":mic.fill:"
when "output" then ":speaker.wave.2.fill:"
else fail "Unexpected type: #{type}"
params = {
symbolize: true,
checked: [input, output].include?(source),
bash: __FILE__,
terminal: false,
param0: type,
param1: id,
puts "#{sf_type} #{name} | #{ {|k,v| "#{k}=#{v}"}.join(" ")}"