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- name: install ZSH
homebrew: name=zsh state=present
- name: symlink ~/.zprezto
src: "{{ ansible_env.HOME }}/.dotfiles/src/prezto"
dest: "{{ ansible_env.HOME}}/.zprezto"
state: link
- name: get Prezto runcoms from dotfiles
shell: ls ~/.zprezto/runcoms | grep -v
register: prezto_runcoms
- name: symlink Prezto runcoms
src: "{{ ansible_env.HOME }}/.zprezto/runcoms/{{ item }}"
dest: "{{ ansible_env.HOME}}/.{{ item }}"
state: link
with_items: "{{ prezto_runcoms.stdout_lines }}"
- name: add /usr/local/bin/zsh to /etc/shells
lineinfile: dest=/etc/shells line=/usr/local/bin/zsh state=present
become: yes
- name: set the default user shell to zsh
user: name={{ ansible_env.USER }} shell=/usr/local/bin/zsh
become: yes