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106 lines
4.1 KiB

(local log ( :log :info))
(set hs.logger.defaultLogLevel :info)
(local mash [:cmd :alt :ctrl])
(local smash [:cmd :alt :ctrl :shift])
(set hs.window.animationDuration 0.0)
(hs.loadSpoon :MiroWindowsManager)
;; (set spoon.MiroWindowsManager.fullScreenSizes [1 (/ 4 3) 2]) ; only fullscreen
;; fnlfmt: skip
(spoon.MiroWindowsManager:bindHotkeys {:up [mash :k]
:left [mash :h]
:down [mash :j]
:right [mash :l]
:fullscreen [mash :m]
;; :center [mash "c"]
;; :move [smash "m"]
;; :resize [mash "d"]
;; debugging
;; (hs.hotkey.bind mash "d" (fn []))
;; (hs.hotkey.bind mash "d" (fn [] (hs.dialog.blockAlert "message" "text" "one" "two")))
;; (hs.hotkey.bind mash "d" (fn [] (hs.dialog.alert 100 100 (fn [] ) "message" "text" "one" "two")))
;; defeat paste blocking
(hs.hotkey.bind [:cmd :alt] :v
#(hs.eventtap.keyStrokes (hs.pasteboard.getContents)))
(hs.hotkey.bind mash :e
#(let [app (hs.application.frontmostApplication)
prev-pasteboard (hs.pasteboard.getContents)
e (hs.uielement.focusedElement)
text (if e (e:selectedText)
(hs.eventtap.keyStroke [:cmd] :c)
date (hs.execute "date -Iseconds -u | tr -d '\n'")
file (.. "~/.quickcursor." date)]
(hs.pasteboard.setContents text)
(hs.execute (.. "pbpaste > " file))
(hs.execute (.. "/opt/homebrew/bin/mvim --nofork " file))
(hs.execute (.. "pbcopy < " file))
(hs.eventtap.keyStroke [:cmd] :v)
(hs.execute (.. "rm " file))
(hs.pasteboard.setContents prev-pasteboard)))
;; osascript -e 'id of app "SomeApp"'
;; mdls -name kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier -r
;; fnlfmt: skip
(local bundle-ids {:firefox :org.mozilla.firefoxdeveloperedition
:zoom :us.zoom.xos})
(fn handle [url orig-url]
(let [open-with (fn [app]
(partial #(hs.urlevent.openURLWithBundle $2 $1)
(. bundle-ids app)))
open-url #((open-with $1) url)]
(if (url:find "^https://.*[.]") (open-url :zoom)
(url:find "^https://.*[.]") (open-url :safari)
(url:find "^") (open-url :safari)
(url:find "^https://.*[.]") (open-url :safari)
(string.find orig-url "^")
((open-with :firefox) (.. "" orig-url))
(string.find url "^")
((open-with :firefox) (url:gsub 1))
(open-url :firefox))))
(set hs.urlevent.httpCallback
(fn [scheme host params url]
(let [run #(: (io.popen (.. $1 " \"" $2 "\"")) :read :*a)
de-utm (partial run "~/.dotfiles/bin/de-utm")
redirect (partial run "curl -Ls -o /dev/null -w %{url_effective}")
orig-url (de-utm url)
redirected (de-utm (redirect orig-url))]
(handle redirected orig-url))))
;;; Spoons
(: (hs.loadSpoon :ReloadConfiguration) :start)
(hs.loadSpoon :Quitter)
;; fnlfmt: skip
(set spoon.Quitter.quitAppsAfter
{:Calendar 30
:Discord 300
:MailMate 600
:Messages 300
:Reeder 600
:Slack 300
:Telegram 300
:Twitterrific 300})
(: ( {:title :Hammerspoon
:informativeText "Config loaded"
:withdrawAfter 2}) :send)