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;; Open session and attach input in one step.
;; Note the complexity here is mostly due to nvim not having an api to create a
;; split window, so we must shuffle some code to create a buf, pair input and output
;; then put that buf inside a window.
; (local reflect-session {:id nil :mode :compile})
; (fn new-or-attach-reflect []
; (let [{: api} vim
; reflect (require :hotpot.api.reflect)
; with-session-id (if
; (fn [f]
; ;; session id already exists, so we can just pass
; ;; it to whatever needs it
; (f
; (fn [f]
; ;; session id does not exist, so we need to create
; ;; an output buffer first then we can pass the
; ;; session id on, and finally hook up the output
; ;; buffer to a window
; (let [buf (api.nvim_create_buf true true)
; id (reflect.attach-output buf)]
; (set id)
; (f id)
; ;; create window, which will forcibly assume focus, swap the buffer
; ;; to our output buffer and setup an autocommand to drop the session id
; ;; when the session window is closed.
; (vim.schedule #(do
; (api.nvim_command "botright vnew")
; (api.nvim_win_set_buf (api.nvim_get_current_win) buf)
; (api.nvim_create_autocmd :BufWipeout
; {:buffer buf
; :once true
; :callback #(set nil)}))))))]
; ;; we want to set the session mode to our current mode, and attach the
; ;; input buffer once we have a session id
; (with-session-id (fn [session-id]
; ;; we manually set the mode each time so it is persisted if we close the session.
; ;; By default `reflect` will use compile mode.
; (reflect.set-mode session-id reflect-session.mode)
; (reflect.attach-input session-id 0)))))
; (vim.keymap.set :v :hr new-or-attach-reflect)
; (fn swap-reflect-mode []
; (let [reflect (require :hotpot.api.reflect)]
; ;; only makes sense to do this when we have a session active
; (when
; ;; swap held mode
; (if (= reflect-session.mode :compile)
; (set reflect-session.mode :eval)
; (set reflect-session.mode :compile))
; ;; tell session to use new mode
; (reflect.set-mode reflect-session.mode))))
; (vim.keymap.set :n :hx swap-reflect-mode)
(fn pecho [ok? ...]
"nvim_echo vargs, as DiagnosticHint or DiagnosticError depending on ok?"
(let [{: nvim_echo} vim.api
{: view} (require :hotpot.fennel)
hl (if ok? :DiagnosticHint :DiagnosticError)
list [...]
output (fcollect [i 1 (select "#" ...)]
(-> (. list i)
(#(match (type $1)
:table (view $1)
_ (tostring $1)))
(.. "\n")))]
(nvim_echo (icollect [_ l (ipairs output)]
[l hl]) true {})))
; (vim.keymap.set :n :heb #(let [{: eval-buffer} (require :hotpot.api.eval)]
; (pecho (eval-buffer 0)))
; {:desc "Evaluate entire buffer"})
; (vim.keymap.set :v :hes #(let [{: eval-selection} (require :hotpot.api.eval)]
; (pecho (eval-selection)))
; {:desc "Evaluate selection"})
; (vim.keymap.set :n :hcb #(let [{: compile-buffer} (require :hotpot.api.compile)]
; (pecho (compile-buffer 0)))
; {:desc "Compile entire buffer"})
; (vim.keymap.set :v :hcs #(let [{: compile-selection} (require :hotpot.api.compile)]
; (pecho (compile-selection)))
; {:desc "Compile selection"})