A new beginning for what used to be my [conf_dir](https://github.com/kejadlen/conf_dir) project, since `dotfiles` appears to be the conventional name of these types of repos nowadays. This uses [Ansible](https://github.com/ansible/ansible) to provision new machines and [stow](http://www.gnu.org/software/stow/) for managing conf files that can be symlinked. # Requirements - [Ansible](https://github.com/ansible/ansible) # Usage On a fresh install, the bootstrap script installs Homebrew and Ansible, clones the dotfiles repo into `~/Dropbox/dotfiles`, and creates a symlink to that repo in `~/.dotfiles`. ``` shell curl https://raw.github.com/kejadlen/dotfiles/master/bootstrap.sh | sh ``` ``` shell ansible-playbook personal.yml ansible-playbook config.yml ```