" General Settings set update.lastchecktime 1670274234332 set configversion 2.0 set editorcmd /opt/homebrew/bin/neovide " searxng set searchengine searxng set searchurls.searxng https://search.kejadlen.dev/search?q=%s " vimperator hint mode set hintfiltermode vimperator-reflow set hintchars 1234567890 " open in safari command safari composite get_current_url | shellescape | !s open -a Safari | tabclose " only hint search results on DDG bindurl ^https://duckduckgo.com f hint -Jc [data-testid="result-title-a"] bindurl ^https://duckduckgo.com F hint -Jbc [data-testid="result-title-a"] bindurl ^https://www.instapaper.com/hello2 f hint -Jc button[type="submit"] " make d take you to the left (I find it much less confusing) " bind d composite tabprev; tabclose # " bind D tabclose " binds bind j scrollline 3 bind k scrollline -3 bind tabnext bind tabprev " ignore modes autocmd DocStart nytimes.com/crosswords mode ignore " new reddit is bad autocmd DocStart ^http(s?)://www.reddit.com js tri.excmds.urlmodify("-t", "www", "old") " isolate Facebook in its own container set auconcreatecontainer true autocontain facebook\.com facebook autocontain google\.com google autocontain notion\.so work " github " https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/using-github/keyboard-shortcuts unbindurl ^https://github.com/ s " focus the search bar " unbindurl ^https://github.com/ t " activate the file finder " youtube unbindurl ^https://youtube.com/ j " back 10s unbindurl ^https://youtube.com/ l " forward 10s unbindurl ^https://docs.rs/ s " focus the search bar " vim: set filetype=tridactyl