# Search Emoji codes and symbols using Alfred 2 This simple workflow lets you search emoji codes and their symbols. ## Copy the emoji code to use on Campfire, GitHub, etc. Usage: `emoji [query]` After you hit `enter` the code of the selected emoji will be copied to your clipboard. ## Copy the actual emoji symbol to use on any OS X app. Usage: `symoji [query]` After you hit `enter` the symbol of the selected emoji will be copied to your clipboard. ### Last but not least: * __The `query` argument is optional for both commands. If you don't specify a `query`, the whole list of emoji will be presented.__ * __You can also search an emoji using related words. Check the full list [here][related words link]. And also contribute with new words.__ [DOWNLOAD](http://bit.ly/10Azqx2) ![](http://f.cl.ly/items/3B18383s2O0B2Z0b2g11/Screen%20Shot%202013-12-06%20at%201.06.25%20AM.png) [related words link]: https://github.com/carlosgaldino/alfred-emoji-workflow/blob/master/related_words.rb