bundleid connections 26B5B08A-1E0F-4FB0-A007-7928687920DC destinationuid 2AA34180-C278-45A0-9342-DADD7FC78AFB modifiers 0 modifiersubtext 41AB37FB-6209-484C-AF15-6A5A996DD257 destinationuid A8A48A97-E018-4EFE-890D-ACF11FD67A9E modifiers 0 modifiersubtext 938650FD-681C-48DE-B900-C8D11D7D7D82 destinationuid 26B5B08A-1E0F-4FB0-A007-7928687920DC modifiers 0 modifiersubtext A8A48A97-E018-4EFE-890D-ACF11FD67A9E destinationuid 2AA34180-C278-45A0-9342-DADD7FC78AFB modifiers 0 modifiersubtext createdby Alpha Chen description disabled name Volume objects config action 0 argument 0 hotkey 126 hotmod 12320768 hotstring leftcursor modsmode 0 type alfred.workflow.trigger.hotkey uid 938650FD-681C-48DE-B900-C8D11D7D7D82 version 0 config escaping 127 script `osascript -e 'set volume output volume ((output volume of (get volume settings)) + 5)'` volume = `osascript -e 'output volume of (get volume settings)'`.to_i puts ('|' * (volume / 5)).ljust(20, '.') type 2 type alfred.workflow.action.script uid 26B5B08A-1E0F-4FB0-A007-7928687920DC version 0 type alfred.workflow.output.largetype uid 2AA34180-C278-45A0-9342-DADD7FC78AFB version 0 config action 0 argument 0 hotkey 125 hotmod 12320768 hotstring leftcursor modsmode 0 type alfred.workflow.trigger.hotkey uid 41AB37FB-6209-484C-AF15-6A5A996DD257 version 0 config escaping 127 script `osascript -e 'set volume output volume ((output volume of (get volume settings)) - 5)'` volume = `osascript -e 'output volume of (get volume settings)'`.to_i puts ('|' * (volume / 5)).ljust(20, '.') type 2 type alfred.workflow.action.script uid A8A48A97-E018-4EFE-890D-ACF11FD67A9E version 0 readme uidata 26B5B08A-1E0F-4FB0-A007-7928687920DC ypos 10 2AA34180-C278-45A0-9342-DADD7FC78AFB ypos 70 41AB37FB-6209-484C-AF15-6A5A996DD257 ypos 120 938650FD-681C-48DE-B900-C8D11D7D7D82 ypos 10 A8A48A97-E018-4EFE-890D-ACF11FD67A9E ypos 120 webaddress http://github.com/kejadlen