require './emoji_symbols' require './related_words' def item_xml(options = {}) <<-ITEM #{options[:title]} #{options[:subtitle]} #{options[:path]} ITEM end def match?(word, query) word.match(/#{query}/i) end images_path = File.expand_path('../images/emoji', __FILE__) query = Regexp.escape(ARGV.first).delete(':') related_matches = { |k, v| match?(k, query) || v.any? { |r| match?(r, query) } } # 1.8.7 returns a [['key', 'value']] instead of a Hash. related_matches = related_matches.respond_to?(:keys) ? related_matches.keys : image_matches = Dir["#{images_path}/*.png"].map { |fn| File.basename(fn, '.png') }.select { |fn| match?(fn, query) } matches = image_matches + related_matches items = do |elem| path = File.join(images_path, "#{elem}.png") emoji_code = ":#{elem}:" emoji_arg = ARGV.size > 1 ? EMOJI_SYMBOLS.fetch(elem.to_sym, emoji_code) : emoji_code item_xml({ :arg => emoji_arg, :uid => elem, :path => path, :title => emoji_code, :subtitle => "Copy #{emoji_arg} to clipboard" }) end.join output = "\n\n#{items}" puts output