#!/usr/bin/env sh # # for this to work you must configure sudo such that # it will be able to run the command without password # # see this wiki page for information: # - https://github.com/koekeishiya/yabai/wiki/Installing-yabai-(latest-release)#configure-scripting-addition # # yabai -m signal --add event=dock_did_restart action="sudo yabai --load-sa" # sudo yabai --load-sa # # global settings yabai -m config \ mouse_follows_focus off \ focus_follows_mouse off \ window_origin_display default \ window_placement second_child \ window_zoom_persist on \ window_shadow on \ window_opacity_duration 0.0 \ active_window_opacity 1.0 \ normal_window_opacity 0.90 \ window_opacity off \ insert_feedback_color 0xffd75f5f \ split_ratio 0.50 \ split_type auto \ auto_balance off \ top_padding 4 \ bottom_padding 4 \ left_padding 4 \ right_padding 4 \ window_gap 8 \ layout bsp \ mouse_modifier fn \ mouse_action1 move \ mouse_action2 resize \ mouse_drop_action swap ### space settings yabai -m config --space 5 \ layout float ### rules yabai -m rule --add app='^Arc$' manage=off yabai -m rule --add app='^Alfred Preferences$' manage=off yabai -m rule --add app='^Bartender 5$' manage=off yabai -m rule --add app='^Hammerspoon$' manage=off yabai -m rule --add app='^System Settings$' manage=off echo "yabai configuration loaded.."