# Documentation: https://github.com/romkatv/zsh4humans/blob/v5/README.md. # # Do not modify this file unless you know exactly what you are doing. # It is strongly recommended to keep all shell customization and configuration # (including exported environment variables such as PATH) in ~/.zshrc or in # files sourced from ~/.zshrc. If you are certain that you must export some # environment variables in ~/.zshenv, do it where indicated by comments below. if [ -n "${ZSH_VERSION-}" ]; then # If you are certain that you must export some environment variables # in ~/.zshenv (see comments at the top!), do it here: # # export GOPATH=$HOME/go # # Do not change anything else in this file. : ${ZDOTDIR:=~} setopt no_global_rcs [[ -o no_interactive && -z "${Z4H_BOOTSTRAPPING-}" ]] && return setopt no_rcs unset Z4H_BOOTSTRAPPING fi Z4H_URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/romkatv/zsh4humans/v5" : "${Z4H:=${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/zsh4humans/v5}" umask o-w if [ ! -e "$Z4H"/z4h.zsh ]; then mkdir -p -- "$Z4H" || return >&2 printf '\033[33mz4h\033[0m: fetching \033[4mz4h.zsh\033[0m\n' if command -v curl >/dev/null 2>&1; then curl -fsSL -- "$Z4H_URL"/z4h.zsh >"$Z4H"/z4h.zsh.$$ || return elif command -v wget >/dev/null 2>&1; then wget -O- -- "$Z4H_URL"/z4h.zsh >"$Z4H"/z4h.zsh.$$ || return else >&2 printf '\033[33mz4h\033[0m: please install \033[32mcurl\033[0m or \033[32mwget\033[0m\n' return 1 fi mv -- "$Z4H"/z4h.zsh.$$ "$Z4H"/z4h.zsh || return fi . "$Z4H"/z4h.zsh || return setopt rcs