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132 lines
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(local {: mash : smash : modal-bind} (require :hotkey))
(local {: application
: caffeinate
: eventtap
: execute
: fs
: hotkey
: http
: json
: logger
: loadSpoon
: notify
: pasteboard
: uielement
: usb} hs)
(local log ( :log :info))
(set logger.defaultLogLevel :info)
(set hs.window.animationDuration 0.0)
(loadSpoon :MiroWindowsManager)
;; (set spoon.MiroWindowsManager.fullScreenSizes [1 (/ 4 3) 2]) ; only fullscreen
;; fnlfmt: skip
(let [{: MiroWindowsManager} spoon]
(MiroWindowsManager:bindHotkeys {:up [mash :k]
:left [mash :h]
:down [mash :j]
:right [mash :l]
:fullscreen [mash :m]
;; :center [mash "c"]
;; :move [smash "m"]
;; :resize [mash "d"]
;; debugging
;; (hotkey.bind mash "d" (fn [] (hs.dialog.blockAlert "message" "text" "one" "two")))
;; (hotkey.bind mash "d" (fn [] (hs.dialog.alert 100 100 (fn [] ) "message" "text" "one" "two")))
;; defeat paste blocking
(hotkey.bind [:cmd :alt] :v #(eventtap.keyStrokes (pasteboard.getContents)))
(hotkey.bind mash :e
#(let [app (application.frontmostApplication)
prev-pasteboard (pasteboard.getContents)
e (uielement.focusedElement)
text (if e (e:selectedText)
(eventtap.keyStroke [:cmd] :c)
date (execute "date -Iseconds -u | tr -d '\n'")
file (.. "~/.quickcursor." date)]
(pasteboard.setContents text)
(execute (.. "pbpaste > " file))
(execute (.. "/opt/homebrew/bin/neovide --nofork " file))
(execute (.. "pbcopy < " file))
(eventtap.keyStroke [:cmd] :v)
(execute (.. "rm " file))
(pasteboard.setContents prev-pasteboard)))
(hotkey.bind mash :t #(execute :/opt/homebrew/bin/alacritty))
(fn linkify []
(let [app (application.frontmostApplication)
prev-pasteboard (pasteboard.getContents)
e (uielement.focusedElement)
text (if e (e:selectedText)
(eventtap.keyStroke [:cmd] :c)
link (.. "[" text "]" "(" prev-pasteboard ")")]
(pasteboard.setContents link)
(eventtap.keyStroke [:cmd] :v)
(pasteboard.setContents prev-pasteboard)))
(modal-bind mash "," nil [[mash :l nil linkify]])
2 years ago
2 years ago
;;; Elgato Key Light Air
;; finding the hostname for the key light air
; (local browser (: ( :findServices :_elg._tcp.
; (fn [browser _ _ service _]
; (service:resolve #(log :info (: ($1:hostname) :sub 1 -2)))
; (browser:stop))))
(fn update-key-light-air [on?]
(let [url "http://elgato-key-light-air-5c9e.local:9123/elgato/lights"
on (if on? 1 0)
data (json.encode {:lights [{: on}]})]
(http.doRequest url :PUT data)))
2 years ago
(fn docked? []
(accumulate [docked? false _ v (pairs (usb.attachedDevices)) &until docked?]
2 years ago
(or docked? (= v.productName "CalDigit Thunderbolt 3 Audio"))))
(local key-light-air-watcher (let [{: watcher} caffeinate
2 years ago
w ( #(when (docked?)
(match $1
watcher.screensDidLock (update-key-light-air false)
watcher.screensDidSleep (update-key-light-air false)
watcher.screensDidUnlock (update-key-light-air true)
watcher.screensDidWake (update-key-light-air true))))]
; (local usb-watcher (: ( #(let [{: eventType : productName} $1]
; (when (= productName
; "CalDigit Thunderbolt 3 Audio")
; (match eventType
; :added (do
; (update-key-light-air true)
; (key-light-air-watcher:start))
; :removed (do
; (update-key-light-air false)
; (key-light-air-watcher:stop))))))
; :start))
;;; Spoons
(: (loadSpoon :ReloadConfiguration) :start)
;; Local overrides
(when (fs.attributes :local.fnl)
2 years ago
(require :local))
(: ( {:title :Hammerspoon
:informativeText "Config loaded"
:withdrawAfter 2}) :send)