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(local {: application : caffeinate : logger : timer : window} hs)
(local log ( :quitter :info))
(local to-kill {})
(fn kill [app]
(when (not (app:isFrontmost))
(log.i (.. "killing " (app:name)))
(fn mark [app]
(when (= (app:kind) 1)
(log.i (.. "marking " (app:name)))
(set (. to-kill (app:bundleID)) (timer.doAfter 300 #(kill app)))))
(fn unmark [win]
(let [app (win:application)
bundle-id (app:bundleID)
t (?. to-kill bundle-id)]
(when (not= t nil)
(log.i (.. "unmarking " (app:name)))
(set (. to-kill bundle-id) nil))))
(fn on-wake [event]
(when (= event caffeinate.watcher.systemDidWake)
(each [_ app (ipairs (application.find ""))]
(mark app))))
(local cw ( on-wake))
(local wf ( {:Safari false
:Arc false
"Firefox Developer Edition" false
:Ghostty false
:Miniflux false
:Phanpy false
:Obsidian false
:default true}))
(fn start []
(log.i :starting)
(wf:subscribe {window.filter.windowFocused unmark
window.filter.windowUnfocused #(mark ($1:application))}))
;; use global so this isn't GC'ed
(set _G.quitter {: to-kill})
{: start}