#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w require "strscan" module Lox class Error < StandardError def initialize(line:, where: "", message:) @line, @where, @message = line, where, message end def to_s "[line #@line] Error#@where: #@message" end end def self.run_prompt loop do print "> " line = gets break if line.empty? begin run(line) rescue Error => e puts e.message end end end def self.run_file(io) run(io.read) rescue Error puts e.message exit 65 end def self.run(src) Runner.new.run(src) end def self.error(line, msg) raise Error(line:, message:) end class Runner def initialize(scanner: Scanner.new) @scanner = scanner end def run(src) @scanner.scan(src).each do |token| puts token end end end class Scanner TOKENS = %w[ ( LEFT_PAREN ) RIGHT_PAREN { LEFT_BRACE } RIGHT_BRACE , COMMA . DOT - MINUS + PLUS ; SEMICOLON * STAR != BANG_EQUAL ! BANG == EQUAL_EQUAL = EQUAL <= LESS_EQUAL < LESS >= GREATER_EQUAL > GREATER / SLASH ].each_slice(2).to_h.transform_values(&:to_sym) TOKENS_RE = Regexp.union(TOKENS.keys) KEYWORDS = %w[ and AND class CLASS else ELSE false FALSE for FOR fun FUN if IF nil NIL or OR print PRINT return RETURN super SUPER this THIS true TRUE var VAR while WHILE ].each_slice(2).to_h.transform_values(&:to_sym) class State < Struct.new(:ss, :tokens, :errors, :line) def eos? = ss.eos? def scan(re) = ss.scan(re) def pos = ss.pos def initialize(src) super(StringScanner.new(src), [], [], 1) end def add_token(type, text: nil, literal: nil) text ||= ss.matched self.tokens << Token.new(type, text, literal, line) end end def scan(src) state = State.new(src) until state.eos? case when state.scan(/\/\/(?~\n)/) # ignore line comment when state.scan(/\/\*/) scan_block_comment(state) when matched = state.scan(TOKENS_RE) state.add_token(TOKENS.fetch(matched)) when state.scan(/[ \r\t]/) # ignore whitespace when state.scan(/\n/) state.line += 1 when state.scan(/"/) scan_str(state) when number = state.scan(/\d+(\.\d+)?/) state.add_token(:NUMBER, literal: number.to_f) when identifier = state.scan(/[a-zA-Z_]\w*/) type = KEYWORDS.fetch(identifier, :IDENTIFIER) state.add_token(type) else state.errors << Error.new(line: state.line, message: "Unexpected character.") state.scan(/./) # keep scanning end end fail unless state.errors.empty? state.add_token(:EOF, text: "") state.tokens end private def scan_str(state) text = ?" loop do case when state.scan(/"/) text << ?" state.add_token(:STRING, text:, literal: text[1..-2]) return when state.scan(/\n/) text << ?\n state.line += 1 when state.eos? state.errors << Error.new(line: state.line, message: "Unterminated string.") return when c = state.scan(/(?~"|\n)/) text << c else fail "unreachable!" end end end def scan_block_comment(state) loop do case when state.scan(/\/\*/) scan_block_comment(state) when state.scan(/\*\//) return when state.scan(/\n/) state.line += 1 when state.eos? state.errors << Error.new(line: state.line, message: "Unterminated block comment.") return when state.scan(/./) # no-op else fail "unreachable!" end end end end Token = Struct.new(:type, :lexeme, :literal, :line) do def to_s "#{type} #{lexeme} #{literal}" end end module Expr Binary = Struct.new(:left, :op, :right) do def accept(visitor) = visitor.visit_binary(self) end Grouping = Struct.new(:expr) do def accept(visitor) = visitor.visit_grouping(self) end Literal = Struct.new(:value) do def accept(visitor) = visitor.visit_literal(self) end Unary = Struct.new(:op, :right) do def accept(visitor) = visitor.visit_unary(self) end end class AstPrinter def print(expr) = expr.accept(self) def visit_binary(expr) = parenthesize(expr.op.lexeme, expr.left, expr.right) def visit_grouping(expr) = parenthesize("group", expr.expr) def visit_literal(expr) = expr.value&.to_s || "nil" def visit_unary(expr) = parenthesize(expr.op.lexeme, expr.right) private def parenthesize(name, *exprs) "(#{name} #{exprs.map {|expr| expr.accept(self) }.join(" ")})" end end end if __FILE__ == $0 puts "Usage: #$0 [script]" or exit 64 if ARGV.length > 1 if ARGV.empty? Lox.run_prompt else Lox.run_file(ARGF) end end