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39 lines
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- hosts: all
- file: path=~/Library/KeyBindings state=directory
- name: Symlink Emacs-style keybindings for OS X
src: ~/.dotfiles/macos/DefaultKeyBinding.dict
dest: ~/Library/KeyBindings/DefaultKeyBinding.dict
state: link
- file: path=~/Library/Colors state=directory
- name: symlink OS X colors palettes
file: src={{ item }} dest=~/Library/Colors/{{ item | basename }} state=link
with_fileglob: ~/.dotfiles/macos/colors/*
- file: path=~/Library/Dictionaries state=directory
- name: Install Webster's 1913 dictionary
src: ~/.dotfiles/macos/websters-1913.dictionary/
dest: ~/Library/Dictionaries/websters-1913.dictionary
- name: Enable Touch ID for sudo
- lineinfile:
path: /etc/pam.d/sudo
insertafter: '^auth\s+sufficient'
regexp: '^auth\s+sufficient\$'
line: "auth\tsufficient\"
# tmux
- shell: brew --prefix
register: brew_prefix
- lineinfile:
path: /etc/pam.d/sudo
insertbefore: '^auth\tsufficient\'
regexp: '^auth\s+optional\s+.*$'
line: "auth\toptional\t{{ brew_prefix.stdout | trim }}/lib/pam/"
become: yes