# https://miniflux.app/docs/installation.html#docker - name: Set up the Miniflux db hosts: lotus-land-story become: true become_user: postgres vars_files: - vars.yml tasks: - name: Create the Miniflux db community.postgresql.postgresql_db: name: miniflux notify: Restart postgres - name: Create the Miniflux db user community.postgresql.postgresql_user: db: miniflux name: miniflux password: "{{ miniflux.db_password }}" notify: Restart postgres - name: Grant Miniflux access to the db community.postgresql.postgresql_pg_hba: dest: /etc/postgresql/13/main/pg_hba.conf contype: host users: miniflux source: samenet # TODO Can this be restricted to docker_ip? databases: miniflux create: true notify: Restart postgres - name: Install hstore community.postgresql.postgresql_ext: name: hstore db: miniflux notify: Restart postgres handlers: - name: Import restarts ansible.builtin.import_tasks: restarts.yml - name: Set up the Miniflux db hosts: lotus-land-story vars_files: - vars.yml tasks: - name: Get docker network community.docker.docker_network: name: lotus_land_story register: docker_network - name: Run Miniflux community.docker.docker_container: # recreate: true # restart: true name: miniflux image: miniflux/miniflux:{{ miniflux.version }} env: DATABASE_URL: postgres://miniflux:{{ miniflux.db_password }}@host.docker.internal/miniflux RUN_MIGRATIONS: "1" CREATE_ADMIN: "1" ADMIN_USERNAME: alpha ADMIN_PASSWORD: "{{ miniflux.password }}" BASE_URL: https://rss.{{ domain }} METRICS_COLLECTOR: "1" METRICS_ALLOWED_NETWORKS: "{{ docker_network.network.IPAM.Config[0].Subnet }}" restart_policy: unless-stopped networks: - name: lotus_land_story etc_hosts: host.docker.internal: host-gateway # vim: ft=yaml.ansible