- hosts: os_MacOSX
- name: set OS X defaults
domain: "{{ item.domain | default(omit) }}"
key: "{{ item.key }}"
type: "{{ item.type }}"
value: "{{ item.value }}"
notify: restart OS X system services
- (i|images|d)\.gr-assets\.com
- www\.goodreads\.com
- massdrop-s3\.imgix\.net
- .*\.cloudfront\.net
- s3\.amazonaws\.com
- files\.convertkitcdn\.com/assets/pictures
- wizardzines\.com
# NSGlobalDomain defaults
- # don't quit idle applications
domain: -g
key: NSDisableAutomaticTermination
type: bool
value: true
- # disable font smoothing
key: AppleFontSmoothing
type: int
value: 0
- # full keyboard access
key: AppleKeyboardUIMode
type: int
value: 3
- # show all extensions by default
key: AppleShowAllExtensions
type: bool
value: true
- # keyboard repeat rate
key: KeyRepeat
type: int
value: 2
- # delay before keyboard repeat
key: InitialKeyRepeat
type: int
value: 25
- # set sidebar item size to small
key: NSTableViewDefaultSizeMode
type: int
value: 1
- # disable resume
key: NSQuitAlwaysKeepsWindows
type: bool
value: false
- # add debug menu in web views
key: WebKitDeveloperExtras
type: bool
value: true
- # tap to click
key: com.apple.mouse.tapBehavior
type: bool
value: true
- # only show scrollbars when scrolling
key: AppleShowScrollBars
type: string
value: WhenScrolling
- # move windows by holding ctrl+cmd and dragging any part of the window
domain: -g
key: NSWindowShouldDragOnGesture
type: bool
value: true
# Safari
- # enable Debug menu in Safari
domain: com.apple.Safari
key: IncludeInternalDebugMenu
type: bool
value: true
- # disable Java
domain: com.apple.Safari
key: com.apple.Safari.ContentPageGroupIdentifier.WebKit2JavaEnabled
type: bool
value: false
- # disable Java
domain: com.apple.Safari
key: com.apple.Safari.ContentPageGroupIdentifier.WebKit2JavaEnabledForLocalFiles
type: bool
value: false
- # disable dashboard
domain: com.apple.dashboard
key: mcx-disabled
type: bool
value: true
- # don't write .DS_Store to network volumes
domain: com.apple.desktopservices
key: DSDontWriteNetworkStores
type: bool
value: true
# Dock defaults
- # automatically hide and show the dock
domain: com.apple.dock
key: autohide
type: bool
value: true
- # minimize windows using the scale effect
domain: com.apple.dock
key: mineffect
type: string
value: scale
- # don't rearrange spaces
domain: com.apple.dock
key: mru-spaces
type: bool
value: false
- domain: com.apple.dock
key: orientation
type: string
value: left
- # set the bottom left hot corner to sleep the display
domain: com.apple.dock
key: wvous-bl-corner
type: int
value: 10
- # set the icon size to 36 pixels
domain: com.apple.dock
key: tilesize
type: int
value: 36
- # no dock delay
domain: com.apple.dock
key: autohide-delay
type: float
value: 0
# Trackpad settings
- domain: com.apple.driver.AppleBluetoothMultitouch.trackpad
key: Clicking
type: int
value: 1
- domain: com.apple.driver.AppleBluetoothMultitouch.trackpad
key: TrackpadFourFingerVertSwipeGesture
type: int
value: 0
- domain: com.apple.driver.AppleBluetoothMultitouch.trackpad
key: TrackpadThreeFingerDrag
type: bool
value: true
- domain: com.apple.driver.AppleBluetoothMultitouch.trackpad
key: TrackpadThreeFingerHorizSwipeGesture
type: int
value: 0
- domain: com.apple.driver.AppleBluetoothMultitouch.trackpad
key: TrackpadThreeFingerVertSwipeGesture
type: int
value: 0
# Finder defaults
- # don't ask when changing file extension
domain: com.apple.finder
key: FXEnableExtensionChangeWarning
type: bool
value: false
- # default to list view
domain: com.apple.finder
key: FXPreferredViewStyle
type: string
value: Nlsv
- # enable text selection in QuickLook
domain: com.apple.finder
key: QLEnableTextSelection
type: bool
value: true
- # show full path in Finder
domain: com.apple.finder
key: _FXShowPosixPathInTitle
type: bool
value: true
- # remove the proxy icon hover delay
domain: com.apple.Finder
key: NSToolbarTitleViewRolloverDelay
type: float
value: 0
- # show the proxy icon and older titlebar
# https://twitter.com/chucker/status/1395843084383043584
domain: com.apple.Finder
key: NSWindowSupportsAutomaticInlineTitle
type: bool
value: false
- # show the proxy icon always
domain: com.apple.universalaccess
key: showWindowTitlebarIcons
type: bool
value: true
- # set date format in menubar
domain: com.apple.menuextra.clock
key: DateFormat
type: string
value: h:mm
- # no window shadows when capturing windows
domain: com.apple.screencapture
key: disable-shadow
type: bool
value: true
- domain: com.apple.screencapture
key: location
type: string
value: "{{ ansible_env.HOME }}/Downloads"
- domain: com.apple.screensaver
key: askForPassword
type: int
value: 1
- domain: com.apple.Terminal
key: ShowLineMarks
type: bool
value: false
# Other applications
- domain: com.google.Chrome
key: AppleEnableSwipeNavigateWithScrolls
type: bool
value: false
- domain: org.vim.MacVim
key: MMLastWindowClosedBehavior
type: int
value: 2
- domain: org.vim.MacVim
key: MMUntitledWindow
type: int
value: 1
- domain: org.vim.MacVim
key: SUCheckAtStartup
type: int
value: 1
- domain: org.vim.MacVim
key: SUEnableAutomaticChecks
type: int
value: 1
- domain: com.freron.MailMate
key: MmAllowedImageURLRegexp
type: string
value: "https://({{ mailmate.allowed_image_regexps | join('|') }})"
- domain: com.freron.MailMate
key: MmSendMessageDelayEnabled
type: bool
value: true
- domain: com.freron.MailMate
key: MmSendMessageDelay
type: int
value: 60
- name: restart OS X system services
command: killall {{ item }}
- Finder
- Dock
- SystemUIServer
# vim: ft=yaml.ansible