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192 lines
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use std::ops::{Index,IndexMut};
use regex::Regex;
pub fn solve(input: &str) -> i32 {
let mut lg = LightGrid::new();
for line in input.lines() {
let instruction = Instruction::new(line.to_string());
match instruction.instruction.as_ref() {
"turn on" => lg.turn_on(instruction.rect),
"turn off" => lg.turn_off(instruction.rect),
"toggle" => lg.toggle(instruction.rect),
_ => { panic!("wtf"); },
lg.iter().fold(0, |acc, brightness| acc + brightness) as i32
fn test_solve() {
let mut input = vec!["turn on 0,0 through 999,999"];
assert_eq!(1_000_000, solve(&input.join("\n")));
input.push("turn off 1,1 through 998,998");
assert_eq!(3_996, solve(&input.join("\n")));
input.push("toggle 2,2 through 997,997");
assert_eq!(1_988_028, solve(&input.join("\n")));
struct LightGrid {
grid: Box<[u32; 1_000 * 1_000]>,
impl LightGrid {
fn new() -> LightGrid {
LightGrid { grid: box [0; 1_000 * 1_000] }
fn turn_on(&mut self, rect: Rect) {
let mut x = vec![(rect.0).0, (rect.1).0];
let mut y = vec![(rect.0).1, (rect.1).1];
for i in x[0]..x[1]+1 {
for j in y[0]..y[1]+1 {
self[Point(i, j)] += 1;
fn turn_off(&mut self, rect: Rect) {
let mut x = vec![(rect.0).0, (rect.1).0];
let mut y = vec![(rect.0).1, (rect.1).1];
for i in x[0]..x[1]+1 {
for j in y[0]..y[1]+1 {
if self[Point(i, j)] > 0 {
self[Point(i, j)] -= 1;
fn toggle(&mut self, rect: Rect) {
let mut x = vec![(rect.0).0, (rect.1).0];
let mut y = vec![(rect.0).1, (rect.1).1];
for i in x[0]..x[1]+1 {
for j in y[0]..y[1]+1 {
self[Point(i, j)] += 2;
fn iter(&self) -> LightGridIterator {
impl Index<Point> for LightGrid {
type Output = u32;
fn index(&self, _index: Point) -> &u32 {
&self.grid[1_000 * _index.0 + _index.1]
impl IndexMut<Point> for LightGrid {
fn index_mut(&mut self, _index: Point) -> &mut u32 {
&mut self.grid[1_000 * _index.0 + _index.1]
fn test_light_grid() {
let mut lg = LightGrid::new();
assert_eq!(0, lg[Point(0, 0)]);
lg.turn_on(Rect(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 1)));
assert_eq!(1, lg[Point(0, 0)]);
assert_eq!(0, lg[Point(2, 0)]);
lg.turn_off(Rect(Point(1, 1), Point(2, 2)));
assert_eq!(1, lg[Point(0, 0)]);
assert_eq!(0, lg[Point(1, 1)]);
lg.toggle(Rect(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 1)));
assert_eq!(3, lg[Point(0, 0)]);
assert_eq!(2, lg[Point(1, 1)]);
struct LightGridIterator<'a> {
lg: &'a LightGrid,
pos: Point,
impl<'a> LightGridIterator<'a> {
fn new(light_grid: &LightGrid) -> LightGridIterator {
LightGridIterator { lg: light_grid, pos: Point(0, 0) }
impl<'a> Iterator for LightGridIterator<'a> {
type Item = u32;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
if self.pos == Point(1_000, 0) {
return None;
let result = self.lg[Point(self.pos.0, self.pos.1)];
self.pos = match self.pos {
Point(x, 999) => Point(x+1, 0),
Point(x, y) => Point(x, y+1),
struct Instruction {
instruction: String,
rect: Rect,
impl Instruction {
fn new(string: String) -> Instruction {
let re = Regex::new(r"^([ \w]+) (\d+),(\d+) through (\d+),(\d+)$").unwrap();
let caps = re.captures(&string).unwrap();
let p1 = Point(,;
let p2 = Point(,;
Instruction {
rect: Rect(p1, p2),
fn test_instruction() {
let instruction = Instruction::new("turn on 0,0 through 999,999".to_string());
assert_eq!("turn on", instruction.instruction);
assert_eq!(Rect(Point(0, 0), Point(999, 999)), instruction.rect);
let instruction = Instruction::new("toggle 0,0 through 999,0".to_string());
assert_eq!("toggle", instruction.instruction);
assert_eq!(Rect(Point(0, 0), Point(999, 0)), instruction.rect);
struct Rect(Point, Point);
struct Point(usize, usize);