You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

4250 lines
172 KiB

# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with:
# srb rbi hidden-definitions
# typed: autogenerated
# wrong constant name <DeclBuilderForProcs>
# wrong constant name <DeclBuilderForProcs>
# wrong constant name <Class:<DeclBuilderForProcs>>
# wrong constant name <Magic>
# wrong constant name <Magic>
# wrong constant name <Class:<Magic>>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_0>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_100>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_101>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_102>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_103>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_104>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_105>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_106>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_107>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_108>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_109>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_10>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_110>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_111>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_112>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_113>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_114>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_115>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_116>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_117>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_118>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_119>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_11>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_120>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_121>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_12>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_13>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_14>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_15>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_16>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_17>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_18>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_19>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_1>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_20>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_21>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_22>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_23>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_24>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_25>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_26>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_27>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_28>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_29>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_2>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_30>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_31>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_32>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_33>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_34>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_35>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_36>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_37>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_38>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_39>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_3>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_40>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_41>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_42>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_43>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_44>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_45>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_46>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_47>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_48>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_49>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_4>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_50>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_51>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_52>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_53>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_54>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_55>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_56>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_57>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_58>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_59>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_5>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_60>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_61>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_62>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_63>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_64>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_65>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_66>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_67>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_68>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_69>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_6>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_70>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_71>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_72>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_73>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_74>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_75>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_76>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_77>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_78>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_79>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_7>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_80>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_81>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_82>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_83>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_84>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_85>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_86>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_87>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_88>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_89>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_8>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_90>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_91>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_92>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_93>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_94>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_95>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_96>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_97>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_98>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_99>
# wrong constant name <RESERVED_9>
# wrong constant name <TypeAlias>
# wrong constant name <TypeAlias>
# wrong constant name <any>
# wrong constant name <any>
# wrong constant name <root>
# wrong constant name <Class:<root>>
# wrong constant name <todo sym>
# wrong constant name <todo sym>
# uninitialized constant Abbrev
# uninitialized constant Abbrev
# undefined method `connect_internal<defaultArg>1' for class `Addrinfo'
# wrong constant name connect_internal<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name connect_internal
# undefined method `pack<defaultArg>1' for class `Array'
# wrong constant name bsearch
# wrong constant name bsearch_index
# wrong constant name collect!
# wrong constant name deconstruct
# wrong constant name dig
# wrong constant name flatten!
# wrong constant name intersection
# wrong constant name pack<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name pack
# wrong constant name replace
# wrong constant name shelljoin
# wrong constant name to_h
# wrong constant name try_convert
# wrong constant name __binding__
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <Class:BasicObject>
# uninitialized constant Benchmark
# uninitialized constant Benchmark
# wrong constant name clone
# wrong constant name interpret_loosely
# wrong constant name clone
# wrong constant name irb
# uninitialized constant Bundler::Dependency::TYPES
# wrong constant name branch
# wrong constant name expanded_platforms
# wrong constant name git
# undefined singleton method `report<defaultArg>1' for `Bundler::Env'
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name environment
# wrong constant name report<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name report
# wrong constant name write
# wrong constant name <Class:Base>
# wrong constant name <Class:CompactIndex>
# wrong constant name <Class:Dependency>
# wrong constant name <Class:Downloader>
# wrong constant name <Class:Index>
# wrong constant name <Class:TooManyRequestsError>
# wrong constant name fetch_spec
# wrong constant name fetchers
# wrong constant name http_proxy
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name specs
# wrong constant name specs_with_retry
# wrong constant name uri
# wrong constant name use_api
# wrong constant name user_agent
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name api_fetcher?
# wrong constant name available?
# wrong constant name display_uri
# wrong constant name downloader
# wrong constant name fetch_uri
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name remote
# wrong constant name remote_uri
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <Class:ClientFetcher>
# wrong constant name available?
# wrong constant name fetch_spec
# wrong constant name specs
# wrong constant name specs_for_names
# uninitialized constant Bundler::Fetcher::CompactIndex::ClientFetcher::Elem
# wrong constant name call
# wrong constant name fetcher
# wrong constant name fetcher=
# wrong constant name ui
# wrong constant name ui=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name members
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name compact_index_request
# undefined method `dependency_api_uri<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::Fetcher::Dependency'
# undefined method `specs<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::Fetcher::Dependency'
# undefined method `specs<defaultArg>2' for class `Bundler::Fetcher::Dependency'
# wrong constant name dependency_api_uri<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name dependency_api_uri
# wrong constant name dependency_specs
# wrong constant name get_formatted_specs_and_deps
# wrong constant name specs<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name specs<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name specs
# wrong constant name unmarshalled_dep_gems
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# undefined method `fetch<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::Fetcher::Downloader'
# undefined method `fetch<defaultArg>2' for class `Bundler::Fetcher::Downloader'
# wrong constant name connection
# wrong constant name fetch<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name fetch<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name fetch
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name redirect_limit
# wrong constant name request
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name fetch_spec
# wrong constant name specs
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::Fetcher::SSLError'
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name api_timeout
# wrong constant name api_timeout=
# wrong constant name disable_endpoint
# wrong constant name disable_endpoint=
# wrong constant name max_retries
# wrong constant name max_retries=
# wrong constant name redirect_limit
# wrong constant name redirect_limit=
# wrong constant name link
# undefined singleton method `cp_lr<defaultArg>1' for `Bundler::FileUtils'
# undefined singleton method `cp_lr<defaultArg>2' for `Bundler::FileUtils'
# undefined singleton method `cp_lr<defaultArg>3' for `Bundler::FileUtils'
# undefined singleton method `cp_lr<defaultArg>4' for `Bundler::FileUtils'
# undefined singleton method `link_entry<defaultArg>1' for `Bundler::FileUtils'
# undefined singleton method `link_entry<defaultArg>2' for `Bundler::FileUtils'
# wrong constant name cp_lr<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name cp_lr<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name cp_lr<defaultArg>3
# wrong constant name cp_lr<defaultArg>4
# wrong constant name cp_lr
# wrong constant name link_entry<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name link_entry<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name link_entry
# undefined method `git_push<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::GemHelper'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::GemHelper'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>2' for class `Bundler::GemHelper'
# undefined method `install_gem<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::GemHelper'
# undefined method `install_gem<defaultArg>2' for class `Bundler::GemHelper'
# undefined method `perform_git_push<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::GemHelper'
# wrong constant name allowed_push_host
# wrong constant name already_tagged?
# wrong constant name base
# wrong constant name build_gem
# wrong constant name built_gem_path
# wrong constant name clean?
# wrong constant name committed?
# wrong constant name gem_key
# wrong constant name gem_push?
# wrong constant name gem_push_host
# wrong constant name gemspec
# wrong constant name git_push<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name git_push
# wrong constant name guard_clean
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name install
# wrong constant name install_gem<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name install_gem<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name install_gem
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name perform_git_push<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name perform_git_push
# wrong constant name rubygem_push
# wrong constant name sh
# wrong constant name sh_with_input
# wrong constant name sh_with_status
# wrong constant name spec_path
# wrong constant name tag_version
# wrong constant name version
# wrong constant name version_tag
# undefined singleton method `install_tasks<defaultArg>1' for `Bundler::GemHelper'
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name gemspec
# wrong constant name install_tasks<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name install_tasks
# wrong constant name instance
# wrong constant name instance=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::GemVersionPromoter'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>2' for class `Bundler::GemVersionPromoter'
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name level
# wrong constant name level=
# wrong constant name locked_specs
# wrong constant name major?
# wrong constant name minor?
# wrong constant name prerelease_specified
# wrong constant name prerelease_specified=
# wrong constant name sort_versions
# wrong constant name strict
# wrong constant name strict=
# wrong constant name unlock_gems
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::Graph'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>2' for class `Bundler::Graph'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>3' for class `Bundler::Graph'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>4' for class `Bundler::Graph'
# wrong constant name <Class:GraphVizClient>
# wrong constant name edge_options
# wrong constant name groups
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>3
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>4
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name node_options
# wrong constant name output_file
# wrong constant name output_format
# wrong constant name relations
# wrong constant name viz
# wrong constant name g
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name run
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Bundler::Index::Elem
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::Injector'
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name inject
# wrong constant name remove
# undefined singleton method `inject<defaultArg>1' for `Bundler::Injector'
# undefined singleton method `remove<defaultArg>1' for `Bundler::Injector'
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name inject<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name inject
# wrong constant name remove<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name remove
# undefined method `generate_bundler_executable_stubs<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::Installer'
# wrong constant name generate_bundler_executable_stubs<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name generate_bundler_executable_stubs
# wrong constant name generate_standalone_bundler_executable_stubs
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name post_install_messages
# wrong constant name run
# undefined singleton method `install<defaultArg>1' for `Bundler::Installer'
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name ambiguous_gems
# wrong constant name ambiguous_gems=
# wrong constant name install<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name install
# uninitialized constant Bundler::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::Elem
# uninitialized constant Bundler::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::Log::Elem
# undefined method `_recursive_predecessors<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::Vertex'
# undefined method `_recursive_successors<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::Vertex'
# wrong constant name _recursive_predecessors<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name _recursive_predecessors
# wrong constant name _recursive_successors<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name _recursive_successors
# undefined method `app_cache_path<defaultArg>1' for module `Bundler::Plugin::API::Source'
# undefined method `cache<defaultArg>1' for module `Bundler::Plugin::API::Source'
# undefined method `post_install<defaultArg>1' for module `Bundler::Plugin::API::Source'
# wrong constant name ==
# wrong constant name app_cache_dirname
# wrong constant name app_cache_path<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name app_cache_path
# wrong constant name bundler_plugin_api_source?
# wrong constant name cache<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name cache
# wrong constant name cached!
# wrong constant name can_lock?
# wrong constant name dependency_names
# wrong constant name dependency_names=
# wrong constant name double_check_for
# wrong constant name eql?
# wrong constant name fetch_gemspec_files
# wrong constant name gem_install_dir
# wrong constant name hash
# wrong constant name include?
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name install
# wrong constant name install_path
# wrong constant name installed?
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name options
# wrong constant name options_to_lock
# wrong constant name post_install<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name post_install
# wrong constant name remote!
# wrong constant name root
# wrong constant name specs
# wrong constant name to_lock
# wrong constant name to_s
# wrong constant name unlock!
# wrong constant name unmet_deps
# wrong constant name uri
# wrong constant name uri_hash
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <Class:CommandConflict>
# wrong constant name <Class:SourceConflict>
# wrong constant name installed_plugins
# wrong constant name plugin_commands
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <Class:Git>
# wrong constant name <Class:Rubygems>
# wrong constant name install
# wrong constant name install_definition
# undefined method `generate_bin<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::Plugin::Installer::Git'
# uninitialized constant Bundler::Plugin::Installer::Git::DEFAULT_GLOB
# wrong constant name generate_bin<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name generate_bin
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Bundler::Plugin::Installer::Rubygems::API_REQUEST_LIMIT
# uninitialized constant Bundler::Plugin::Installer::Rubygems::API_REQUEST_SIZE
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name list
# undefined singleton method `lock<defaultArg>1' for `Bundler::ProcessLock'
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name lock<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name lock
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::Retry'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>2' for class `Bundler::Retry'
# wrong constant name attempt
# wrong constant name attempts
# wrong constant name current_run
# wrong constant name current_run=
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name name=
# wrong constant name total_runs
# wrong constant name total_runs=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name attempts
# wrong constant name default_attempts
# wrong constant name default_retries
# uninitialized constant Bundler::RubyGemsGemInstaller::ENV_PATHS
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name add_to_load_path
# wrong constant name all_specs
# wrong constant name backport_ext_builder_monitor
# wrong constant name correct_for_windows_path
# wrong constant name default_stubs
# wrong constant name find_name
# wrong constant name gem_remote_fetcher
# wrong constant name stub_rubygems
# wrong constant name use_gemdeps
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::Settings::Mirror'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>2' for class `Bundler::Settings::Mirror'
# undefined method `validate!<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::Settings::Mirror'
# wrong constant name ==
# wrong constant name fallback_timeout
# wrong constant name fallback_timeout=
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name uri
# wrong constant name uri=
# wrong constant name valid?
# wrong constant name validate!<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name validate!
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::Settings::Mirrors'
# wrong constant name each
# wrong constant name for
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name parse
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <Class:Rule>
# wrong constant name description
# wrong constant name fail!
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name k
# wrong constant name set
# wrong constant name validate!
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name validate!
# uninitialized constant Bundler::SpecSet::Elem
# undefined method `help<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::Thor'
# undefined method `help<defaultArg>2' for class `Bundler::Thor'
# wrong constant name <Class:Actions>
# wrong constant name <Class:AmbiguousCommandError>
# wrong constant name <Class:Argument>
# wrong constant name <Class:Arguments>
# wrong constant name <Class:Base>
# wrong constant name <Class:Command>
# wrong constant name <Class:CoreExt>
# wrong constant name <Class:DynamicCommand>
# wrong constant name <Class:Error>
# wrong constant name <Class:Group>
# wrong constant name <Class:HiddenCommand>
# wrong constant name <Class:Invocation>
# wrong constant name <Class:InvocationError>
# wrong constant name <Class:LineEditor>
# wrong constant name <Class:MalformattedArgumentError>
# wrong constant name <Class:Option>
# wrong constant name <Class:Options>
# wrong constant name <Class:RequiredArgumentMissingError>
# uninitialized constant Bundler::Thor::SHELL_DELEGATED_METHODS
# wrong constant name <Class:Sandbox>
# wrong constant name <Class:Shell>
# wrong constant name <Class:UndefinedCommandError>
# wrong constant name <Class:UnknownArgumentError>
# wrong constant name <Class:Util>
# wrong constant name help<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name help<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name help
# undefined method `apply<defaultArg>1' for module `Bundler::Thor::Actions'
# undefined method `chmod<defaultArg>1' for module `Bundler::Thor::Actions'
# undefined method `empty_directory<defaultArg>1' for module `Bundler::Thor::Actions'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>1' for module `Bundler::Thor::Actions'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>2' for module `Bundler::Thor::Actions'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>3' for module `Bundler::Thor::Actions'
# undefined method `inside<defaultArg>1' for module `Bundler::Thor::Actions'
# undefined method `inside<defaultArg>2' for module `Bundler::Thor::Actions'
# undefined method `relative_to_original_destination_root<defaultArg>1' for module `Bundler::Thor::Actions'
# undefined method `remove_dir<defaultArg>1' for module `Bundler::Thor::Actions'
# undefined method `remove_file<defaultArg>1' for module `Bundler::Thor::Actions'
# undefined method `run<defaultArg>1' for module `Bundler::Thor::Actions'
# undefined method `run_ruby_script<defaultArg>1' for module `Bundler::Thor::Actions'
# wrong constant name <Class:CapturableERB>
# wrong constant name <Class:ClassMethods>
# wrong constant name <Class:CreateFile>
# wrong constant name <Class:CreateLink>
# wrong constant name <Class:Directory>
# wrong constant name <Class:EmptyDirectory>
# wrong constant name <Class:InjectIntoFile>
# wrong constant name _cleanup_options_and_set
# wrong constant name _shared_configuration
# wrong constant name action
# wrong constant name add_file
# wrong constant name add_link
# wrong constant name append_file
# wrong constant name append_to_file
# wrong constant name apply<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name apply
# wrong constant name behavior
# wrong constant name behavior=
# wrong constant name chmod<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name chmod
# wrong constant name comment_lines
# wrong constant name copy_file
# wrong constant name create_file
# wrong constant name create_link
# wrong constant name destination_root
# wrong constant name destination_root=
# wrong constant name directory
# wrong constant name empty_directory<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name empty_directory
# wrong constant name find_in_source_paths
# wrong constant name get
# wrong constant name gsub_file
# wrong constant name in_root
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>3
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name inject_into_class
# wrong constant name inject_into_file
# wrong constant name inject_into_module
# wrong constant name insert_into_file
# wrong constant name inside<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name inside<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name inside
# wrong constant name link_file
# wrong constant name prepend_file
# wrong constant name prepend_to_file
# wrong constant name relative_to_original_destination_root<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name relative_to_original_destination_root
# wrong constant name remove_dir<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name remove_dir
# wrong constant name remove_file<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name remove_file
# wrong constant name run<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name run
# wrong constant name run_ruby_script<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name run_ruby_script
# wrong constant name source_paths
# wrong constant name template
# wrong constant name thor
# wrong constant name uncomment_lines
# uninitialized constant Bundler::Thor::Actions::CapturableERB::Revision
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# undefined method `source_root<defaultArg>1' for module `Bundler::Thor::Actions::ClassMethods'
# wrong constant name add_runtime_options!
# wrong constant name source_paths
# wrong constant name source_paths_for_search
# wrong constant name source_root<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name source_root
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::Thor::Actions::CreateFile'
# wrong constant name data
# wrong constant name force_on_collision?
# wrong constant name force_or_skip_or_conflict
# wrong constant name identical?
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name on_conflict_behavior
# wrong constant name render
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::Thor::Actions::Directory'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>2' for class `Bundler::Thor::Actions::Directory'
# wrong constant name execute!
# wrong constant name file_level_lookup
# wrong constant name files
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name source
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::Thor::Actions::EmptyDirectory'
# wrong constant name base
# wrong constant name config
# wrong constant name convert_encoded_instructions
# wrong constant name destination
# wrong constant name destination=
# wrong constant name exists?
# wrong constant name given_destination
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name invoke!
# wrong constant name invoke_with_conflict_check
# wrong constant name on_conflict_behavior
# wrong constant name on_file_clash_behavior
# wrong constant name pretend?
# wrong constant name relative_destination
# wrong constant name revoke!
# wrong constant name say_status
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# undefined method `say_status<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::Thor::Actions::InjectIntoFile'
# undefined method `say_status<defaultArg>2' for class `Bundler::Thor::Actions::InjectIntoFile'
# wrong constant name behavior
# wrong constant name flag
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name replace!
# wrong constant name replacement
# wrong constant name say_status<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name say_status<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name say_status
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name included
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::Thor::Argument'
# wrong constant name banner
# wrong constant name default
# wrong constant name default_banner
# wrong constant name description
# wrong constant name enum
# wrong constant name human_name
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name required
# wrong constant name required?
# wrong constant name show_default?
# wrong constant name type
# wrong constant name usage
# wrong constant name valid_type?
# wrong constant name validate!
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::Thor::Arguments'
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name parse
# wrong constant name remaining
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name parse
# wrong constant name split
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>1' for module `Bundler::Thor::Base'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>2' for module `Bundler::Thor::Base'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>3' for module `Bundler::Thor::Base'
# wrong constant name <Class:ClassMethods>
# wrong constant name args
# wrong constant name args=
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>3
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name options
# wrong constant name options=
# wrong constant name parent_options
# wrong constant name parent_options=
# undefined method `argument<defaultArg>1' for module `Bundler::Thor::Base::ClassMethods'
# undefined method `class_option<defaultArg>1' for module `Bundler::Thor::Base::ClassMethods'
# undefined method `class_options<defaultArg>1' for module `Bundler::Thor::Base::ClassMethods'
# undefined method `class_options_help<defaultArg>1' for module `Bundler::Thor::Base::ClassMethods'
# undefined method `from_superclass<defaultArg>1' for module `Bundler::Thor::Base::ClassMethods'
# undefined method `group<defaultArg>1' for module `Bundler::Thor::Base::ClassMethods'
# undefined method `handle_no_command_error<defaultArg>1' for module `Bundler::Thor::Base::ClassMethods'
# undefined method `handle_no_task_error<defaultArg>1' for module `Bundler::Thor::Base::ClassMethods'
# undefined method `namespace<defaultArg>1' for module `Bundler::Thor::Base::ClassMethods'
# undefined method `print_options<defaultArg>1' for module `Bundler::Thor::Base::ClassMethods'
# undefined method `start<defaultArg>1' for module `Bundler::Thor::Base::ClassMethods'
# undefined method `start<defaultArg>2' for module `Bundler::Thor::Base::ClassMethods'
# wrong constant name all_commands
# wrong constant name all_tasks
# wrong constant name argument<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name argument
# wrong constant name arguments
# wrong constant name attr_accessor
# wrong constant name attr_reader
# wrong constant name attr_writer
# wrong constant name baseclass
# wrong constant name basename
# wrong constant name build_option
# wrong constant name build_options
# wrong constant name check_default_type
# wrong constant name check_default_type!
# wrong constant name check_default_type?
# wrong constant name check_unknown_options
# wrong constant name check_unknown_options!
# wrong constant name check_unknown_options?
# wrong constant name class_option<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name class_option
# wrong constant name class_options<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name class_options
# wrong constant name class_options_help<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name class_options_help
# wrong constant name commands
# wrong constant name create_command
# wrong constant name create_task
# wrong constant name disable_required_check?
# wrong constant name dispatch
# wrong constant name exit_on_failure?
# wrong constant name find_and_refresh_command
# wrong constant name find_and_refresh_task
# wrong constant name from_superclass<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name from_superclass
# wrong constant name group<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name group
# wrong constant name handle_argument_error
# wrong constant name handle_no_command_error<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name handle_no_command_error
# wrong constant name handle_no_task_error<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name handle_no_task_error
# wrong constant name inherited
# wrong constant name initialize_added
# wrong constant name is_thor_reserved_word?
# wrong constant name method_added
# wrong constant name namespace<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name namespace
# wrong constant name no_commands
# wrong constant name no_tasks
# wrong constant name print_options<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name print_options
# wrong constant name public_command
# wrong constant name public_task
# wrong constant name remove_argument
# wrong constant name remove_class_option
# wrong constant name remove_command
# wrong constant name remove_task
# wrong constant name start<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name start<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name start
# wrong constant name stop_on_unknown_option?
# wrong constant name strict_args_position
# wrong constant name strict_args_position!
# wrong constant name strict_args_position?
# wrong constant name tasks
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name included
# wrong constant name register_klass_file
# wrong constant name shell
# wrong constant name shell=
# wrong constant name subclass_files
# wrong constant name subclasses
# undefined method `formatted_usage<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::Thor::Command'
# undefined method `formatted_usage<defaultArg>2' for class `Bundler::Thor::Command'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::Thor::Command'
# undefined method `run<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::Thor::Command'
# wrong constant name formatted_usage<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name formatted_usage<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name formatted_usage
# wrong constant name handle_argument_error?
# wrong constant name handle_no_method_error?
# wrong constant name hidden?
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name local_method?
# wrong constant name not_debugging?
# wrong constant name private_method?
# wrong constant name public_method?
# wrong constant name required_arguments_for
# wrong constant name required_options
# wrong constant name run<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name run
# wrong constant name sans_backtrace
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <Class:HashWithIndifferentAccess>
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::Thor::CoreExt::HashWithIndifferentAccess'
# uninitialized constant Bundler::Thor::CoreExt::HashWithIndifferentAccess::Elem
# uninitialized constant Bundler::Thor::CoreExt::HashWithIndifferentAccess::K
# uninitialized constant Bundler::Thor::CoreExt::HashWithIndifferentAccess::V
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name []=
# wrong constant name convert_key
# wrong constant name delete
# wrong constant name fetch
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name key?
# wrong constant name merge
# wrong constant name merge!
# wrong constant name method_missing
# wrong constant name replace
# wrong constant name reverse_merge
# wrong constant name reverse_merge!
# wrong constant name values_at
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::Thor::DynamicCommand'
# uninitialized constant Bundler::Thor::DynamicCommand::FILE_REGEXP
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# undefined method `_invoke_for_class_method<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::Thor::Group'
# uninitialized constant Bundler::Thor::Group::SHELL_DELEGATED_METHODS
# wrong constant name _invoke_for_class_method<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name _invoke_for_class_method
# undefined singleton method `desc<defaultArg>1' for `Bundler::Thor::Group'
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name banner
# wrong constant name desc<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name desc
# wrong constant name get_options_from_invocations
# wrong constant name handle_argument_error
# wrong constant name help
# wrong constant name invocation_blocks
# wrong constant name invocations
# wrong constant name invoke
# wrong constant name invoke_from_option
# wrong constant name printable_commands
# wrong constant name printable_tasks
# wrong constant name remove_invocation
# wrong constant name self_command
# wrong constant name self_task
# uninitialized constant Bundler::Thor::HiddenCommand::FILE_REGEXP
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# undefined method `_retrieve_class_and_command<defaultArg>1' for module `Bundler::Thor::Invocation'
# undefined method `_retrieve_class_and_task<defaultArg>1' for module `Bundler::Thor::Invocation'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>1' for module `Bundler::Thor::Invocation'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>2' for module `Bundler::Thor::Invocation'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>3' for module `Bundler::Thor::Invocation'
# undefined method `invoke<defaultArg>1' for module `Bundler::Thor::Invocation'
# wrong constant name <Class:ClassMethods>
# wrong constant name _parse_initialization_options
# wrong constant name _retrieve_class_and_command<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name _retrieve_class_and_command
# wrong constant name _retrieve_class_and_task<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name _retrieve_class_and_task
# wrong constant name _shared_configuration
# wrong constant name current_command_chain
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>3
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name invoke<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name invoke
# wrong constant name invoke_all
# wrong constant name invoke_command
# wrong constant name invoke_task
# wrong constant name invoke_with_padding
# wrong constant name prepare_for_invocation
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name included
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <Class:Basic>
# wrong constant name <Class:Readline>
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name options
# wrong constant name prompt
# wrong constant name readline
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name available?
# wrong constant name <Class:PathCompletion>
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name matches
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# undefined singleton method `readline<defaultArg>1' for `Bundler::Thor::LineEditor'
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name best_available
# wrong constant name readline<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name readline
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# undefined method `usage<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::Thor::Option'
# wrong constant name aliases
# wrong constant name array?
# wrong constant name boolean?
# wrong constant name dasherize
# wrong constant name dasherized?
# wrong constant name group
# wrong constant name hash?
# wrong constant name hide
# wrong constant name lazy_default
# wrong constant name numeric?
# wrong constant name repeatable
# wrong constant name string?
# wrong constant name switch_name
# wrong constant name undasherize
# wrong constant name usage<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name usage
# wrong constant name validate_default_type!
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name parse
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::Thor::Options'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>2' for class `Bundler::Thor::Options'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>3' for class `Bundler::Thor::Options'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>4' for class `Bundler::Thor::Options'
# uninitialized constant Bundler::Thor::Options::NUMERIC
# wrong constant name assign_result!
# wrong constant name check_unknown!
# wrong constant name current_is_switch?
# wrong constant name current_is_switch_formatted?
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>3
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>4
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name normalize_switch
# wrong constant name parse_boolean
# wrong constant name parse_peek
# wrong constant name parsing_options?
# wrong constant name switch?
# wrong constant name switch_option
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name to_switches
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>1' for module `Bundler::Thor::Shell'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>2' for module `Bundler::Thor::Shell'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>3' for module `Bundler::Thor::Shell'
# wrong constant name <Class:Basic>
# wrong constant name <Class:Color>
# wrong constant name <Class:HTML>
# wrong constant name _shared_configuration
# wrong constant name ask
# wrong constant name error
# wrong constant name file_collision
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>3
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name no?
# wrong constant name print_in_columns
# wrong constant name print_table
# wrong constant name print_wrapped
# wrong constant name say
# wrong constant name say_status
# wrong constant name set_color
# wrong constant name shell
# wrong constant name shell=
# wrong constant name terminal_width
# wrong constant name with_padding
# wrong constant name yes?
# undefined method `indent<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::Thor::Shell::Basic'
# undefined method `no?<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::Thor::Shell::Basic'
# undefined method `print_table<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::Thor::Shell::Basic'
# undefined method `print_wrapped<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::Thor::Shell::Basic'
# undefined method `say<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::Thor::Shell::Basic'
# undefined method `say<defaultArg>2' for class `Bundler::Thor::Shell::Basic'
# undefined method `say<defaultArg>3' for class `Bundler::Thor::Shell::Basic'
# undefined method `say_status<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::Thor::Shell::Basic'
# undefined method `yes?<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::Thor::Shell::Basic'
# wrong constant name as_unicode
# wrong constant name ask
# wrong constant name ask_filtered
# wrong constant name ask_simply
# wrong constant name base
# wrong constant name base=
# wrong constant name can_display_colors?
# wrong constant name dynamic_width
# wrong constant name dynamic_width_stty
# wrong constant name dynamic_width_tput
# wrong constant name error
# wrong constant name file_collision
# wrong constant name file_collision_help
# wrong constant name git_merge_tool
# wrong constant name indent<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name indent
# wrong constant name is?
# wrong constant name lookup_color
# wrong constant name merge
# wrong constant name merge_tool
# wrong constant name mute
# wrong constant name mute?
# wrong constant name no?<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name no?
# wrong constant name padding
# wrong constant name padding=
# wrong constant name prepare_message
# wrong constant name print_in_columns
# wrong constant name print_table<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name print_table
# wrong constant name print_wrapped<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name print_wrapped
# wrong constant name quiet?
# wrong constant name say<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name say<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name say<defaultArg>3
# wrong constant name say
# wrong constant name say_status<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name say_status
# wrong constant name set_color
# wrong constant name show_diff
# wrong constant name stderr
# wrong constant name stdout
# wrong constant name terminal_width
# wrong constant name truncate
# wrong constant name unix?
# wrong constant name yes?<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name yes?
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Bundler::Thor::Shell::Color::DEFAULT_TERMINAL_WIDTH
# wrong constant name are_colors_disabled?
# wrong constant name diff_lcs_loaded?
# wrong constant name output_diff_line
# wrong constant name set_color
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# undefined method `ask<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::Thor::Shell::HTML'
# uninitialized constant Bundler::Thor::Shell::HTML::DEFAULT_TERMINAL_WIDTH
# wrong constant name ask<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name ask
# wrong constant name diff_lcs_loaded?
# wrong constant name output_diff_line
# wrong constant name set_color
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <Class:SpellChecker>
# wrong constant name all_commands
# wrong constant name command
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name corrections
# wrong constant name error
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name spell_checker
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <Class:SpellChecker>
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name switches
# wrong constant name unknown
# wrong constant name corrections
# wrong constant name error
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name spell_checker
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# undefined singleton method `find_class_and_command_by_namespace<defaultArg>1' for `Bundler::Thor::Util'
# undefined singleton method `find_class_and_task_by_namespace<defaultArg>1' for `Bundler::Thor::Util'
# undefined singleton method `load_thorfile<defaultArg>1' for `Bundler::Thor::Util'
# undefined singleton method `load_thorfile<defaultArg>2' for `Bundler::Thor::Util'
# undefined singleton method `namespaces_in_content<defaultArg>1' for `Bundler::Thor::Util'
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name camel_case
# wrong constant name escape_globs
# wrong constant name find_by_namespace
# wrong constant name find_class_and_command_by_namespace<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name find_class_and_command_by_namespace
# wrong constant name find_class_and_task_by_namespace<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name find_class_and_task_by_namespace
# wrong constant name globs_for
# wrong constant name load_thorfile<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name load_thorfile<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name load_thorfile
# wrong constant name namespace_from_thor_class
# wrong constant name namespaces_in_content<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name namespaces_in_content
# wrong constant name ruby_command
# wrong constant name snake_case
# wrong constant name thor_classes_in
# wrong constant name thor_root
# wrong constant name thor_root_glob
# wrong constant name user_home
# undefined singleton method `banner<defaultArg>1' for `Bundler::Thor'
# undefined singleton method `banner<defaultArg>2' for `Bundler::Thor'
# undefined singleton method `check_unknown_options!<defaultArg>1' for `Bundler::Thor'
# undefined singleton method `default_command<defaultArg>1' for `Bundler::Thor'
# undefined singleton method `default_task<defaultArg>1' for `Bundler::Thor'
# undefined singleton method `desc<defaultArg>1' for `Bundler::Thor'
# undefined singleton method `help<defaultArg>1' for `Bundler::Thor'
# undefined singleton method `long_desc<defaultArg>1' for `Bundler::Thor'
# undefined singleton method `map<defaultArg>1' for `Bundler::Thor'
# undefined singleton method `method_option<defaultArg>1' for `Bundler::Thor'
# undefined singleton method `method_options<defaultArg>1' for `Bundler::Thor'
# undefined singleton method `option<defaultArg>1' for `Bundler::Thor'
# undefined singleton method `options<defaultArg>1' for `Bundler::Thor'
# undefined singleton method `package_name<defaultArg>1' for `Bundler::Thor'
# undefined singleton method `printable_commands<defaultArg>1' for `Bundler::Thor'
# undefined singleton method `printable_commands<defaultArg>2' for `Bundler::Thor'
# undefined singleton method `printable_tasks<defaultArg>1' for `Bundler::Thor'
# undefined singleton method `printable_tasks<defaultArg>2' for `Bundler::Thor'
# undefined singleton method `register<defaultArg>1' for `Bundler::Thor'
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name banner<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name banner<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name banner
# wrong constant name check_unknown_options!<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name check_unknown_options!
# wrong constant name command_help
# wrong constant name default_command<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name default_command
# wrong constant name default_task<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name default_task
# wrong constant name desc<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name desc
# wrong constant name disable_required_check
# wrong constant name disable_required_check!
# wrong constant name disable_required_check?
# wrong constant name dispatch
# wrong constant name dynamic_command_class
# wrong constant name find_command_possibilities
# wrong constant name find_task_possibilities
# wrong constant name help<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name help
# wrong constant name long_desc<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name long_desc
# wrong constant name map<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name map
# wrong constant name method_option<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name method_option
# wrong constant name method_options<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name method_options
# wrong constant name normalize_command_name
# wrong constant name normalize_task_name
# wrong constant name option<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name option
# wrong constant name options<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name options
# wrong constant name package_name<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name package_name
# wrong constant name printable_commands<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name printable_commands<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name printable_commands
# wrong constant name printable_tasks<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name printable_tasks<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name printable_tasks
# wrong constant name register<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name register
# wrong constant name retrieve_command_name
# wrong constant name retrieve_task_name
# wrong constant name stop_on_unknown_option
# wrong constant name stop_on_unknown_option!
# wrong constant name stop_on_unknown_option?
# wrong constant name subcommand
# wrong constant name subcommand_classes
# wrong constant name subcommand_help
# wrong constant name subcommands
# wrong constant name subtask
# wrong constant name subtask_help
# wrong constant name subtasks
# wrong constant name task_help
# undefined method `confirm<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::UI::Shell'
# undefined method `debug<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::UI::Shell'
# undefined method `error<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::UI::Shell'
# undefined method `info<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::UI::Shell'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::UI::Shell'
# undefined method `level<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::UI::Shell'
# undefined method `trace<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::UI::Shell'
# undefined method `trace<defaultArg>2' for class `Bundler::UI::Shell'
# undefined method `warn<defaultArg>1' for class `Bundler::UI::Shell'
# wrong constant name add_color
# wrong constant name ask
# wrong constant name confirm<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name confirm
# wrong constant name debug<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name debug
# wrong constant name debug?
# wrong constant name error<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name error
# wrong constant name info<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name info
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name level<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name level
# wrong constant name level=
# wrong constant name no?
# wrong constant name quiet?
# wrong constant name shell=
# wrong constant name silence
# wrong constant name trace<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name trace<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name trace
# wrong constant name unprinted_warnings
# wrong constant name warn<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name warn
# wrong constant name yes?
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <Class:NEq>
# wrong constant name <Class:ReqR>
# uninitialized constant Bundler::VersionRanges::NEq::Elem
# wrong constant name version
# wrong constant name version=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name members
# wrong constant name <=>
# uninitialized constant Bundler::VersionRanges::ReqR::Elem
# wrong constant name <Class:Endpoint>
# wrong constant name cover?
# wrong constant name empty?
# wrong constant name left
# wrong constant name left=
# wrong constant name right
# wrong constant name right=
# wrong constant name single?
# wrong constant name <=>
# uninitialized constant Bundler::VersionRanges::ReqR::Endpoint::Elem
# wrong constant name inclusive
# wrong constant name inclusive=
# wrong constant name version
# wrong constant name version=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name members
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name members
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name empty?
# wrong constant name for
# wrong constant name for_many
# wrong constant name original_exec
# wrong constant name original_system
# wrong constant name unbundled_env
# wrong constant name unbundled_exec
# wrong constant name unbundled_system
# wrong constant name with_unbundled_env
# uninitialized constant CSV
# uninitialized constant CSV
# uninitialized constant Chalk
# uninitialized constant Chalk
# wrong constant name json_creatable?
# undefined singleton method `load_stylesheet<defaultArg>1' for `CodeRay::Encoders::HTML::CSS'
# wrong constant name load_stylesheet<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name load_stylesheet
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Encoders::Lint::DEFAULT_OPTIONS
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name members
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::C::DEFAULT_OPTIONS
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::C::Elem
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::C::Id
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::C::KINDS_NOT_LOC
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::C::SCANNER_STATE_INFO
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::C::SCAN_ERROR_MESSAGE
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::C::Version
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::CPlusPlus::DEFAULT_OPTIONS
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::CPlusPlus::Elem
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::CPlusPlus::Id
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::CPlusPlus::KINDS_NOT_LOC
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::CPlusPlus::SCANNER_STATE_INFO
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::CPlusPlus::SCAN_ERROR_MESSAGE
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::CPlusPlus::Version
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::CSS::DEFAULT_OPTIONS
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::CSS::Elem
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::CSS::Id
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::CSS::SCANNER_STATE_INFO
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::CSS::SCAN_ERROR_MESSAGE
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::CSS::Version
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::DEFAULT_OPTIONS
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::Elem
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::Id
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::KINDS_NOT_LOC
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::SCANNER_STATE_INFO
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::SCAN_ERROR_MESSAGE
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::Version
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Debug::DEFAULT_OPTIONS
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Debug::Elem
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Debug::Id
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Debug::KINDS_NOT_LOC
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Debug::SCANNER_STATE_INFO
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Debug::SCAN_ERROR_MESSAGE
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Debug::Version
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Delphi::DEFAULT_OPTIONS
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Delphi::Elem
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Delphi::Id
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Delphi::KINDS_NOT_LOC
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Delphi::SCANNER_STATE_INFO
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Delphi::SCAN_ERROR_MESSAGE
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Delphi::Version
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Diff::Elem
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Diff::Id
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Diff::KINDS_NOT_LOC
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Diff::SCANNER_STATE_INFO
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Diff::SCAN_ERROR_MESSAGE
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Diff::Version
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Go::DEFAULT_OPTIONS
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Go::Elem
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Go::Id
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Go::KINDS_NOT_LOC
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Go::SCANNER_STATE_INFO
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Go::SCAN_ERROR_MESSAGE
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Go::Version
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::HAML::DEFAULT_OPTIONS
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::HAML::Elem
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::HAML::Id
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::HAML::SCANNER_STATE_INFO
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::HAML::SCAN_ERROR_MESSAGE
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::HAML::Version
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::HTML::DEFAULT_OPTIONS
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::HTML::Elem
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::HTML::Id
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::HTML::SCANNER_STATE_INFO
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::HTML::SCAN_ERROR_MESSAGE
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::HTML::Version
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::JSON::DEFAULT_OPTIONS
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::JSON::Elem
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::JSON::Id
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::JSON::SCANNER_STATE_INFO
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::JSON::SCAN_ERROR_MESSAGE
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::JSON::Version
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Java::DEFAULT_OPTIONS
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Java::Elem
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Java::Id
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Java::KINDS_NOT_LOC
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Java::SCANNER_STATE_INFO
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Java::SCAN_ERROR_MESSAGE
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Java::Version
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::JavaScript::DEFAULT_OPTIONS
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::JavaScript::Elem
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::JavaScript::Id
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::JavaScript::KINDS_NOT_LOC
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::JavaScript::SCANNER_STATE_INFO
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::JavaScript::SCAN_ERROR_MESSAGE
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::JavaScript::Version
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Lua::DEFAULT_OPTIONS
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Lua::Elem
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Lua::Id
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Lua::KINDS_NOT_LOC
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Lua::SCANNER_STATE_INFO
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Lua::SCAN_ERROR_MESSAGE
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Lua::Version
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Python::DEFAULT_OPTIONS
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Python::Elem
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Python::Id
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Python::KINDS_NOT_LOC
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Python::SCANNER_STATE_INFO
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Python::SCAN_ERROR_MESSAGE
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Python::Version
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Raydebug::DEFAULT_OPTIONS
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Raydebug::Elem
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Raydebug::Id
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Raydebug::KINDS_NOT_LOC
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Raydebug::SCANNER_STATE_INFO
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Raydebug::SCAN_ERROR_MESSAGE
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Raydebug::Version
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::DEFAULT_OPTIONS
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::Elem
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::Id
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::KINDS_NOT_LOC
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::SCANNER_STATE_INFO
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::SCAN_ERROR_MESSAGE
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::Version
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::SQL::DEFAULT_OPTIONS
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::SQL::Elem
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::SQL::Id
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::SQL::KINDS_NOT_LOC
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::SQL::SCANNER_STATE_INFO
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::SQL::SCAN_ERROR_MESSAGE
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::SQL::Version
# undefined method `column<defaultArg>1' for class `CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>1' for class `CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>2' for class `CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner'
# undefined method `line<defaultArg>1' for class `CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner'
# undefined method `raise_inspect<defaultArg>1' for class `CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner'
# undefined method `raise_inspect<defaultArg>2' for class `CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner'
# undefined method `raise_inspect<defaultArg>3' for class `CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner'
# undefined method `tokenize<defaultArg>1' for class `CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner'
# undefined method `tokenize<defaultArg>2' for class `CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner'
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner::Elem
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner::Id
# wrong constant name <Class:ScanError>
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner::Version
# wrong constant name binary_string
# wrong constant name column<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name column
# wrong constant name each
# wrong constant name file_extension
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name lang
# wrong constant name line<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name line
# wrong constant name raise_inspect<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name raise_inspect<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name raise_inspect<defaultArg>3
# wrong constant name raise_inspect
# wrong constant name raise_inspect_arguments
# wrong constant name reset_instance
# wrong constant name scan_rest
# wrong constant name scan_tokens
# wrong constant name scanner_state_info
# wrong constant name set_string_from_source
# wrong constant name set_tokens_from_options
# wrong constant name setup
# wrong constant name state
# wrong constant name state=
# wrong constant name string=
# wrong constant name tokenize<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name tokenize<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name tokenize
# wrong constant name tokens
# wrong constant name tokens_last
# wrong constant name tokens_size
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# undefined singleton method `encoding<defaultArg>1' for `CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner'
# undefined singleton method `file_extension<defaultArg>1' for `CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner'
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name encode_with_encoding
# wrong constant name encoding<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name encoding
# wrong constant name file_extension<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name file_extension
# wrong constant name guess_encoding
# wrong constant name lang
# wrong constant name normalize
# wrong constant name to_unix
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Taskpaper::DEFAULT_OPTIONS
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Taskpaper::Elem
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Taskpaper::Id
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Taskpaper::KINDS_NOT_LOC
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Taskpaper::SCANNER_STATE_INFO
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Taskpaper::SCAN_ERROR_MESSAGE
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Taskpaper::Version
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Text::DEFAULT_OPTIONS
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Text::Elem
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Text::Id
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Text::SCANNER_STATE_INFO
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Text::SCAN_ERROR_MESSAGE
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::Text::Version
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::YAML::DEFAULT_OPTIONS
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::YAML::Elem
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::YAML::Id
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::YAML::SCANNER_STATE_INFO
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::YAML::SCAN_ERROR_MESSAGE
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Scanners::YAML::Version
# undefined method `encode<defaultArg>1' for class `CodeRay::Tokens'
# undefined method `method_missing<defaultArg>1' for class `CodeRay::Tokens'
# uninitialized constant CodeRay::Tokens::Elem
# wrong constant name begin_group
# wrong constant name begin_line
# wrong constant name count
# wrong constant name encode<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name encode
# wrong constant name end_group
# wrong constant name end_line
# wrong constant name method_missing<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name method_missing
# wrong constant name scanner
# wrong constant name scanner=
# wrong constant name split_into_parts
# wrong constant name text_token
# wrong constant name tokens
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name polar
# wrong constant name rect
# wrong constant name rectangular
# uninitialized constant Configatron
# uninitialized constant Configatron
# uninitialized constant Coverage
# uninitialized constant Coverage
# undefined method `methods<defaultArg>1' for class `Delegator'
# undefined method `protected_methods<defaultArg>1' for class `Delegator'
# undefined method `public_methods<defaultArg>1' for class `Delegator'
# wrong constant name !=
# wrong constant name ==
# wrong constant name __getobj__
# wrong constant name __setobj__
# wrong constant name eql?
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name marshal_dump
# wrong constant name marshal_load
# wrong constant name method_missing
# wrong constant name methods<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name methods
# wrong constant name protected_methods<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name protected_methods
# wrong constant name public_methods<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name public_methods
# wrong constant name const_missing
# wrong constant name delegating_block
# wrong constant name public_api
# uninitialized constant DidYouMean::ClassNameChecker
# uninitialized constant DidYouMean::ClassNameChecker
# uninitialized constant DidYouMean::Correctable
# uninitialized constant DidYouMean::Correctable
# uninitialized constant DidYouMean::Formatter
# uninitialized constant DidYouMean::Formatter
# uninitialized constant DidYouMean::Jaro
# uninitialized constant DidYouMean::Jaro
# uninitialized constant DidYouMean::JaroWinkler
# uninitialized constant DidYouMean::JaroWinkler
# uninitialized constant DidYouMean::Levenshtein
# uninitialized constant DidYouMean::Levenshtein
# uninitialized constant DidYouMean::MethodNameChecker
# uninitialized constant DidYouMean::MethodNameChecker
# uninitialized constant DidYouMean::NameErrorCheckers
# uninitialized constant DidYouMean::NameErrorCheckers
# uninitialized constant DidYouMean::NullChecker
# uninitialized constant DidYouMean::NullChecker
# uninitialized constant DidYouMean::SpellChecker
# uninitialized constant DidYouMean::SpellChecker
# uninitialized constant DidYouMean::VariableNameChecker
# uninitialized constant DidYouMean::VariableNameChecker
# wrong constant name children
# wrong constant name each_child
# undefined singleton method `mktmpdir<defaultArg>1' for `Dir'
# wrong constant name children
# wrong constant name each_child
# wrong constant name empty?
# wrong constant name exists?
# wrong constant name mktmpdir<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name tmpdir
# undefined method `def_method<defaultArg>1' for class `ERB'
# undefined method `def_module<defaultArg>1' for class `ERB'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>4' for class `ERB'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>5' for class `ERB'
# wrong constant name def_method<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name def_method
# wrong constant name def_module<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name def_module
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>4
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>5
# wrong constant name result_with_hash
# wrong constant name _dump
# wrong constant name convert
# wrong constant name convpath
# wrong constant name destination_encoding
# wrong constant name finish
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name insert_output
# wrong constant name last_error
# wrong constant name primitive_convert
# wrong constant name primitive_errinfo
# wrong constant name putback
# wrong constant name replacement
# wrong constant name replacement=
# wrong constant name source_encoding
# wrong constant name asciicompat_encoding
# wrong constant name search_convpath
# wrong constant name destination_encoding
# wrong constant name destination_encoding_name
# wrong constant name error_bytes
# wrong constant name incomplete_input?
# wrong constant name readagain_bytes
# wrong constant name source_encoding
# wrong constant name source_encoding_name
# wrong constant name destination_encoding
# wrong constant name destination_encoding_name
# wrong constant name error_char
# wrong constant name source_encoding
# wrong constant name source_encoding_name
# wrong constant name _load
# wrong constant name locale_charmap
# undefined method `to_set<defaultArg>1' for module `Enumerable'
# wrong constant name chain
# wrong constant name chunk
# wrong constant name chunk_while
# wrong constant name each_entry
# wrong constant name filter_map
# wrong constant name grep_v
# wrong constant name slice_after
# wrong constant name slice_before
# wrong constant name slice_when
# wrong constant name sum
# wrong constant name tally
# wrong constant name to_set<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name to_set
# wrong constant name uniq
# wrong constant name zip
# wrong constant name +
# wrong constant name <Class:ArithmeticSequence>
# wrong constant name <Class:Chain>
# wrong constant name <Class:Producer>
# wrong constant name each_with_index
# uninitialized constant Enumerator::ArithmeticSequence::Elem
# wrong constant name begin
# wrong constant name each
# wrong constant name end
# wrong constant name exclude_end?
# wrong constant name last
# wrong constant name step
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Enumerator::Chain::Elem
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name each
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name chunk
# wrong constant name chunk_while
# wrong constant name eager
# wrong constant name force
# wrong constant name slice_when
# wrong constant name each
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name to_proc
# wrong constant name produce
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name gid
# wrong constant name gid=
# wrong constant name mem
# wrong constant name mem=
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name name=
# wrong constant name passwd
# wrong constant name passwd=
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name each
# wrong constant name members
# wrong constant name <Class:Group>
# wrong constant name change
# wrong constant name change=
# wrong constant name dir=
# wrong constant name expire
# wrong constant name expire=
# wrong constant name gecos
# wrong constant name gecos=
# wrong constant name gid=
# wrong constant name name=
# wrong constant name passwd=
# wrong constant name shell=
# wrong constant name uclass
# wrong constant name uclass=
# wrong constant name uid=
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name each
# wrong constant name members
# wrong constant name <Class:Passwd>
# wrong constant name full_message
# wrong constant name exception
# wrong constant name to_tty?
# uninitialized constant Exception2MessageMapper
# uninitialized constant Exception2MessageMapper
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name resume
# wrong constant name yield
# wrong constant name size?
# wrong constant name absolute_path?
# wrong constant name empty?
# wrong constant name exists?
# wrong constant name lutime
# wrong constant name mkfifo
# uninitialized constant FileUtils::DryRun::VERSION
# uninitialized constant FileUtils::NoWrite::VERSION
# uninitialized constant FileUtils::Verbose::VERSION
# undefined method `def_delegator<defaultArg>1' for module `Forwardable'
# undefined method `def_instance_delegator<defaultArg>1' for module `Forwardable'
# wrong constant name def_delegator<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name def_delegator
# wrong constant name def_delegators
# wrong constant name def_instance_delegator<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name def_instance_delegator
# wrong constant name def_instance_delegators
# wrong constant name delegate
# wrong constant name instance_delegate
# wrong constant name _compile_method
# wrong constant name _delegator_method
# wrong constant name _valid_method?
# wrong constant name debug
# wrong constant name debug=
# wrong constant name receiver
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# undefined method `garbage_collect<defaultArg>1' for module `GC'
# undefined method `garbage_collect<defaultArg>2' for module `GC'
# undefined method `garbage_collect<defaultArg>3' for module `GC'
# wrong constant name garbage_collect<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name garbage_collect<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name garbage_collect<defaultArg>3
# wrong constant name garbage_collect
# undefined singleton method `latest_gc_info<defaultArg>1' for `GC'
# undefined singleton method `start<defaultArg>3' for `GC'
# undefined singleton method `stat<defaultArg>1' for `GC'
# wrong constant name compact
# wrong constant name latest_gc_info<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name latest_gc_info
# wrong constant name start<defaultArg>3
# wrong constant name stat<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name stress=
# wrong constant name verify_compaction_references
# wrong constant name verify_internal_consistency
# wrong constant name verify_transient_heap_internal_consistency
# wrong constant name <Class:S3URISigner>
# wrong constant name _deprecated_default_specifications_dir
# undefined method `deprecate_option<defaultArg>1' for class `Gem::Command'
# undefined method `deprecate_option<defaultArg>2' for class `Gem::Command'
# undefined method `deprecate_option<defaultArg>3' for class `Gem::Command'
# undefined method `show_lookup_failure<defaultArg>2' for class `Gem::Command'
# wrong constant name check_deprecated_options
# wrong constant name deprecate_option<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name deprecate_option<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name deprecate_option<defaultArg>3
# wrong constant name deprecate_option
# wrong constant name show_lookup_failure<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name <=>
# wrong constant name identity
# undefined method `_deprecated_find_gems_with_sources<defaultArg>1' for class `Gem::DependencyInstaller'
# undefined method `_deprecated_find_spec_by_name_and_version<defaultArg>1' for class `Gem::DependencyInstaller'
# undefined method `_deprecated_find_spec_by_name_and_version<defaultArg>2' for class `Gem::DependencyInstaller'
# wrong constant name _deprecated_available_set_for
# wrong constant name _deprecated_find_gems_with_sources<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name _deprecated_find_gems_with_sources
# wrong constant name _deprecated_find_spec_by_name_and_version<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name _deprecated_find_spec_by_name_and_version<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name _deprecated_find_spec_by_name_and_version
# wrong constant name _deprecated_unpack
# wrong constant name package
# wrong constant name gem
# wrong constant name oct_or_256based
# undefined singleton method `raw_spec<defaultArg>1' for `Gem::Package'
# wrong constant name raw_spec<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name raw_spec
# wrong constant name _deprecated_fetch_size
# wrong constant name s3_uri_signer
# wrong constant name default_prerelease
# wrong constant name platform
# uninitialized constant Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::DependencyGraph::Log::Elem
# undefined method `sign<defaultArg>1' for class `Gem::S3URISigner'
# wrong constant name <Class:ConfigurationError>
# wrong constant name <Class:InstanceProfileError>
# wrong constant name <Class:S3Config>
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name sign<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name sign
# wrong constant name uri
# wrong constant name uri=
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Gem::S3URISigner::S3Config::Elem
# wrong constant name access_key_id
# wrong constant name access_key_id=
# wrong constant name region
# wrong constant name region=
# wrong constant name secret_access_key
# wrong constant name secret_access_key=
# wrong constant name security_token
# wrong constant name security_token=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name members
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <=>
# uninitialized constant Gem::Specification::GENERICS
# uninitialized constant Gem::Specification::GENERIC_CACHE
# wrong constant name _deprecated_rubyforge_project=
# undefined singleton method `default_stubs<defaultArg>1' for `Gem::Specification'
# wrong constant name default_stubs<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name default_stubs
# wrong constant name correct_for_windows_path
# wrong constant name add_to_load_path
# wrong constant name default_specifications_dir
# wrong constant name java_platform?
# wrong constant name source_date_epoch
# wrong constant name suffix_regexp
# wrong constant name <
# wrong constant name <=
# wrong constant name >
# wrong constant name >=
# wrong constant name compact
# wrong constant name compact!
# wrong constant name deconstruct_keys
# wrong constant name default_proc
# wrong constant name default_proc=
# wrong constant name fetch_values
# wrong constant name flatten
# wrong constant name index
# wrong constant name replace
# wrong constant name slice
# wrong constant name to_h
# wrong constant name to_proc
# wrong constant name transform_keys
# wrong constant name transform_keys!
# wrong constant name transform_values
# wrong constant name transform_values!
# wrong constant name update
# wrong constant name try_convert
# undefined method `read_nonblock<defaultArg>1' for class `IO'
# undefined method `read_nonblock<defaultArg>2' for class `IO'
# undefined method `write_nonblock<defaultArg>1' for class `IO'
# wrong constant name external_encoding
# wrong constant name nonblock
# wrong constant name nonblock=
# wrong constant name nonblock?
# wrong constant name nread
# wrong constant name pathconf
# wrong constant name pread
# wrong constant name pwrite
# wrong constant name read_nonblock<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name read_nonblock<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name ready?
# wrong constant name set_encoding_by_bom
# wrong constant name wait
# wrong constant name wait_readable
# wrong constant name wait_writable
# wrong constant name write_nonblock<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name write_nonblock
# wrong constant name foreach
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>1' for class `IPAddr'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>2' for class `IPAddr'
# wrong constant name &
# wrong constant name <<
# wrong constant name <=>
# wrong constant name ==
# wrong constant name ===
# wrong constant name >>
# wrong constant name <Class:AddressFamilyError>
# wrong constant name <Class:Error>
# wrong constant name <Class:InvalidAddressError>
# wrong constant name <Class:InvalidPrefixError>
# wrong constant name eql?
# wrong constant name family
# wrong constant name hton
# wrong constant name include?
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name ip6_arpa
# wrong constant name ip6_int
# wrong constant name ipv4?
# wrong constant name ipv4_compat
# wrong constant name ipv4_compat?
# wrong constant name ipv4_mapped
# wrong constant name ipv4_mapped?
# wrong constant name ipv6?
# wrong constant name link_local?
# wrong constant name loopback?
# wrong constant name mask
# wrong constant name mask!
# wrong constant name native
# wrong constant name prefix
# wrong constant name prefix=
# wrong constant name private?
# wrong constant name reverse
# wrong constant name set
# wrong constant name succ
# wrong constant name to_i
# wrong constant name to_range
# wrong constant name to_string
# wrong constant name |
# wrong constant name ~
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name new_ntoh
# wrong constant name ntop
# wrong constant name allbits?
# wrong constant name anybits?
# wrong constant name digits
# wrong constant name nobits?
# wrong constant name pow
# wrong constant name to_bn
# wrong constant name sqrt
# wrong constant name from_state
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name gem
# wrong constant name itself
# wrong constant name object_id
# wrong constant name pretty_inspect
# wrong constant name respond_to?
# wrong constant name then
# wrong constant name yield_self
# wrong constant name at_exit
# wrong constant name key
# wrong constant name receiver
# wrong constant name path
# wrong constant name exit_value
# wrong constant name reason
# uninitialized constant Logger
# uninitialized constant Logger
# wrong constant name restore
# uninitialized constant MessagePack
# uninitialized constant MessagePack
# uninitialized constant Minitest::AbstractReporter::VERSION
# wrong constant name lock
# wrong constant name locked?
# wrong constant name synchronize
# wrong constant name try_lock
# wrong constant name unlock
# uninitialized constant Minitest::BenchSpec::E
# uninitialized constant Minitest::BenchSpec::PASSTHROUGH_EXCEPTIONS
# uninitialized constant Minitest::BenchSpec::SIGNALS
# uninitialized constant Minitest::BenchSpec::TEARDOWN_METHODS
# uninitialized constant Minitest::BenchSpec::UNDEFINED
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name members
# wrong constant name must_be
# wrong constant name must_be_close_to
# wrong constant name must_be_empty
# wrong constant name must_be_instance_of
# wrong constant name must_be_kind_of
# wrong constant name must_be_nil
# wrong constant name must_be_same_as
# wrong constant name must_be_silent
# wrong constant name must_be_within_epsilon
# wrong constant name must_equal
# wrong constant name must_include
# wrong constant name must_match
# wrong constant name must_output
# wrong constant name must_raise
# wrong constant name must_respond_to
# wrong constant name must_throw
# wrong constant name path_must_exist
# wrong constant name path_wont_exist
# wrong constant name wont_be
# wrong constant name wont_be_close_to
# wrong constant name wont_be_empty
# wrong constant name wont_be_instance_of
# wrong constant name wont_be_kind_of
# wrong constant name wont_be_nil
# wrong constant name wont_be_same_as
# wrong constant name wont_be_within_epsilon
# wrong constant name wont_equal
# wrong constant name wont_include
# wrong constant name wont_match
# wrong constant name wont_respond_to
# undefined method `__respond_to?<defaultArg>1' for class `Minitest::Mock'
# wrong constant name ===
# wrong constant name __respond_to?<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name class
# wrong constant name inspect
# wrong constant name instance_eval
# wrong constant name instance_variables
# wrong constant name object_id
# wrong constant name public_send
# wrong constant name send
# wrong constant name to_s
# uninitialized constant Minitest::Spec::E
# uninitialized constant Minitest::Spec::PASSTHROUGH_EXCEPTIONS
# uninitialized constant Minitest::Spec::SIGNALS
# uninitialized constant Minitest::Spec::TEARDOWN_METHODS
# uninitialized constant Minitest::Spec::UNDEFINED
# uninitialized constant Minitest::Test::E
# uninitialized constant Minitest::Test::SIGNALS
# uninitialized constant Minitest::Test::UNDEFINED
# wrong constant name backtrace_filter
# wrong constant name backtrace_filter=
# wrong constant name extensions
# wrong constant name extensions=
# wrong constant name info_signal
# wrong constant name info_signal=
# wrong constant name parallel_executor
# wrong constant name parallel_executor=
# wrong constant name reporter
# wrong constant name reporter=
# wrong constant name const_source_location
# wrong constant name deprecate_constant
# wrong constant name undef_method
# wrong constant name used_modules
# wrong constant name enter
# wrong constant name exit
# wrong constant name mon_check_owner
# wrong constant name mon_enter
# wrong constant name mon_exit
# wrong constant name mon_locked?
# wrong constant name mon_owned?
# wrong constant name mon_synchronize
# wrong constant name mon_try_enter
# wrong constant name new_cond
# wrong constant name synchronize
# wrong constant name try_enter
# wrong constant name try_mon_enter
# wrong constant name wait_for_cond
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name mon_enter
# wrong constant name mon_exit
# wrong constant name mon_locked?
# wrong constant name mon_owned?
# wrong constant name mon_synchronize
# wrong constant name mon_try_enter
# wrong constant name new_cond
# wrong constant name synchronize
# wrong constant name try_mon_enter
# undefined method `wait<defaultArg>1' for class `MonitorMixin::ConditionVariable'
# wrong constant name broadcast
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name signal
# wrong constant name wait<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name wait
# wrong constant name wait_until
# wrong constant name wait_while
# uninitialized constant MonitorMixin::ConditionVariable::Timeout
# uninitialized constant MonitorMixin::ConditionVariable::Timeout
# wrong constant name extend_object
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name receiver
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>4' for class `Net::BufferedIO'
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>4
# wrong constant name write_timeout
# wrong constant name write_timeout=
# uninitialized constant Net::FTP
# uninitialized constant Net::FTP
# uninitialized constant Net::FTPConnectionError
# uninitialized constant Net::FTPConnectionError
# uninitialized constant Net::FTPError
# uninitialized constant Net::FTPError
# uninitialized constant Net::FTPPermError
# uninitialized constant Net::FTPPermError
# uninitialized constant Net::FTPProtoError
# uninitialized constant Net::FTPProtoError
# uninitialized constant Net::FTPReplyError
# uninitialized constant Net::FTPReplyError
# uninitialized constant Net::FTPTempError
# uninitialized constant Net::FTPTempError
# wrong constant name max_retries
# wrong constant name max_retries=
# wrong constant name max_version
# wrong constant name max_version=
# wrong constant name min_version
# wrong constant name min_version=
# wrong constant name write_timeout
# wrong constant name write_timeout=
# uninitialized constant Net::HTTP::DigestAuth
# uninitialized constant Net::HTTP::DigestAuth
# uninitialized constant Net::HTTP::Persistent
# uninitialized constant Net::HTTP::Persistent
# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPAlreadyReported::CODE_CLASS_TO_OBJ
# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPAlreadyReported::CODE_TO_OBJ
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPEarlyHints::CODE_CLASS_TO_OBJ
# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPEarlyHints::CODE_TO_OBJ
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPGatewayTimeout::CODE_CLASS_TO_OBJ
# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPGatewayTimeout::CODE_TO_OBJ
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPLoopDetected::CODE_CLASS_TO_OBJ
# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPLoopDetected::CODE_TO_OBJ
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPMisdirectedRequest::CODE_CLASS_TO_OBJ
# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPMisdirectedRequest::CODE_TO_OBJ
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPNotExtended::CODE_CLASS_TO_OBJ
# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPNotExtended::CODE_TO_OBJ
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPPayloadTooLarge::CODE_CLASS_TO_OBJ
# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPPayloadTooLarge::CODE_TO_OBJ
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPProcessing::CODE_CLASS_TO_OBJ
# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPProcessing::CODE_TO_OBJ
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPRangeNotSatisfiable::CODE_CLASS_TO_OBJ
# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPRangeNotSatisfiable::CODE_TO_OBJ
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPRequestTimeout::CODE_CLASS_TO_OBJ
# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPRequestTimeout::CODE_TO_OBJ
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPURITooLong::CODE_CLASS_TO_OBJ
# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPURITooLong::CODE_TO_OBJ
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPVariantAlsoNegotiates::CODE_CLASS_TO_OBJ
# uninitialized constant Net::HTTPVariantAlsoNegotiates::CODE_TO_OBJ
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Net::IMAP
# uninitialized constant Net::IMAP
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>1' for class `Net::ReadTimeout'
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name io
# uninitialized constant Net::SMTP
# uninitialized constant Net::SMTP
# uninitialized constant Net::SMTPAuthenticationError
# uninitialized constant Net::SMTPAuthenticationError
# uninitialized constant Net::SMTPError
# uninitialized constant Net::SMTPError
# uninitialized constant Net::SMTPFatalError
# uninitialized constant Net::SMTPFatalError
# uninitialized constant Net::SMTPServerBusy
# uninitialized constant Net::SMTPServerBusy
# uninitialized constant Net::SMTPSyntaxError
# uninitialized constant Net::SMTPSyntaxError
# uninitialized constant Net::SMTPUnknownError
# uninitialized constant Net::SMTPUnknownError
# uninitialized constant Net::SMTPUnsupportedCommand
# uninitialized constant Net::SMTPUnsupportedCommand
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>1' for class `Net::WriteTimeout'
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name io
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name to_i
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name args
# wrong constant name private_call?
# undefined method `pry<defaultArg>1' for class `Object'
# undefined method `pry<defaultArg>2' for class `Object'
# undefined method `to_yaml<defaultArg>1' for class `Object'
# uninitialized constant RUBYGEMS_ACTIVATION_MONITOR
# wrong constant name dclone
# wrong constant name pry<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name pry<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name pry
# wrong constant name to_yaml<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name to_yaml
# wrong constant name yaml_tag
# wrong constant name <Class:Object>
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name []=
# wrong constant name each
# wrong constant name each_key
# wrong constant name each_pair
# wrong constant name each_value
# wrong constant name key?
# wrong constant name keys
# wrong constant name length
# wrong constant name size
# wrong constant name values
# undefined singleton method `garbage_collect<defaultArg>1' for `ObjectSpace'
# undefined singleton method `garbage_collect<defaultArg>2' for `ObjectSpace'
# undefined singleton method `garbage_collect<defaultArg>3' for `ObjectSpace'
# wrong constant name count_objects
# wrong constant name define_finalizer
# wrong constant name garbage_collect<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name garbage_collect<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name garbage_collect<defaultArg>3
# wrong constant name garbage_collect
# wrong constant name undefine_finalizer
# wrong constant name indefinite_length
# wrong constant name indefinite_length=
# wrong constant name +@
# wrong constant name -@
# wrong constant name /
# wrong constant name negative?
# uninitialized constant OpenSSL::Digest::DSS
# uninitialized constant OpenSSL::Digest::DSS
# uninitialized constant OpenSSL::Digest::DSS1
# uninitialized constant OpenSSL::Digest::DSS1
# uninitialized constant OpenSSL::Digest::SHA
# uninitialized constant OpenSSL::Digest::SHA
# wrong constant name <Class:KDFError>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name hkdf
# wrong constant name pbkdf2_hmac
# wrong constant name scrypt
# wrong constant name signed?
# uninitialized constant OpenSSL::PKCS5::PKCS5Error
# uninitialized constant OpenSSL::PKCS5::PKCS5Error
# undefined method `to_bn<defaultArg>1' for class `OpenSSL::PKey::EC::Point'
# wrong constant name to_bn<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name to_octet_string
# wrong constant name sign_pss
# wrong constant name verify_pss
# wrong constant name add_certificate
# wrong constant name alpn_protocols
# wrong constant name alpn_protocols=
# wrong constant name alpn_select_cb
# wrong constant name alpn_select_cb=
# wrong constant name enable_fallback_scsv
# wrong constant name max_version=
# wrong constant name min_version=
# uninitialized constant OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket::BLOCK_SIZE
# wrong constant name alpn_protocol
# wrong constant name tmp_key
# wrong constant name ==
# wrong constant name ==
# wrong constant name ==
# wrong constant name to_utf8
# wrong constant name ==
# wrong constant name ==
# wrong constant name to_der
# wrong constant name fips_mode
# wrong constant name additional_message
# wrong constant name get_candidates
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>1' for class `OptionParser::ParseError'
# wrong constant name additional
# wrong constant name additional=
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>1
# uninitialized constant Opus
# uninitialized constant Opus
# undefined method `children<defaultArg>1' for class `Pathname'
# undefined method `each_child<defaultArg>1' for class `Pathname'
# undefined method `find<defaultArg>1' for class `Pathname'
# wrong constant name children<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name each_child<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name empty?
# wrong constant name find<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name fnmatch?
# wrong constant name glob
# wrong constant name make_symlink
# wrong constant name <<
# wrong constant name ===
# wrong constant name >>
# wrong constant name clone
# wrong constant name yield
# uninitialized constant Proc0
# uninitialized constant Proc0
# uninitialized constant Proc1
# uninitialized constant Proc1
# uninitialized constant Proc10
# uninitialized constant Proc10
# uninitialized constant Proc2
# uninitialized constant Proc2
# uninitialized constant Proc3
# uninitialized constant Proc3
# uninitialized constant Proc4
# uninitialized constant Proc4
# uninitialized constant Proc5
# uninitialized constant Proc5
# uninitialized constant Proc6
# uninitialized constant Proc6
# uninitialized constant Proc7
# uninitialized constant Proc7
# uninitialized constant Proc8
# uninitialized constant Proc8
# uninitialized constant Proc9
# uninitialized constant Proc9
# wrong constant name getegid
# wrong constant name cstime
# wrong constant name cstime=
# wrong constant name cutime
# wrong constant name cutime=
# wrong constant name stime
# wrong constant name stime=
# wrong constant name utime
# wrong constant name utime=
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name members
# wrong constant name last_status
# wrong constant name setpgrp
# undefined method `eval<defaultArg>1' for class `Pry'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>1' for class `Pry'
# undefined method `push_initial_binding<defaultArg>1' for class `Pry'
# undefined method `repl<defaultArg>1' for class `Pry'
# undefined method `set_last_result<defaultArg>1' for class `Pry'
# wrong constant name <Class:Indent>
# wrong constant name <Class:Slop>
# wrong constant name <Class:Terminal>
# wrong constant name <Class:TooSafeException>
# wrong constant name add_sticky_local
# wrong constant name backtrace
# wrong constant name backtrace=
# wrong constant name binding_stack
# wrong constant name binding_stack=
# wrong constant name color
# wrong constant name color=
# wrong constant name command_state
# wrong constant name commands
# wrong constant name commands=
# wrong constant name complete
# wrong constant name config
# wrong constant name current_binding
# wrong constant name current_context
# wrong constant name custom_completions
# wrong constant name custom_completions=
# wrong constant name editor
# wrong constant name editor=
# wrong constant name eval<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name eval
# wrong constant name eval_string
# wrong constant name eval_string=
# wrong constant name evaluate_ruby
# wrong constant name exception_handler
# wrong constant name exception_handler=
# wrong constant name exec_hook
# wrong constant name exit_value
# wrong constant name extra_sticky_locals
# wrong constant name extra_sticky_locals=
# wrong constant name hooks
# wrong constant name hooks=
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name inject_local
# wrong constant name inject_sticky_locals!
# wrong constant name input
# wrong constant name input=
# wrong constant name input_array
# wrong constant name input_ring
# wrong constant name last_dir
# wrong constant name last_dir=
# wrong constant name last_exception
# wrong constant name last_exception=
# wrong constant name last_file
# wrong constant name last_file=
# wrong constant name last_result
# wrong constant name last_result=
# wrong constant name last_result_is_exception?
# wrong constant name memory_size
# wrong constant name memory_size=
# wrong constant name output
# wrong constant name output=
# wrong constant name output_array
# wrong constant name output_ring
# wrong constant name pager
# wrong constant name pager=
# wrong constant name pop_prompt
# wrong constant name print
# wrong constant name print=
# wrong constant name process_command
# wrong constant name process_command_safely
# wrong constant name prompt
# wrong constant name prompt=
# wrong constant name push_binding
# wrong constant name push_initial_binding<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name push_initial_binding
# wrong constant name push_prompt
# wrong constant name quiet?
# wrong constant name raise_up
# wrong constant name raise_up!
# wrong constant name raise_up_common
# wrong constant name repl<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name repl
# wrong constant name reset_eval_string
# wrong constant name run_command
# wrong constant name select_prompt
# wrong constant name set_last_result<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name set_last_result
# wrong constant name should_print?
# wrong constant name show_result
# wrong constant name sticky_locals
# wrong constant name suppress_output
# wrong constant name suppress_output=
# wrong constant name update_input_history
# wrong constant name <Class:AmendLine>
# wrong constant name <Class:Bang>
# wrong constant name <Class:BangPry>
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::COLORS
# wrong constant name <Class:Cd>
# wrong constant name <Class:DisablePry>
# wrong constant name <Class:Exit>
# wrong constant name <Class:ExitAll>
# wrong constant name <Class:FindMethod>
# wrong constant name <Class:FixIndent>
# wrong constant name <Class:GemCd>
# wrong constant name <Class:GemList>
# wrong constant name <Class:GemOpen>
# wrong constant name <Class:Gist>
# wrong constant name <Class:Hist>
# wrong constant name <Class:ImportSet>
# wrong constant name <Class:JumpTo>
# wrong constant name <Class:Play>
# wrong constant name <Class:PryBacktrace>
# wrong constant name <Class:ReloadCode>
# wrong constant name <Class:Reset>
# wrong constant name <Class:SaveFile>
# wrong constant name <Class:ShellCommand>
# wrong constant name <Class:ShellMode>
# wrong constant name <Class:ShowDoc>
# wrong constant name <Class:ShowInput>
# wrong constant name <Class:ShowSource>
# wrong constant name <Class:Stat>
# wrong constant name <Class:SwitchTo>
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::AmendLine::COLORS
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::AmendLine::VOID_VALUE
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::Bang::COLORS
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::Bang::VOID_VALUE
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::BangPry::COLORS
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::BangPry::VOID_VALUE
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::Cat::COLORS
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::Cat::VOID_VALUE
# wrong constant name load_path_completions
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::Cat::ExceptionFormatter::COLORS
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::Cd::COLORS
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::Cd::VOID_VALUE
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::DisablePry::COLORS
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::DisablePry::VOID_VALUE
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# undefined method `reload?<defaultArg>1' for class `Pry::Command::Edit'
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::Edit::COLORS
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::Edit::VOID_VALUE
# wrong constant name apply_runtime_patch
# wrong constant name bad_option_combination?
# wrong constant name code_object
# wrong constant name ensure_file_name_is_valid
# wrong constant name file_and_line
# wrong constant name file_and_line_for_current_exception
# wrong constant name file_based_exception?
# wrong constant name file_edit
# wrong constant name filename_argument
# wrong constant name initial_temp_file_content
# wrong constant name input_expression
# wrong constant name never_reload?
# wrong constant name patch_exception?
# wrong constant name previously_patched?
# wrong constant name probably_a_file?
# wrong constant name pry_method?
# wrong constant name reload?<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name reload?
# wrong constant name reloadable?
# wrong constant name repl_edit
# wrong constant name repl_edit?
# wrong constant name runtime_patch?
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::Exit::COLORS
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::Exit::VOID_VALUE
# wrong constant name process_pop_and_return
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::ExitAll::COLORS
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::ExitAll::VOID_VALUE
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::ExitProgram::COLORS
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::ExitProgram::VOID_VALUE
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::FindMethod::COLORS
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::FindMethod::VOID_VALUE
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::FixIndent::COLORS
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::FixIndent::VOID_VALUE
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::GemCd::COLORS
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::GemCd::VOID_VALUE
# wrong constant name complete
# wrong constant name process
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::GemInstall::COLORS
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::GemInstall::VOID_VALUE
# undefined method `process<defaultArg>1' for class `Pry::Command::GemList'
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::GemList::COLORS
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::GemList::VOID_VALUE
# wrong constant name process<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name process
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::GemOpen::COLORS
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::GemOpen::VOID_VALUE
# wrong constant name complete
# wrong constant name process
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::Gist::COLORS
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::Gist::VOID_VALUE
# wrong constant name clipboard_content
# wrong constant name comment_expression_result_for_gist
# wrong constant name gist_content
# wrong constant name input_content
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::Help::COLORS
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::Help::VOID_VALUE
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::Hist::COLORS
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::Hist::VOID_VALUE
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::ImportSet::COLORS
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::ImportSet::VOID_VALUE
# wrong constant name process
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::InstallCommand::COLORS
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::InstallCommand::VOID_VALUE
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::JumpTo::COLORS
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::JumpTo::VOID_VALUE
# wrong constant name process
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::Ls::COLORS
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::Ls::VOID_VALUE
# wrong constant name no_user_opts?
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::Nesting::COLORS
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::Nesting::VOID_VALUE
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::Play::COLORS
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::Play::VOID_VALUE
# wrong constant name code_object
# wrong constant name content
# wrong constant name content_after_options
# wrong constant name content_at_expression
# wrong constant name default_file
# wrong constant name file_content
# wrong constant name perform_play
# wrong constant name should_use_default_file?
# wrong constant name show_input
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::PryBacktrace::COLORS
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::PryBacktrace::VOID_VALUE
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::RaiseUp::COLORS
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::RaiseUp::VOID_VALUE
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::ReloadCode::COLORS
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::ReloadCode::VOID_VALUE
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::Reset::COLORS
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::Reset::VOID_VALUE
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::Ri::COLORS
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::Ri::VOID_VALUE
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::SaveFile::COLORS
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::SaveFile::VOID_VALUE
# wrong constant name display_content
# wrong constant name file_name
# wrong constant name mode
# wrong constant name save_file
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::ShellCommand::COLORS
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::ShellCommand::VOID_VALUE
# wrong constant name process
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::ShellMode::COLORS
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::ShellMode::VOID_VALUE
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::ShowDoc::COLORS
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::ShowDoc::VOID_VALUE
# wrong constant name content_for
# wrong constant name docs_for
# wrong constant name render_doc_markup_for
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::ShowInfo::COLORS
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::ShowInfo::VOID_VALUE
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::ShowInput::COLORS
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::ShowInput::VOID_VALUE
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::ShowSource::COLORS
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::ShowSource::VOID_VALUE
# wrong constant name content_for
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::Stat::COLORS
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::Stat::VOID_VALUE
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::SwitchTo::COLORS
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::SwitchTo::VOID_VALUE
# wrong constant name process
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::ToggleColor::COLORS
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::ToggleColor::VOID_VALUE
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::Version::COLORS
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::Version::VOID_VALUE
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::Whereami::COLORS
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::Whereami::VOID_VALUE
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::Wtf::COLORS
# uninitialized constant Pry::Command::Wtf::VOID_VALUE
# undefined method `command<defaultArg>1' for class `Pry::CommandSet'
# undefined method `command<defaultArg>2' for class `Pry::CommandSet'
# wrong constant name command<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name command<defaultArg>2
# uninitialized constant Pry::Config::ASSIGNMENT
# uninitialized constant Pry::Config::INSPECT_REGEXP
# uninitialized constant Pry::Config::NODUP
# uninitialized constant Pry::Config::RUBYGEMS_ACTIVATION_MONITOR
# uninitialized constant Pry::Config::Default::ASSIGNMENT
# uninitialized constant Pry::Config::Default::INSPECT_REGEXP
# uninitialized constant Pry::Config::Default::MEMOIZED_METHODS
# uninitialized constant Pry::Config::Default::NODUP
# wrong constant name auto_indent
# wrong constant name collision_warning
# wrong constant name color
# wrong constant name command_completions
# wrong constant name command_prefix
# wrong constant name commands
# wrong constant name completer
# wrong constant name control_d_handler
# wrong constant name correct_indent
# wrong constant name default_window_size
# wrong constant name disable_auto_reload
# wrong constant name editor
# wrong constant name exception_handler
# wrong constant name exception_whitelist
# wrong constant name exec_string
# wrong constant name extra_sticky_locals
# wrong constant name file_completions
# wrong constant name gist
# wrong constant name history
# wrong constant name hooks
# wrong constant name input
# wrong constant name ls
# wrong constant name memory_size
# wrong constant name output
# wrong constant name output_prefix
# wrong constant name pager
# wrong constant name print
# wrong constant name prompt
# wrong constant name prompt_name
# wrong constant name prompt_safe_contexts
# wrong constant name quiet
# wrong constant name requires
# wrong constant name should_load_local_rc
# wrong constant name should_load_plugins
# wrong constant name should_load_rc
# wrong constant name should_load_requires
# wrong constant name should_trap_interrupts
# wrong constant name system
# wrong constant name windows_console_warning
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>1' for class `Pry::Helpers::Table'
# undefined method `rows_to_s<defaultArg>1' for class `Pry::Helpers::Table'
# wrong constant name ==
# wrong constant name column_count
# wrong constant name column_count=
# wrong constant name columns
# wrong constant name fits_on_line?
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name items
# wrong constant name items=
# wrong constant name rows_to_s<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name rows_to_s
# wrong constant name to_a
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name black
# wrong constant name black_on_black
# wrong constant name black_on_blue
# wrong constant name black_on_cyan
# wrong constant name black_on_green
# wrong constant name black_on_magenta
# wrong constant name black_on_purple
# wrong constant name black_on_red
# wrong constant name black_on_white
# wrong constant name black_on_yellow
# wrong constant name blue
# wrong constant name blue_on_black
# wrong constant name blue_on_blue
# wrong constant name blue_on_cyan
# wrong constant name blue_on_green
# wrong constant name blue_on_magenta
# wrong constant name blue_on_purple
# wrong constant name blue_on_red
# wrong constant name blue_on_white
# wrong constant name blue_on_yellow
# wrong constant name bright_black
# wrong constant name bright_black_on_black
# wrong constant name bright_black_on_blue
# wrong constant name bright_black_on_cyan
# wrong constant name bright_black_on_green
# wrong constant name bright_black_on_magenta
# wrong constant name bright_black_on_purple
# wrong constant name bright_black_on_red
# wrong constant name bright_black_on_white
# wrong constant name bright_black_on_yellow
# wrong constant name bright_blue
# wrong constant name bright_blue_on_black
# wrong constant name bright_blue_on_blue
# wrong constant name bright_blue_on_cyan
# wrong constant name bright_blue_on_green
# wrong constant name bright_blue_on_magenta
# wrong constant name bright_blue_on_purple
# wrong constant name bright_blue_on_red
# wrong constant name bright_blue_on_white
# wrong constant name bright_blue_on_yellow
# wrong constant name bright_cyan
# wrong constant name bright_cyan_on_black
# wrong constant name bright_cyan_on_blue
# wrong constant name bright_cyan_on_cyan
# wrong constant name bright_cyan_on_green
# wrong constant name bright_cyan_on_magenta
# wrong constant name bright_cyan_on_purple
# wrong constant name bright_cyan_on_red
# wrong constant name bright_cyan_on_white
# wrong constant name bright_cyan_on_yellow
# wrong constant name bright_green
# wrong constant name bright_green_on_black
# wrong constant name bright_green_on_blue
# wrong constant name bright_green_on_cyan
# wrong constant name bright_green_on_green
# wrong constant name bright_green_on_magenta
# wrong constant name bright_green_on_purple
# wrong constant name bright_green_on_red
# wrong constant name bright_green_on_white
# wrong constant name bright_green_on_yellow
# wrong constant name bright_magenta
# wrong constant name bright_magenta_on_black
# wrong constant name bright_magenta_on_blue
# wrong constant name bright_magenta_on_cyan
# wrong constant name bright_magenta_on_green
# wrong constant name bright_magenta_on_magenta
# wrong constant name bright_magenta_on_purple
# wrong constant name bright_magenta_on_red
# wrong constant name bright_magenta_on_white
# wrong constant name bright_magenta_on_yellow
# wrong constant name bright_purple
# wrong constant name bright_purple_on_black
# wrong constant name bright_purple_on_blue
# wrong constant name bright_purple_on_cyan
# wrong constant name bright_purple_on_green
# wrong constant name bright_purple_on_magenta
# wrong constant name bright_purple_on_purple
# wrong constant name bright_purple_on_red
# wrong constant name bright_purple_on_white
# wrong constant name bright_purple_on_yellow
# wrong constant name bright_red
# wrong constant name bright_red_on_black
# wrong constant name bright_red_on_blue
# wrong constant name bright_red_on_cyan
# wrong constant name bright_red_on_green
# wrong constant name bright_red_on_magenta
# wrong constant name bright_red_on_purple
# wrong constant name bright_red_on_red
# wrong constant name bright_red_on_white
# wrong constant name bright_red_on_yellow
# wrong constant name bright_white
# wrong constant name bright_white_on_black
# wrong constant name bright_white_on_blue
# wrong constant name bright_white_on_cyan
# wrong constant name bright_white_on_green
# wrong constant name bright_white_on_magenta
# wrong constant name bright_white_on_purple
# wrong constant name bright_white_on_red
# wrong constant name bright_white_on_white
# wrong constant name bright_white_on_yellow
# wrong constant name bright_yellow
# wrong constant name bright_yellow_on_black
# wrong constant name bright_yellow_on_blue
# wrong constant name bright_yellow_on_cyan
# wrong constant name bright_yellow_on_green
# wrong constant name bright_yellow_on_magenta
# wrong constant name bright_yellow_on_purple
# wrong constant name bright_yellow_on_red
# wrong constant name bright_yellow_on_white
# wrong constant name bright_yellow_on_yellow
# wrong constant name cyan
# wrong constant name cyan_on_black
# wrong constant name cyan_on_blue
# wrong constant name cyan_on_cyan
# wrong constant name cyan_on_green
# wrong constant name cyan_on_magenta
# wrong constant name cyan_on_purple
# wrong constant name cyan_on_red
# wrong constant name cyan_on_white
# wrong constant name cyan_on_yellow
# wrong constant name green
# wrong constant name green_on_black
# wrong constant name green_on_blue
# wrong constant name green_on_cyan
# wrong constant name green_on_green
# wrong constant name green_on_magenta
# wrong constant name green_on_purple
# wrong constant name green_on_red
# wrong constant name green_on_white
# wrong constant name green_on_yellow
# wrong constant name magenta
# wrong constant name magenta_on_black
# wrong constant name magenta_on_blue
# wrong constant name magenta_on_cyan
# wrong constant name magenta_on_green
# wrong constant name magenta_on_magenta
# wrong constant name magenta_on_purple
# wrong constant name magenta_on_red
# wrong constant name magenta_on_white
# wrong constant name magenta_on_yellow
# wrong constant name purple
# wrong constant name purple_on_black
# wrong constant name purple_on_blue
# wrong constant name purple_on_cyan
# wrong constant name purple_on_green
# wrong constant name purple_on_magenta
# wrong constant name purple_on_purple
# wrong constant name purple_on_red
# wrong constant name purple_on_white
# wrong constant name purple_on_yellow
# wrong constant name red
# wrong constant name red_on_black
# wrong constant name red_on_blue
# wrong constant name red_on_cyan
# wrong constant name red_on_green
# wrong constant name red_on_magenta
# wrong constant name red_on_purple
# wrong constant name red_on_red
# wrong constant name red_on_white
# wrong constant name red_on_yellow
# wrong constant name white
# wrong constant name white_on_black
# wrong constant name white_on_blue
# wrong constant name white_on_cyan
# wrong constant name white_on_green
# wrong constant name white_on_magenta
# wrong constant name white_on_purple
# wrong constant name white_on_red
# wrong constant name white_on_white
# wrong constant name white_on_yellow
# wrong constant name yellow
# wrong constant name yellow_on_black
# wrong constant name yellow_on_blue
# wrong constant name yellow_on_cyan
# wrong constant name yellow_on_green
# wrong constant name yellow_on_magenta
# wrong constant name yellow_on_purple
# wrong constant name yellow_on_red
# wrong constant name yellow_on_white
# wrong constant name yellow_on_yellow
# undefined singleton method `tablify<defaultArg>1' for `Pry::Helpers'
# undefined singleton method `tablify_or_one_line<defaultArg>1' for `Pry::Helpers'
# undefined singleton method `tablify_to_screen_width<defaultArg>1' for `Pry::Helpers'
# wrong constant name tablify<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name tablify
# wrong constant name tablify_or_one_line<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name tablify_or_one_line
# wrong constant name tablify_to_screen_width<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name tablify_to_screen_width
# undefined method `correct_indentation<defaultArg>1' for class `Pry::Indent'
# undefined method `track_module_nesting_end<defaultArg>1' for class `Pry::Indent'
# wrong constant name <Class:UnparseableNestingError>
# wrong constant name correct_indentation<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name correct_indentation
# wrong constant name current_prefix
# wrong constant name end_of_statement?
# wrong constant name in_string?
# wrong constant name indent
# wrong constant name indent_level
# wrong constant name indentation_delta
# wrong constant name module_nesting
# wrong constant name open_delimiters
# wrong constant name open_delimiters_line
# wrong constant name reset
# wrong constant name stack
# wrong constant name tokenize
# wrong constant name track_delimiter
# wrong constant name track_module_nesting
# wrong constant name track_module_nesting_end<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name track_module_nesting_end
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name indent
# wrong constant name nesting_at
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>1' for class `Pry::Method'
# undefined method `respond_to?<defaultArg>1' for class `Pry::Method'
# undefined method `super<defaultArg>1' for class `Pry::Method'
# wrong constant name ==
# wrong constant name alias?
# wrong constant name aliases
# wrong constant name bound_method?
# wrong constant name comment
# wrong constant name doc
# wrong constant name dynamically_defined?
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name is_a?
# wrong constant name kind_of?
# wrong constant name method_missing
# wrong constant name name
# wrong constant name name_with_owner
# wrong constant name original_name
# wrong constant name pry_method?
# wrong constant name redefine
# wrong constant name respond_to?<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name respond_to?
# wrong constant name signature
# wrong constant name singleton_method?
# wrong constant name source
# wrong constant name source?
# wrong constant name source_file
# wrong constant name source_line
# wrong constant name source_range
# wrong constant name source_type
# wrong constant name super<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name super
# wrong constant name unbound_method?
# wrong constant name undefined?
# wrong constant name visibility
# wrong constant name wrapped
# wrong constant name wrapped_owner
# undefined singleton method `all_from_class<defaultArg>1' for `Pry::Method'
# undefined singleton method `all_from_common<defaultArg>1' for `Pry::Method'
# undefined singleton method `all_from_common<defaultArg>2' for `Pry::Method'
# undefined singleton method `all_from_obj<defaultArg>1' for `Pry::Method'
# undefined singleton method `from_class<defaultArg>1' for `Pry::Method'
# undefined singleton method `from_module<defaultArg>1' for `Pry::Method'
# undefined singleton method `from_obj<defaultArg>1' for `Pry::Method'
# undefined singleton method `from_str<defaultArg>1' for `Pry::Method'
# undefined singleton method `from_str<defaultArg>2' for `Pry::Method'
# undefined singleton method `lookup_method_via_binding<defaultArg>1' for `Pry::Method'
# wrong constant name all_from_class<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name all_from_class
# wrong constant name all_from_common<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name all_from_common<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name all_from_common
# wrong constant name all_from_obj<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name all_from_obj
# wrong constant name from_binding
# wrong constant name from_class<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name from_class
# wrong constant name from_module<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name from_module
# wrong constant name from_obj<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name from_obj
# wrong constant name from_str<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name from_str<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name from_str
# wrong constant name instance_method_definition?
# wrong constant name instance_resolution_order
# wrong constant name lookup_method_via_binding<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name lookup_method_via_binding
# wrong constant name method_definition?
# wrong constant name resolution_order
# wrong constant name singleton_class_of
# wrong constant name singleton_class_resolution_order
# wrong constant name singleton_method_definition?
# wrong constant name input
# wrong constant name output
# undefined method `banner<defaultArg>1' for class `Pry::Slop'
# undefined method `command<defaultArg>1' for class `Pry::Slop'
# undefined method `description<defaultArg>1' for class `Pry::Slop'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>1' for class `Pry::Slop'
# undefined method `parse<defaultArg>1' for class `Pry::Slop'
# undefined method `parse!<defaultArg>1' for class `Pry::Slop'
# undefined method `run<defaultArg>1' for class `Pry::Slop'
# undefined method `to_h<defaultArg>1' for class `Pry::Slop'
# undefined method `to_hash<defaultArg>1' for class `Pry::Slop'
# wrong constant name <Class:Commands>
# uninitialized constant Pry::Slop::Elem
# wrong constant name <Class:Error>
# wrong constant name <Class:InvalidArgumentError>
# wrong constant name <Class:InvalidCommandError>
# wrong constant name <Class:InvalidOptionError>
# wrong constant name <Class:MissingArgumentError>
# wrong constant name <Class:MissingOptionError>
# wrong constant name <Class:Option>
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name add_callback
# wrong constant name banner<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name banner
# wrong constant name banner=
# wrong constant name command<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name command
# wrong constant name config
# wrong constant name description<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name description
# wrong constant name description=
# wrong constant name each
# wrong constant name fetch_command
# wrong constant name fetch_option
# wrong constant name get
# wrong constant name help
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name missing
# wrong constant name on
# wrong constant name opt
# wrong constant name option
# wrong constant name options
# wrong constant name parse<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name parse
# wrong constant name parse!<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name parse!
# wrong constant name present?
# wrong constant name run<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name run
# wrong constant name separator
# wrong constant name strict?
# wrong constant name to_h<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name to_h
# wrong constant name to_hash<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name to_hash
# undefined method `banner<defaultArg>1' for class `Pry::Slop::Commands'
# undefined method `default<defaultArg>1' for class `Pry::Slop::Commands'
# undefined method `global<defaultArg>1' for class `Pry::Slop::Commands'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>1' for class `Pry::Slop::Commands'
# undefined method `on<defaultArg>1' for class `Pry::Slop::Commands'
# undefined method `parse<defaultArg>1' for class `Pry::Slop::Commands'
# undefined method `parse!<defaultArg>1' for class `Pry::Slop::Commands'
# uninitialized constant Pry::Slop::Commands::Elem
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name arguments
# wrong constant name banner<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name banner
# wrong constant name banner=
# wrong constant name commands
# wrong constant name config
# wrong constant name default<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name default
# wrong constant name each
# wrong constant name get
# wrong constant name global<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name global
# wrong constant name help
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name on<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name on
# wrong constant name parse<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name parse
# wrong constant name parse!<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name parse!
# wrong constant name present?
# wrong constant name to_hash
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>1' for class `Pry::Slop::Option'
# wrong constant name accepts_optional_argument?
# wrong constant name argument?
# wrong constant name argument_in_value
# wrong constant name argument_in_value=
# wrong constant name as?
# wrong constant name autocreated?
# wrong constant name call
# wrong constant name callback?
# wrong constant name config
# wrong constant name count
# wrong constant name count=
# wrong constant name default?
# wrong constant name delimiter?
# wrong constant name description
# wrong constant name expects_argument?
# wrong constant name help
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name key
# wrong constant name limit?
# wrong constant name long
# wrong constant name match?
# wrong constant name optional?
# wrong constant name optional_argument?
# wrong constant name required?
# wrong constant name short
# wrong constant name tail?
# wrong constant name types
# wrong constant name value
# wrong constant name value=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# undefined singleton method `optspec<defaultArg>1' for `Pry::Slop'
# undefined singleton method `parse<defaultArg>1' for `Pry::Slop'
# undefined singleton method `parse<defaultArg>2' for `Pry::Slop'
# undefined singleton method `parse!<defaultArg>1' for `Pry::Slop'
# undefined singleton method `parse!<defaultArg>2' for `Pry::Slop'
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name optspec<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name optspec
# wrong constant name parse<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name parse<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name parse
# wrong constant name parse!<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name parse!<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name parse!
# undefined singleton method `size!<defaultArg>1' for `Pry::Terminal'
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name actual_screen_size
# wrong constant name height!
# wrong constant name screen_size
# wrong constant name screen_size_according_to_ansicon_env
# wrong constant name screen_size_according_to_env
# wrong constant name screen_size_according_to_io_console
# wrong constant name screen_size_according_to_readline
# wrong constant name size!<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name size!
# wrong constant name width!
# wrong constant name eval_string
# wrong constant name eval_string=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name ===
# undefined method `constants<defaultArg>1' for class `Pry::WrappedModule'
# undefined method `respond_to?<defaultArg>1' for class `Pry::WrappedModule'
# undefined method `super<defaultArg>1' for class `Pry::WrappedModule'
# wrong constant name candidate
# wrong constant name candidates
# wrong constant name class?
# wrong constant name constants<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name constants
# wrong constant name doc
# wrong constant name file
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name line
# wrong constant name method_missing
# wrong constant name method_prefix
# wrong constant name module?
# wrong constant name nonblank_name
# wrong constant name number_of_candidates
# wrong constant name respond_to?<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name respond_to?
# wrong constant name singleton_class?
# wrong constant name singleton_instance
# wrong constant name source
# wrong constant name source_file
# wrong constant name source_line
# wrong constant name source_location
# wrong constant name super<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name super
# wrong constant name wrapped
# wrong constant name yard_doc
# wrong constant name yard_docs?
# wrong constant name yard_file
# wrong constant name yard_line
# wrong constant name class?
# wrong constant name module?
# wrong constant name nonblank_name
# wrong constant name number_of_candidates
# wrong constant name wrapped
# undefined singleton method `from_str<defaultArg>1' for `Pry::WrappedModule'
# wrong constant name from_str<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name from_str
# undefined singleton method `run_command<defaultArg>1' for `Pry'
# undefined singleton method `start<defaultArg>1' for `Pry'
# undefined singleton method `start<defaultArg>2' for `Pry'
# undefined singleton method `view_clip<defaultArg>1' for `Pry'
# wrong constant name auto_resize!
# wrong constant name binding_for
# wrong constant name cli
# wrong constant name cli=
# wrong constant name color
# wrong constant name color=
# wrong constant name commands
# wrong constant name commands=
# wrong constant name config
# wrong constant name config=
# wrong constant name configure
# wrong constant name critical_section
# wrong constant name current
# wrong constant name current_line
# wrong constant name current_line=
# wrong constant name custom_completions
# wrong constant name custom_completions=
# wrong constant name default_editor_for_platform
# wrong constant name editor
# wrong constant name editor=
# wrong constant name eval_path
# wrong constant name eval_path=
# wrong constant name exception_handler
# wrong constant name exception_handler=
# wrong constant name extra_sticky_locals
# wrong constant name extra_sticky_locals=
# wrong constant name final_session_setup
# wrong constant name history
# wrong constant name history=
# wrong constant name hooks
# wrong constant name hooks=
# wrong constant name in_critical_section?
# wrong constant name init
# wrong constant name initial_session?
# wrong constant name initial_session_setup
# wrong constant name input
# wrong constant name input=
# wrong constant name last_internal_error
# wrong constant name last_internal_error=
# wrong constant name lazy
# wrong constant name line_buffer
# wrong constant name line_buffer=
# wrong constant name load_file_at_toplevel
# wrong constant name load_file_through_repl
# wrong constant name load_history
# wrong constant name load_plugins
# wrong constant name load_rc_files
# wrong constant name load_requires
# wrong constant name load_traps
# wrong constant name load_win32console
# wrong constant name locate_plugins
# wrong constant name main
# wrong constant name memory_size
# wrong constant name memory_size=
# wrong constant name output
# wrong constant name output=
# wrong constant name pager
# wrong constant name pager=
# wrong constant name plugins
# wrong constant name print
# wrong constant name print=
# wrong constant name prompt
# wrong constant name prompt=
# wrong constant name quiet
# wrong constant name quiet=
# wrong constant name rc_files_to_load
# wrong constant name real_path_to
# wrong constant name reset_defaults
# wrong constant name run_command<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name run_command
# wrong constant name start<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name start<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name start
# wrong constant name toplevel_binding
# wrong constant name toplevel_binding=
# wrong constant name view_clip<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name view_clip
# wrong constant name <Class:Stream>
# wrong constant name <Class:Visitors>
# wrong constant name <Class:Emitter>
# undefined method `end_document<defaultArg>1' for class `Psych::Stream::Emitter'
# uninitialized constant Psych::Stream::Emitter::EVENTS
# uninitialized constant Psych::Stream::Emitter::OPTIONS
# wrong constant name end_document<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name end_document
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <Class:JSONTree>
# wrong constant name <Class:Visitor>
# wrong constant name <Class:YAMLTree>
# uninitialized constant Psych::Visitors::JSONTree::DISPATCH
# undefined singleton method `create<defaultArg>1' for `Psych::Visitors::JSONTree'
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name create<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name create
# wrong constant name accept
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# undefined method `start<defaultArg>1' for class `Psych::Visitors::YAMLTree'
# wrong constant name <<
# uninitialized constant Psych::Visitors::YAMLTree::DISPATCH
# wrong constant name finish
# wrong constant name finished
# wrong constant name finished?
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name push
# wrong constant name start<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name start
# wrong constant name started
# wrong constant name started?
# wrong constant name tree
# wrong constant name visit_Array
# wrong constant name visit_BasicObject
# wrong constant name visit_BigDecimal
# wrong constant name visit_Class
# wrong constant name visit_Complex
# wrong constant name visit_Date
# wrong constant name visit_DateTime
# wrong constant name visit_Delegator
# wrong constant name visit_Encoding
# wrong constant name visit_Enumerator
# wrong constant name visit_Exception
# wrong constant name visit_FalseClass
# wrong constant name visit_Float
# wrong constant name visit_Hash
# wrong constant name visit_Integer
# wrong constant name visit_Module
# wrong constant name visit_NameError
# wrong constant name visit_NilClass
# wrong constant name visit_Object
# wrong constant name visit_Psych_Omap
# wrong constant name visit_Psych_Set
# wrong constant name visit_Range
# wrong constant name visit_Rational
# wrong constant name visit_Regexp
# wrong constant name visit_String
# wrong constant name visit_Struct
# wrong constant name visit_Symbol
# wrong constant name visit_Time
# wrong constant name visit_TrueClass
# undefined singleton method `create<defaultArg>1' for `Psych::Visitors::YAMLTree'
# undefined singleton method `create<defaultArg>2' for `Psych::Visitors::YAMLTree'
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name create<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name create<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name create
# uninitialized constant Racc
# uninitialized constant Racc
# undefined method `alphanumeric<defaultArg>1' for module `Random::Formatter'
# undefined method `random_bytes<defaultArg>1' for module `Random::Formatter'
# undefined method `urlsafe_base64<defaultArg>1' for module `Random::Formatter'
# undefined method `urlsafe_base64<defaultArg>2' for module `Random::Formatter'
# wrong constant name alphanumeric<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name alphanumeric
# wrong constant name random_bytes<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name urlsafe_base64<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name urlsafe_base64<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name bytes
# wrong constant name urandom
# wrong constant name %
# wrong constant name entries
# wrong constant name to_a
# undefined singleton method `expand<defaultArg>1' for `RbConfig'
# undefined singleton method `fire_update!<defaultArg>1' for `RbConfig'
# undefined singleton method `fire_update!<defaultArg>2' for `RbConfig'
# wrong constant name expand<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name expand
# wrong constant name fire_update!<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name fire_update!<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name fire_update!
# wrong constant name ruby
# wrong constant name match?
# uninitialized constant Ripper
# uninitialized constant Ripper
# wrong constant name <Class:Node>
# undefined method `pretty_print_children<defaultArg>1' for class `RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree::Node'
# wrong constant name children
# wrong constant name first_column
# wrong constant name first_lineno
# wrong constant name last_column
# wrong constant name last_lineno
# wrong constant name pretty_print_children<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name pretty_print_children
# wrong constant name type
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name of
# wrong constant name parse
# wrong constant name parse_file
# wrong constant name absolute_path
# wrong constant name base_label
# wrong constant name disasm
# wrong constant name disassemble
# wrong constant name each_child
# wrong constant name eval
# wrong constant name first_lineno
# wrong constant name label
# wrong constant name path
# wrong constant name to_a
# wrong constant name to_binary
# wrong constant name trace_points
# wrong constant name compile
# wrong constant name compile_file
# wrong constant name compile_option
# wrong constant name compile_option=
# wrong constant name disasm
# wrong constant name disassemble
# wrong constant name load_from_binary
# wrong constant name load_from_binary_extra_data
# wrong constant name of
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name enabled?
# wrong constant name pause
# wrong constant name resume
# wrong constant name stat
# undefined method `flatten_merge<defaultArg>1' for class `Set'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>1' for class `Set'
# wrong constant name ==
# wrong constant name ===
# wrong constant name compare_by_identity
# wrong constant name compare_by_identity?
# wrong constant name divide
# wrong constant name eql?
# wrong constant name flatten_merge<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name flatten_merge
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name pretty_print
# wrong constant name pretty_print_cycle
# wrong constant name reset
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name escape
# wrong constant name join
# wrong constant name shellescape
# wrong constant name shelljoin
# wrong constant name shellsplit
# wrong constant name shellwords
# wrong constant name split
# wrong constant name signm
# wrong constant name signo
# undefined method `def_delegator<defaultArg>1' for module `SingleForwardable'
# undefined method `def_single_delegator<defaultArg>1' for module `SingleForwardable'
# wrong constant name def_delegator<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name def_delegator
# wrong constant name def_delegators
# wrong constant name def_single_delegator<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name def_single_delegator
# wrong constant name def_single_delegators
# wrong constant name delegate
# wrong constant name single_delegate
# uninitialized constant Singleton
# uninitialized constant Singleton
# uninitialized constant Socket::APPEND
# uninitialized constant Socket::BINARY
# uninitialized constant Socket::CREAT
# uninitialized constant Socket::DSYNC
# uninitialized constant Socket::EXCL
# uninitialized constant Socket::FNM_CASEFOLD
# uninitialized constant Socket::FNM_DOTMATCH
# uninitialized constant Socket::FNM_EXTGLOB
# uninitialized constant Socket::FNM_NOESCAPE
# uninitialized constant Socket::FNM_PATHNAME
# uninitialized constant Socket::FNM_SHORTNAME
# uninitialized constant Socket::FNM_SYSCASE
# uninitialized constant Socket::LOCK_EX
# uninitialized constant Socket::LOCK_NB
# uninitialized constant Socket::LOCK_SH
# uninitialized constant Socket::LOCK_UN
# uninitialized constant Socket::NOCTTY
# uninitialized constant Socket::NOFOLLOW
# uninitialized constant Socket::NONBLOCK
# uninitialized constant Socket::NULL
# uninitialized constant Socket::RDONLY
# uninitialized constant Socket::RDWR
# uninitialized constant Socket::SEEK_CUR
# uninitialized constant Socket::SEEK_DATA
# uninitialized constant Socket::SEEK_END
# uninitialized constant Socket::SEEK_HOLE
# uninitialized constant Socket::SEEK_SET
# uninitialized constant Socket::SHARE_DELETE
# uninitialized constant Socket::SYNC
# uninitialized constant Socket::TRUNC
# uninitialized constant Socket::WRONLY
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name members
# uninitialized constant Sorbet::Private::GemGeneratorTracepoint::ClassDefinition::Elem
# wrong constant name defs
# wrong constant name defs=
# wrong constant name id
# wrong constant name id=
# wrong constant name klass
# wrong constant name klass=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name members
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name serialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name add_to_context
# wrong constant name disable_tracepoints
# wrong constant name finish
# wrong constant name install_tracepoints
# wrong constant name on_method_added
# wrong constant name on_module_created
# wrong constant name on_module_extended
# wrong constant name on_module_included
# wrong constant name pre_cache_module_methods
# wrong constant name register_delegate_class
# wrong constant name start
# wrong constant name trace
# wrong constant name trace_results
# wrong constant name my_require
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name cyan
# wrong constant name emojify
# wrong constant name init
# wrong constant name main
# wrong constant name make_step
# wrong constant name usage
# wrong constant name yellow
# uninitialized constant Sorbet::Private::Static
# uninitialized constant Sorbet::Private::Static
# uninitialized constant SortedSet::InspectKey
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name setup
# wrong constant name result
# wrong constant name []=
# wrong constant name casecmp?
# wrong constant name each_grapheme_cluster
# wrong constant name encode!
# wrong constant name grapheme_clusters
# wrong constant name reverse!
# wrong constant name shellescape
# wrong constant name shellsplit
# wrong constant name succ!
# wrong constant name undump
# wrong constant name unicode_normalize
# wrong constant name unicode_normalize!
# wrong constant name unicode_normalized?
# wrong constant name unpack1
# wrong constant name length
# wrong constant name set_encoding_by_bom
# wrong constant name truncate
# wrong constant name <<
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name beginning_of_line?
# wrong constant name bol?
# wrong constant name captures
# wrong constant name charpos
# wrong constant name check
# wrong constant name check_until
# wrong constant name clear
# wrong constant name concat
# wrong constant name empty?
# wrong constant name exist?
# wrong constant name fixed_anchor?
# wrong constant name get_byte
# wrong constant name getbyte
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name match?
# wrong constant name matched
# wrong constant name matched?
# wrong constant name matched_size
# wrong constant name peek
# wrong constant name peep
# wrong constant name pointer
# wrong constant name pointer=
# wrong constant name pos
# wrong constant name pos=
# wrong constant name post_match
# wrong constant name pre_match
# wrong constant name reset
# wrong constant name rest
# wrong constant name rest?
# wrong constant name rest_size
# wrong constant name restsize
# wrong constant name scan_full
# wrong constant name scan_until
# wrong constant name search_full
# wrong constant name size
# wrong constant name skip
# wrong constant name skip_until
# wrong constant name string
# wrong constant name string=
# wrong constant name terminate
# wrong constant name unscan
# wrong constant name values_at
# wrong constant name must_C_version
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name []=
# wrong constant name deconstruct
# wrong constant name deconstruct_keys
# wrong constant name dig
# wrong constant name each_pair
# wrong constant name filter
# wrong constant name length
# wrong constant name members
# wrong constant name select
# wrong constant name size
# wrong constant name to_a
# wrong constant name to_h
# wrong constant name values
# wrong constant name values_at
# wrong constant name <Class:Struct>
# wrong constant name errno
# wrong constant name status
# wrong constant name success?
# wrong constant name T.noreturn
# wrong constant name T.noreturn
# wrong constant name T.untyped
# undefined method `close<defaultArg>1' for class `Tempfile'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>1' for class `Tempfile'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>2' for class `Tempfile'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>3' for class `Tempfile'
# wrong constant name <Class:Remover>
# wrong constant name _close
# wrong constant name close<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>3
# wrong constant name inspect
# wrong constant name call
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name ceil
# wrong constant name floor
# undefined method `enable<defaultArg>1' for class `TracePoint'
# undefined method `enable<defaultArg>2' for class `TracePoint'
# undefined method `enable<defaultArg>3' for class `TracePoint'
# wrong constant name enable<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name enable<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name enable<defaultArg>3
# wrong constant name eval_script
# wrong constant name event
# wrong constant name instruction_sequence
# wrong constant name parameters
# wrong constant name stat
# wrong constant name new
# wrong constant name <Class:File>
# wrong constant name decode
# wrong constant name encode
# wrong constant name escape
# wrong constant name unescape
# wrong constant name set_typecode
# wrong constant name typecode
# wrong constant name typecode=
# undefined singleton method `new2<defaultArg>1' for `URI::FTP'
# undefined singleton method `new2<defaultArg>2' for `URI::FTP'
# wrong constant name new2<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name new2<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name new2
# uninitialized constant URI::File::ABS_PATH
# uninitialized constant URI::File::ABS_URI
# uninitialized constant URI::File::ABS_URI_REF
# uninitialized constant URI::File::DEFAULT_PARSER
# uninitialized constant URI::File::ESCAPED
# uninitialized constant URI::File::FRAGMENT
# uninitialized constant URI::File::HOST
# uninitialized constant URI::File::OPAQUE
# uninitialized constant URI::File::PORT
# uninitialized constant URI::File::QUERY
# uninitialized constant URI::File::REGISTRY
# uninitialized constant URI::File::REL_PATH
# uninitialized constant URI::File::REL_URI
# uninitialized constant URI::File::REL_URI_REF
# uninitialized constant URI::File::RFC3986_PARSER
# uninitialized constant URI::File::SCHEME
# uninitialized constant URI::File::TBLDECWWWCOMP_
# uninitialized constant URI::File::TBLENCWWWCOMP_
# uninitialized constant URI::File::UNSAFE
# uninitialized constant URI::File::URI_REF
# uninitialized constant URI::File::USERINFO
# uninitialized constant URI::File::USE_REGISTRY
# uninitialized constant URI::File::VERSION
# uninitialized constant URI::File::VERSION_CODE
# uninitialized constant URI::File::WEB_ENCODINGS_
# wrong constant name check_password
# wrong constant name check_user
# wrong constant name check_userinfo
# wrong constant name set_userinfo
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name attributes
# wrong constant name attributes=
# wrong constant name dn
# wrong constant name dn=
# wrong constant name extensions
# wrong constant name extensions=
# wrong constant name filter
# wrong constant name filter=
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name scope
# wrong constant name scope=
# wrong constant name set_attributes
# wrong constant name set_dn
# wrong constant name set_extensions
# wrong constant name set_filter
# wrong constant name set_scope
# wrong constant name headers
# wrong constant name headers=
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name set_headers
# wrong constant name set_to
# wrong constant name to
# wrong constant name to=
# wrong constant name to_mailtext
# wrong constant name to_rfc822text
# undefined method `escape<defaultArg>1' for class `URI::RFC2396_Parser'
# undefined method `extract<defaultArg>1' for class `URI::RFC2396_Parser'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>1' for class `URI::RFC2396_Parser'
# undefined method `make_regexp<defaultArg>1' for class `URI::RFC2396_Parser'
# undefined method `unescape<defaultArg>1' for class `URI::RFC2396_Parser'
# wrong constant name escape<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name escape
# wrong constant name extract<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name extract
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name join
# wrong constant name make_regexp<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name make_regexp
# wrong constant name parse
# wrong constant name pattern
# wrong constant name regexp
# wrong constant name split
# wrong constant name unescape<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name unescape
# wrong constant name join
# wrong constant name parse
# wrong constant name regexp
# wrong constant name split
# wrong constant name make_components_hash
# undefined singleton method `extract<defaultArg>1' for `URI'
# undefined singleton method `regexp<defaultArg>1' for `URI'
# wrong constant name extract<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name get_encoding
# wrong constant name regexp<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name bind_call
# wrong constant name clone
# wrong constant name original_name
# wrong constant name tag
# wrong constant name value
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant WEBrick
# uninitialized constant WEBrick
# wrong constant name warn
# wrong constant name <Class:BadAlias>
# wrong constant name <Class:ClassLoader>
# wrong constant name <Class:Coder>
# wrong constant name <Class:DisallowedClass>
# wrong constant name <Class:Emitter>
# wrong constant name <Class:Exception>
# wrong constant name <Class:Handler>
# wrong constant name <Class:Handlers>
# wrong constant name <Class:JSON>
# wrong constant name <Class:Nodes>
# wrong constant name <Class:Omap>
# wrong constant name <Class:Parser>
# wrong constant name <Class:ScalarScanner>
# wrong constant name <Class:Set>
# wrong constant name <Class:Stream>
# wrong constant name <Class:Streaming>
# wrong constant name <Class:SyntaxError>
# wrong constant name <Class:TreeBuilder>
# wrong constant name <Class:Visitors>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <Class:Restricted>
# wrong constant name big_decimal
# wrong constant name complex
# wrong constant name date
# wrong constant name date_time
# wrong constant name exception
# wrong constant name load
# wrong constant name object
# wrong constant name psych_omap
# wrong constant name psych_set
# wrong constant name range
# wrong constant name rational
# wrong constant name regexp
# wrong constant name struct
# wrong constant name symbol
# wrong constant name symbolize
# uninitialized constant Psych::ClassLoader::Restricted::BIG_DECIMAL
# uninitialized constant Psych::ClassLoader::Restricted::CACHE
# uninitialized constant Psych::ClassLoader::Restricted::COMPLEX
# uninitialized constant Psych::ClassLoader::Restricted::DATE
# uninitialized constant Psych::ClassLoader::Restricted::DATE_TIME
# uninitialized constant Psych::ClassLoader::Restricted::EXCEPTION
# uninitialized constant Psych::ClassLoader::Restricted::OBJECT
# uninitialized constant Psych::ClassLoader::Restricted::PSYCH_OMAP
# uninitialized constant Psych::ClassLoader::Restricted::PSYCH_SET
# uninitialized constant Psych::ClassLoader::Restricted::RANGE
# uninitialized constant Psych::ClassLoader::Restricted::RATIONAL
# uninitialized constant Psych::ClassLoader::Restricted::REGEXP
# uninitialized constant Psych::ClassLoader::Restricted::STRUCT
# uninitialized constant Psych::ClassLoader::Restricted::SYMBOL
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# undefined method `map<defaultArg>1' for class `Psych::Coder'
# undefined method `map<defaultArg>2' for class `Psych::Coder'
# wrong constant name []
# wrong constant name []=
# wrong constant name add
# wrong constant name implicit
# wrong constant name implicit=
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name map<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name map<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name map
# wrong constant name map=
# wrong constant name object
# wrong constant name object=
# wrong constant name represent_map
# wrong constant name represent_object
# wrong constant name represent_scalar
# wrong constant name represent_seq
# wrong constant name scalar
# wrong constant name scalar=
# wrong constant name seq
# wrong constant name seq=
# wrong constant name style
# wrong constant name style=
# wrong constant name tag
# wrong constant name tag=
# wrong constant name type
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Psych::Emitter::EVENTS
# uninitialized constant Psych::Emitter::OPTIONS
# wrong constant name alias
# wrong constant name canonical
# wrong constant name canonical=
# wrong constant name end_document
# wrong constant name indentation
# wrong constant name indentation=
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name line_width
# wrong constant name line_width=
# wrong constant name scalar
# wrong constant name start_document
# wrong constant name start_mapping
# wrong constant name start_sequence
# wrong constant name start_stream
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <Class:DumperOptions>
# wrong constant name alias
# wrong constant name empty
# wrong constant name end_document
# wrong constant name end_mapping
# wrong constant name end_sequence
# wrong constant name end_stream
# wrong constant name event_location
# wrong constant name scalar
# wrong constant name start_document
# wrong constant name start_mapping
# wrong constant name start_sequence
# wrong constant name start_stream
# wrong constant name streaming?
# wrong constant name canonical
# wrong constant name canonical=
# wrong constant name indentation
# wrong constant name indentation=
# wrong constant name line_width
# wrong constant name line_width=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <Class:DocumentStream>
# uninitialized constant Psych::Handlers::DocumentStream::EVENTS
# uninitialized constant Psych::Handlers::DocumentStream::OPTIONS
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <Class:RubyEvents>
# wrong constant name <Class:Stream>
# wrong constant name <Class:TreeBuilder>
# wrong constant name <Class:YAMLEvents>
# wrong constant name visit_DateTime
# wrong constant name visit_String
# wrong constant name visit_Symbol
# wrong constant name visit_Time
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Psych::JSON::Stream::DISPATCH
# wrong constant name <Class:Emitter>
# uninitialized constant Psych::JSON::Stream::Emitter::EVENTS
# uninitialized constant Psych::JSON::Stream::Emitter::OPTIONS
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Psych::JSON::TreeBuilder::EVENTS
# uninitialized constant Psych::JSON::TreeBuilder::OPTIONS
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# undefined method `end_document<defaultArg>1' for module `Psych::JSON::YAMLEvents'
# wrong constant name end_document<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name end_document
# wrong constant name scalar
# wrong constant name start_document
# wrong constant name start_mapping
# wrong constant name start_sequence
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <Class:Alias>
# wrong constant name <Class:Document>
# wrong constant name <Class:Mapping>
# wrong constant name <Class:Node>
# wrong constant name <Class:Scalar>
# wrong constant name <Class:Sequence>
# wrong constant name <Class:Stream>
# uninitialized constant Psych::Nodes::Alias::Elem
# wrong constant name anchor
# wrong constant name anchor=
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>1' for class `Psych::Nodes::Document'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>2' for class `Psych::Nodes::Document'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>3' for class `Psych::Nodes::Document'
# uninitialized constant Psych::Nodes::Document::Elem
# wrong constant name implicit
# wrong constant name implicit=
# wrong constant name implicit_end
# wrong constant name implicit_end=
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>3
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name root
# wrong constant name tag_directives
# wrong constant name tag_directives=
# wrong constant name version
# wrong constant name version=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>1' for class `Psych::Nodes::Mapping'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>2' for class `Psych::Nodes::Mapping'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>3' for class `Psych::Nodes::Mapping'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>4' for class `Psych::Nodes::Mapping'
# uninitialized constant Psych::Nodes::Mapping::Elem
# wrong constant name anchor
# wrong constant name anchor=
# wrong constant name implicit
# wrong constant name implicit=
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>3
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>4
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name style
# wrong constant name style=
# wrong constant name tag=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# undefined method `to_yaml<defaultArg>1' for class `Psych::Nodes::Node'
# undefined method `to_yaml<defaultArg>2' for class `Psych::Nodes::Node'
# undefined method `yaml<defaultArg>1' for class `Psych::Nodes::Node'
# undefined method `yaml<defaultArg>2' for class `Psych::Nodes::Node'
# uninitialized constant Psych::Nodes::Node::Elem
# wrong constant name alias?
# wrong constant name children
# wrong constant name document?
# wrong constant name each
# wrong constant name end_column
# wrong constant name end_column=
# wrong constant name end_line
# wrong constant name end_line=
# wrong constant name mapping?
# wrong constant name scalar?
# wrong constant name sequence?
# wrong constant name start_column
# wrong constant name start_column=
# wrong constant name start_line
# wrong constant name start_line=
# wrong constant name stream?
# wrong constant name tag
# wrong constant name to_ruby
# wrong constant name to_yaml<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name to_yaml<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name to_yaml
# wrong constant name transform
# wrong constant name yaml<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name yaml<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name yaml
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>1' for class `Psych::Nodes::Scalar'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>2' for class `Psych::Nodes::Scalar'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>3' for class `Psych::Nodes::Scalar'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>4' for class `Psych::Nodes::Scalar'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>5' for class `Psych::Nodes::Scalar'
# uninitialized constant Psych::Nodes::Scalar::Elem
# wrong constant name anchor
# wrong constant name anchor=
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>3
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>4
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>5
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name plain
# wrong constant name plain=
# wrong constant name quoted
# wrong constant name quoted=
# wrong constant name style
# wrong constant name style=
# wrong constant name tag=
# wrong constant name value
# wrong constant name value=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>1' for class `Psych::Nodes::Sequence'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>2' for class `Psych::Nodes::Sequence'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>3' for class `Psych::Nodes::Sequence'
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>4' for class `Psych::Nodes::Sequence'
# uninitialized constant Psych::Nodes::Sequence::Elem
# wrong constant name anchor
# wrong constant name anchor=
# wrong constant name implicit
# wrong constant name implicit=
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>3
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>4
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name style
# wrong constant name style=
# wrong constant name tag=
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>1' for class `Psych::Nodes::Stream'
# uninitialized constant Psych::Nodes::Stream::Elem
# wrong constant name encoding
# wrong constant name encoding=
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Psych::Omap::Elem
# uninitialized constant Psych::Omap::K
# uninitialized constant Psych::Omap::V
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>1' for class `Psych::Parser'
# wrong constant name <Class:Mark>
# wrong constant name external_encoding=
# wrong constant name handler
# wrong constant name handler=
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name mark
# wrong constant name parse
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name class_loader
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name parse_int
# wrong constant name parse_time
# wrong constant name tokenize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Psych::Set::Elem
# uninitialized constant Psych::Set::K
# uninitialized constant Psych::Set::V
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Psych::Stream::DISPATCH
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# undefined method `start<defaultArg>1' for module `Psych::Streaming'
# wrong constant name <Class:ClassMethods>
# wrong constant name start<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name start
# wrong constant name new
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name column
# wrong constant name context
# wrong constant name file
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name line
# wrong constant name offset
# wrong constant name problem
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# undefined method `end_document<defaultArg>1' for class `Psych::TreeBuilder'
# uninitialized constant Psych::TreeBuilder::EVENTS
# uninitialized constant Psych::TreeBuilder::OPTIONS
# wrong constant name end_document<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name end_document
# wrong constant name root
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <Class:DepthFirst>
# wrong constant name <Class:Emitter>
# wrong constant name <Class:NoAliasRuby>
# wrong constant name <Class:ToRuby>
# uninitialized constant Psych::Visitors::DepthFirst::DISPATCH
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# undefined method `initialize<defaultArg>1' for class `Psych::Visitors::Emitter'
# uninitialized constant Psych::Visitors::Emitter::DISPATCH
# wrong constant name initialize<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name visit_Psych_Nodes_Alias
# wrong constant name visit_Psych_Nodes_Document
# wrong constant name visit_Psych_Nodes_Mapping
# wrong constant name visit_Psych_Nodes_Scalar
# wrong constant name visit_Psych_Nodes_Sequence
# wrong constant name visit_Psych_Nodes_Stream
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Psych::Visitors::NoAliasRuby::DISPATCH
# uninitialized constant Psych::Visitors::NoAliasRuby::SHOVEL
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# uninitialized constant Psych::Visitors::ToRuby::DISPATCH
# wrong constant name class_loader
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name visit_Psych_Nodes_Alias
# wrong constant name visit_Psych_Nodes_Document
# wrong constant name visit_Psych_Nodes_Mapping
# wrong constant name visit_Psych_Nodes_Scalar
# wrong constant name visit_Psych_Nodes_Sequence
# wrong constant name visit_Psych_Nodes_Stream
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name create
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# undefined singleton method `dump<defaultArg>1' for `Psych'
# undefined singleton method `dump<defaultArg>2' for `Psych'
# undefined singleton method `load<defaultArg>1' for `Psych'
# undefined singleton method `load<defaultArg>2' for `Psych'
# undefined singleton method `load<defaultArg>3' for `Psych'
# undefined singleton method `load<defaultArg>4' for `Psych'
# undefined singleton method `load_file<defaultArg>1' for `Psych'
# undefined singleton method `load_stream<defaultArg>1' for `Psych'
# undefined singleton method `load_stream<defaultArg>2' for `Psych'
# undefined singleton method `load_stream<defaultArg>3' for `Psych'
# undefined singleton method `parse<defaultArg>1' for `Psych'
# undefined singleton method `parse<defaultArg>2' for `Psych'
# undefined singleton method `parse<defaultArg>3' for `Psych'
# undefined singleton method `parse_file<defaultArg>1' for `Psych'
# undefined singleton method `parse_stream<defaultArg>1' for `Psych'
# undefined singleton method `parse_stream<defaultArg>2' for `Psych'
# undefined singleton method `safe_load<defaultArg>10' for `Psych'
# undefined singleton method `safe_load<defaultArg>1' for `Psych'
# undefined singleton method `safe_load<defaultArg>2' for `Psych'
# undefined singleton method `safe_load<defaultArg>3' for `Psych'
# undefined singleton method `safe_load<defaultArg>4' for `Psych'
# undefined singleton method `safe_load<defaultArg>5' for `Psych'
# undefined singleton method `safe_load<defaultArg>6' for `Psych'
# undefined singleton method `safe_load<defaultArg>7' for `Psych'
# undefined singleton method `safe_load<defaultArg>8' for `Psych'
# undefined singleton method `safe_load<defaultArg>9' for `Psych'
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name add_builtin_type
# wrong constant name add_domain_type
# wrong constant name add_tag
# wrong constant name domain_types
# wrong constant name domain_types=
# wrong constant name dump<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name dump<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name dump
# wrong constant name dump_stream
# wrong constant name dump_tags
# wrong constant name dump_tags=
# wrong constant name libyaml_version
# wrong constant name load<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name load<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name load<defaultArg>3
# wrong constant name load<defaultArg>4
# wrong constant name load
# wrong constant name load_file<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name load_file
# wrong constant name load_stream<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name load_stream<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name load_stream<defaultArg>3
# wrong constant name load_stream
# wrong constant name load_tags
# wrong constant name load_tags=
# wrong constant name parse<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name parse<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name parse<defaultArg>3
# wrong constant name parse
# wrong constant name parse_file<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name parse_file
# wrong constant name parse_stream<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name parse_stream<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name parse_stream
# wrong constant name parser
# wrong constant name remove_type
# wrong constant name safe_load<defaultArg>10
# wrong constant name safe_load<defaultArg>1
# wrong constant name safe_load<defaultArg>2
# wrong constant name safe_load<defaultArg>3
# wrong constant name safe_load<defaultArg>4
# wrong constant name safe_load<defaultArg>5
# wrong constant name safe_load<defaultArg>6
# wrong constant name safe_load<defaultArg>7
# wrong constant name safe_load<defaultArg>8
# wrong constant name safe_load<defaultArg>9
# wrong constant name safe_load
# wrong constant name to_json
# wrong constant name <Class:BufError>
# wrong constant name <Class:DataError>
# wrong constant name <Class:Deflate>
# wrong constant name <Class:Error>
# wrong constant name <Class:GzipFile>
# wrong constant name <Class:GzipReader>
# wrong constant name <Class:GzipWriter>
# wrong constant name <Class:Inflate>
# wrong constant name <Class:MemError>
# wrong constant name <Class:NeedDict>
# wrong constant name <Class:StreamEnd>
# wrong constant name <Class:StreamError>
# wrong constant name <Class:VersionError>
# wrong constant name <Class:ZStream>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <<
# wrong constant name deflate
# wrong constant name flush
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name params
# wrong constant name set_dictionary
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name deflate
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <Class:CRCError>
# wrong constant name <Class:Error>
# wrong constant name <Class:LengthError>
# wrong constant name <Class:NoFooter>
# wrong constant name close
# wrong constant name closed?
# wrong constant name comment
# wrong constant name crc
# wrong constant name finish
# wrong constant name level
# wrong constant name mtime
# wrong constant name orig_name
# wrong constant name os_code
# wrong constant name sync
# wrong constant name sync=
# wrong constant name to_io
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name input
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name wrap
# uninitialized constant Zlib::GzipReader::Elem
# wrong constant name bytes
# wrong constant name each
# wrong constant name each_byte
# wrong constant name each_char
# wrong constant name each_line
# wrong constant name eof
# wrong constant name eof?
# wrong constant name external_encoding
# wrong constant name getbyte
# wrong constant name getc
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name lineno
# wrong constant name lineno=
# wrong constant name lines
# wrong constant name pos
# wrong constant name read
# wrong constant name readbyte
# wrong constant name readchar
# wrong constant name readpartial
# wrong constant name rewind
# wrong constant name tell
# wrong constant name ungetbyte
# wrong constant name ungetc
# wrong constant name unused
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <<
# wrong constant name comment=
# wrong constant name flush
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name mtime=
# wrong constant name orig_name=
# wrong constant name pos
# wrong constant name tell
# wrong constant name write
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <<
# wrong constant name add_dictionary
# wrong constant name inflate
# wrong constant name initialize
# wrong constant name set_dictionary
# wrong constant name sync
# wrong constant name sync_point?
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name inflate
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name adler
# wrong constant name avail_in
# wrong constant name avail_out
# wrong constant name avail_out=
# wrong constant name close
# wrong constant name closed?
# wrong constant name data_type
# wrong constant name end
# wrong constant name ended?
# wrong constant name finish
# wrong constant name finished?
# wrong constant name flush_next_in
# wrong constant name flush_next_out
# wrong constant name reset
# wrong constant name stream_end?
# wrong constant name total_in
# wrong constant name total_out
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name <static-init>
# wrong constant name adler32
# wrong constant name adler32_combine
# wrong constant name crc32
# wrong constant name crc32_combine
# wrong constant name crc_table
# wrong constant name deflate
# wrong constant name gunzip
# wrong constant name gzip
# wrong constant name inflate
# wrong constant name zlib_version