INSTRUCTIONS ="\n") def scramble(input) INSTRUCTIONS.each do |instruction| case instruction when /swap position (\d+) with position (\d+)/ x = $1.to_i y = $2.to_i input[x], input[y] = input[y], input[x] when /swap letter (\w+) with letter (\w+)/ x = $1 y = $2!("#{x}#{y}", "#{y}#{x}") when /rotate (left|right) (\d+) steps?/ steps = $2.to_i steps = -steps if $1 == 'right' input = input.chars.rotate(steps).join when /rotate based on position of letter (\w+)/ index = input.index($1) index += 1 if index >= 4 index += 1 index = -index input = input.chars.rotate(index).join when /reverse positions (\d+) through (\d+)/ x = $1.to_i y = $2.to_i input[x..y] = input[x..y].reverse when /move position (\d+) to position (\d+)/ x = $1.to_i x = input[x] input[x] = '' y = $2.to_i input.insert(y, x) else raise "invalid instruction: '#{instruction}'" end end input end input = 'abcdefgh'.chars input.permutation.each do |candidate| if scramble(candidate.join) == 'fbgdceah' puts candidate.join exit end end