require "set" input ="\n").map {|x| x.split(/\s+\|\s+/).map {|x| x.split(/\s+/) } } # output = # p output.flatten.count {|x| [2, 4, 3, 7].include?(x.length) } MAP = { %w[ a b c e f g ] => 0, %w[ c f ] => 1, %w[ a c d e g ] => 2, %w[ a c d f g ] => 3, %w[ b c d f ] => 4, %w[ a b d f g ] => 5, %w[ a b d e f g ] => 6, %w[ a c f ] => 7, %w[ a b c d e f g ] => 8, %w[ a b c d f g ] => 9, # 8 6 8 7 4 9 7 }.transform_keys(&:to_set) # # My original solution to part two # def solve(signals, output) # all = signals + output # one = all.find {|x| x.length == 2 } # four = all.find {|x| x.length == 4 } # seven = all.find {|x| x.length == 3 } # eight = all.find {|x| x.length == 7 } # b = (?a..?g).find {|x| signals.count {|s| s.include?(x) } == 6 } # e = (?a..?g).find {|x| signals.count {|s| s.include?(x) } == 4 } # f = (?a..?g).find {|x| signals.count {|s| s.include?(x) } == 9 } # a = (seven.chars - one.chars)[0] # c = (one.chars - [f])[0] # d = (four.chars - [b, c, f])[0] # g = (eight.chars - [a, b, c, d, e, f])[0] # map = { a: a, b: b, c: c, d: d, e: e, f: f, g: g }.invert # {|x| MAP.fetch( {|c| map.fetch(c).to_s }.to_set) }.join.to_i # end # Here it is with a solver, but much, much slower! def solve(signals, output) data = "Patterns = [ #{ { "{ #{_1.upcase.chars.join(" ,")} }" }.join(", ")} ]" solution = `minizinc --cmdline-data "#{data}" day_08.mzn`.scan(/[A-G]/) map = (?a..?g).zip( {|x| MAP.fetch( {|c| map.fetch(c).to_s }.to_set) }.join.to_i end p input.sum {|x| solve(*x) }