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Code file for the SX1509 Arduino library.
by: Jim Lindblom
SparkFun Electronics
date: December 13, 2012
license: Beerware. Feel free to use it, with or without attribution, in
your own projects. If you find it helpful, buy me a beer next time you
see me at the local pub.
In here you'll find the Arduino code used to interface with the SX1509 I2C
16 I/O expander. There are functions to take advantage of everything the
SX1509 provides - input/output setting, writing pins high/low, reading
the input value of pins, LED driver utilities (blink, breath, pwm), and
keypad engine utilites.
See the header file (sx1509_library.h) for detailed descriptions of each of
the sx1509Class methods.
For example uses of these functions, see the Arduino example codes in the
./examples/ folder.
#include <Wire.h>
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "sx1509_library.h"
#include "sx1509_registers.h"
sx1509Class::sx1509Class(byte address, byte resetPin, byte interruptPin, byte oscillatorPin)
// Store the received parameters into member variables
deviceAddress = (uint8_t)address;
pinInterrupt = interruptPin;
pinOscillator = oscillatorPin;
pinReset = resetPin;
byte sx1509Class::init(void)
if (pinInterrupt != 255)
pinMode(pinInterrupt, INPUT_PULLUP);
// Begin I2C
// If the reset pin is connected
if (pinReset != 255)
// Communication test. We'll read from two registers with different
// default values to verify communication.
unsigned int testRegisters = 0;
testRegisters = readWord(REG_INTERRUPT_MASK_A); // This should return 0xFF00
// Then read a byte that should be 0x00
if (testRegisters == 0xFF00)
return 1;
return 0;
void sx1509Class::reset(bool hardware)
// if hardware bool is set
if (hardware)
// Check if bit 2 of REG_MISC is set
// if so nReset will not issue a POR, we'll need to clear that bit first
byte regMisc = readByte(REG_MISC);
if (regMisc & (1<<2))
regMisc &= ~(1<<2);
writeByte(REG_MISC, regMisc);
// Reset the SX1509, the pin is active low
pinMode(pinReset, OUTPUT); // set reset pin as output
digitalWrite(pinReset, LOW); // pull reset pin low
delay(1); // Wait for the pin to settle
digitalWrite(pinReset, HIGH); // pull reset pin back high
// Software reset command sequence:
writeByte(REG_RESET, 0x12);
writeByte(REG_RESET, 0x34);
void sx1509Class::pinDir(byte pin, byte inOut)
unsigned int tempRegDir = readWord(REG_DIR_B);
// The SX1509 RegDir registers: REG_DIR_B, REG_DIR_A
// 0: IO is configured as an output
// 1: IO is configured as an input
// Flip inOut, in arduino.h INPUT = 0, OUTPUT = 1
if (!inOut) tempRegDir |= (1<<pin);
else tempRegDir &= ~(1<<pin);
writeWord(REG_DIR_B, tempRegDir);
void sx1509Class::rawWritePin(byte pin, byte highLow)
if (highLow)
writeWord(REG_DATA_B, readWord(REG_DATA_B) | (1 <<pin));
writeWord(REG_DATA_B, readWord(REG_DATA_B) & ~(1<<pin));
void sx1509Class::writePin(byte pin, byte highLow)
if ((0xFFFF^readWord(REG_DIR_B))&(1<<pin)) // If the pin is an output, write high/low
unsigned int tempRegData = readWord(REG_DATA_B);
if (highLow) tempRegData |= (1<<pin);
else tempRegData &= ~(1<<pin);
writeWord(REG_DATA_B, tempRegData);
else // Otherwise the pin is an input, pull-up/down
unsigned int tempPullUp = readWord(REG_PULL_UP_B);
unsigned int tempPullDown = readWord(REG_PULL_DOWN_B);
if (highLow) // if HIGH, do pull-up, disable pull-down
tempPullUp |= (1<<pin);
tempPullDown &= ~(1<<pin);
writeWord(REG_PULL_UP_B, tempPullUp);
writeWord(REG_PULL_DOWN_B, tempPullDown);
else // If LOW do pull-down, disable pull-up
tempPullDown |= (1<<pin);
tempPullUp &= ~(1<<pin);
writeWord(REG_PULL_UP_B, tempPullUp);
writeWord(REG_PULL_DOWN_B, tempPullDown);
byte sx1509Class::rawReadPin(byte pin)
return (readWord(REG_DATA_B) & (1<<pin));
byte sx1509Class::readPin(byte pin)
if (readWord(REG_DIR_B) & (1<<pin)) // If the pin is an input
unsigned int tempRegData = readWord(REG_DATA_B);
if (tempRegData & (1<<pin))
return 1;
return 0;
void sx1509Class::ledDriverInit(byte pin, byte freq, bool log)
unsigned int tempWord;
byte tempByte;
// Disable input buffer
// Writing a 1 to the pin bit will disable that pins input buffer
tempWord = readWord(REG_INPUT_DISABLE_B);
tempWord |= (1<<pin);
writeWord(REG_INPUT_DISABLE_B, tempWord);
// Disable pull-up
// Writing a 0 to the pin bit will disable that pull-up resistor
tempWord = readWord(REG_PULL_UP_B);
tempWord &= ~(1<<pin);
writeWord(REG_PULL_UP_B, tempWord);
// Enable open-drain
// Writing a 1 to the pin bit will enable open drain on that pin
tempWord = readWord(REG_OPEN_DRAIN_B);
tempWord |= (1<<pin);
writeWord(REG_OPEN_DRAIN_B, tempWord);
// Set direction to output (REG_DIR_B)
pinDir(pin, OUTPUT);
// Enable oscillator (REG_CLOCK)
tempByte = readByte(REG_CLOCK);
tempByte |= (1<<6); // Internal 2MHz oscillator part 1 (set bit 6)
tempByte &= ~(1<<5); // Internal 2MHz oscillator part 2 (clear bit 5)
writeByte(REG_CLOCK, tempByte);
// Configure LED driver clock and mode (REG_MISC)
tempByte = readByte(REG_MISC);
if (log)
tempByte |= (1<<7); // set logarithmic mode bank B
tempByte |= (1<<3); // set logarithmic mode bank A
tempByte &= ~(1<<7); // set linear mode bank B
tempByte &= ~(1<<3); // set linear mode bank A
if (freq == 0) // don't want it to be 0, that'll disable all led drivers
freq = 1;
freq = (freq & 0x07) << 4; // freq should only be 3 bits from 6:4
tempByte |= freq;
writeByte(REG_MISC, tempByte);
// Enable LED driver operation (REG_LED_DRIVER_ENABLE)
tempWord = readWord(REG_LED_DRIVER_ENABLE_B);
tempWord |= (1<<pin);
writeWord(REG_LED_DRIVER_ENABLE_B, tempWord);
// Set REG_DATA bit low ~ LED driver started
tempWord = readWord(REG_DATA_B);
tempWord &= ~(1<<pin);
writeWord(REG_DATA_B, tempWord);
void sx1509Class::pwm(byte pin, byte iOn)
// Write the on intensity of pin
// Linear mode: Ion = iOn
// Log mode: Ion = f(iOn)
writeByte(REG_I_ON[pin], iOn);
void sx1509Class::blink(byte pin, byte tOn, byte tOff,
byte offIntensity, byte onIntensity,
byte tRise, byte tFall)
// Keep parameters within their limits:
tOn &= 0x1F; // tOn should be a 5-bit value
tOff &= 0x1F; // tOff should be a 5-bit value
offIntensity &= 0x07;
// Write the time on
// 1-15: TON = 64 * tOn * (255/ClkX)
// 16-31: TON = 512 * tOn * (255/ClkX)
writeByte(REG_T_ON[pin], tOn);
// Write the time/intensity off register
// 1-15: TOFF = 64 * tOff * (255/ClkX)
// 16-31: TOFF = 512 * tOff * (255/ClkX)
// linear Mode - IOff = 4 * offIntensity
// log mode - Ioff = f(4 * offIntensity)
writeByte(REG_OFF[pin], (tOff<<3) | offIntensity);
// Write the on intensity:
writeByte(REG_I_ON[pin], onIntensity);
// Prepare tRise and tFall
tRise &= 0x1F; // tRise is a 5-bit value
tFall &= 0x1F; // tFall is a 5-bit value
// Write regTRise
// 0: Off
// 1-15: TRise = (regIOn - (4 * offIntensity)) * tRise * (255/ClkX)
// 16-31: TRise = 16 * (regIOn - (4 * offIntensity)) * tRise * (255/ClkX)
if (REG_T_RISE[pin] != 0xFF)
writeByte(REG_T_RISE[pin], tRise);
// Write regTFall
// 0: off
// 1-15: TFall = (regIOn - (4 * offIntensity)) * tFall * (255/ClkX)
// 16-31: TFall = 16 * (regIOn - (4 * offIntensity)) * tFall * (255/ClkX)
if (REG_T_FALL[pin] != 0xFF)
writeByte(REG_T_FALL[pin], tFall);
void sx1509Class::keypad(byte rows, byte columns, byte sleepTime, byte scanTime)
unsigned int tempWord;
byte tempByte;
// Set regDir 0:7 outputs, 8:15 inputs:
tempWord = readWord(REG_DIR_B);
for (int i=0; i<rows; i++)
tempWord &= ~(1<<i);
for (int i=8; i<(columns * 2); i++)
tempWord |= (1<<i);
writeWord(REG_DIR_B, tempWord);
// Set regOpenDrain on 0:7:
tempByte = readByte(REG_OPEN_DRAIN_A);
for (int i=0; i<rows; i++)
tempByte |= (1<<i);
writeByte(REG_OPEN_DRAIN_A, tempByte);
// Set regPullUp on 8:15:
tempByte = readByte(REG_PULL_UP_B);
for (int i=0; i<columns; i++)
tempByte |= (1<<i);
writeByte(REG_PULL_UP_B, tempByte);
// Enable and configure debouncing on 8:15:
tempByte = readByte(REG_DEBOUNCE_ENABLE_B);
for (int i=0; i<columns; i++)
tempByte |= (1<<i);
writeByte(REG_DEBOUNCE_ENABLE_B, tempByte);
writeByte(REG_DEBOUNCE_CONFIG, (scanTime & 0b111)); // Debounce must be less than scan time
// RegKeyConfig1 sets the auto sleep time and scan time per row
sleepTime = (sleepTime & 0b111)<<4;
scanTime &= 0b111; // Scan time is bits 2:0
tempByte = sleepTime | scanTime;
writeByte(REG_KEY_CONFIG_1, tempByte);
// RegKeyConfig2 tells the SX1509 how many rows and columns we've got going
rows = (rows - 1) & 0b111; // 0 = off, 0b001 = 2 rows, 0b111 = 8 rows, etc.
columns = (columns - 1) & 0b111; // 0b000 = 1 column, ob111 = 8 columns, etc.
writeByte(REG_KEY_CONFIG_2, (rows << 3) | columns);
unsigned int sx1509Class::readKeyData()
return (0xFFFF ^ readWord(REG_KEY_DATA_1));
void sx1509Class::sync(void)
// First check if nReset functionality is set
byte regMisc = readByte(REG_MISC);
if (!(regMisc & 0x04))
regMisc |= (1<<2);
writeByte(REG_MISC, regMisc);
// Toggle nReset pin to sync LED timers
pinMode(pinReset, OUTPUT); // set reset pin as output
digitalWrite(pinReset, LOW); // pull reset pin low
delay(1); // Wait for the pin to settle
digitalWrite(pinReset, HIGH); // pull reset pin back high
// Return nReset to POR functionality
writeByte(REG_MISC, (regMisc & ~(1<<2)));
void sx1509Class::debounceConfig(byte configValue)
// First make sure clock is configured
byte tempByte = readByte(REG_MISC);
if ((tempByte & 0x70) == 0)
tempByte |= (1<<4); // Just default to no divider if not set
writeByte(REG_MISC, tempByte);
tempByte = readByte(REG_CLOCK);
if ((tempByte & 0x60) == 0)
tempByte |= (1<<6); // default to internal osc.
writeByte(REG_CLOCK, tempByte);
configValue &= 0b111; // 3-bit value
writeByte(REG_DEBOUNCE_CONFIG, configValue);
void sx1509Class::debounceEnable(byte pin)
if (pin<8) {
unsigned int debounceEnable = readWord(REG_DEBOUNCE_ENABLE_A);
debounceEnable |= (1<<pin);
writeWord(REG_DEBOUNCE_ENABLE_A, debounceEnable);
} else {
unsigned int debounceEnable = readWord(REG_DEBOUNCE_ENABLE_B);
debounceEnable |= (1<<pin);
writeWord(REG_DEBOUNCE_ENABLE_B, debounceEnable);
void sx1509Class::enableInterrupt(byte pin, byte riseFall)
unsigned int tempWord = readWord(REG_INTERRUPT_MASK_B);
tempWord &= ~(1<<pin); // 0 = event on IO will trigger interrupt
writeWord(REG_INTERRUPT_MASK_B, tempWord);
byte sensitivity = 0;
switch (riseFall)
case CHANGE:
sensitivity = 0b11;
sensitivity = 0b10;
case RISING:
sensitivity = 0b01;
// Sensitivity is set as follows:
// 00: None
// 01: Rising
// 10: Falling
// 11: Both
byte pinMask = (pin & 0x07) * 2;
byte senseRegister;
// Need to select between two words. One for bank A, one for B.
if (pin >= 8) senseRegister = REG_SENSE_HIGH_B;
else senseRegister = REG_SENSE_HIGH_A;
tempWord = readWord(senseRegister);
tempWord &= ~(0b11<<pinMask); // Mask out the bits we want to write
tempWord |= (sensitivity<<pinMask); // Add our new bits
writeWord(senseRegister, tempWord);
unsigned int sx1509Class::interruptSource(void)
unsigned int intSource = readWord(REG_INTERRUPT_SOURCE_B);
writeWord(REG_INTERRUPT_SOURCE_B, 0xFFFF); // Clear interrupts
return intSource;
void sx1509Class::configClock(byte oscSource, byte oscPinFunction, byte oscFreqOut, byte oscDivider)
// RegClock constructed as follows:
// 6:5 - Oscillator frequency souce
// 00: off, 01: external input, 10: internal 2MHz, 1: reserved
// 4 - OSCIO pin function
// 0: input, 1 ouptut
// 3:0 - Frequency of oscout pin
// 0: LOW, 0xF: high, else fOSCOUT = FoSC/(2^(RegClock[3:0]-1))
oscSource = (oscSource & 0b11)<<5; // 2-bit value, bits 6:5
oscPinFunction = (oscPinFunction & 1)<<4; // 1-bit value bit 4
oscFreqOut = (oscFreqOut & 0b1111); // 4-bit value, bits 3:0
byte regClock = oscSource | oscPinFunction | oscFreqOut;
writeByte(REG_CLOCK, regClock);
// Config RegMisc[6:4] with oscDivider
// 0: off, else ClkX = fOSC / (2^(RegMisc[6:4] -1))
oscDivider = (oscDivider & 0b111)<<4; // 3-bit value, bits 6:4
byte regMisc = readByte(REG_MISC);
regMisc &= ~(0b111<<4);
regMisc |= oscDivider;
writeByte(REG_MISC, regMisc);
// readByte(byte registerAddress)
// This function reads a single byte located at the registerAddress register.
// - deviceAddress should already be set by the constructor.
// - Return value is the byte read from registerAddress
// - Currently returns 0 if communication has timed out
byte sx1509Class::readByte(byte registerAddress)
byte readValue;
unsigned int timeout = RECEIVE_TIMEOUT_VALUE;
Wire.requestFrom(deviceAddress, (byte) 1);
while ((Wire.available() < 1) && (timeout != 0))
if (timeout == 0)
return 0;
// readWord(byte registerAddress)
// This function will read a two-byte word beginning at registerAddress
// - A 16-bit unsigned int will be returned.
// - The msb of the return value will contain the value read from registerAddress
// - The lsb of the return value will contain the value read from registerAddress + 1
unsigned int sx1509Class::readWord(byte registerAddress)
unsigned int timeout = RECEIVE_TIMEOUT_VALUE * 2;
Wire.requestFrom(deviceAddress, (byte) 2);
while ((Wire.available() < 2) && (timeout != 0))
if (timeout == 0)
return 0;
return (( & 0x00FF) << 8 | ( & 0x00FF));
// readBytes(byte firstRegisterAddress, byte * destination, byte length)
// This function reads a series of bytes incrementing from a given address
// - firstRegsiterAddress is the first address to be read
// - destination is an array of bytes where the read values will be stored into
// - length is the number of bytes to be read
// - No return value.
void sx1509Class::readBytes(byte firstRegisterAddress, byte * destination, byte length)
byte readValue;
Wire.requestFrom(deviceAddress, length);
while (Wire.available() < length)
for (int i=0; i<length; i++)
destination[i] =;
// writeByte(byte registerAddress, byte writeValue)
// This function writes a single byte to a single register on the SX509.
// - writeValue is written to registerAddress
// - deviceAddres should already be set from the constructor
// - No return value.
void sx1509Class::writeByte(byte registerAddress, byte writeValue)
// writeWord(byte registerAddress, ungisnged int writeValue)
// This function writes a two-byte word to registerAddress and registerAddress + 1
// - the upper byte of writeValue is written to registerAddress
// - the lower byte of writeValue is written to registerAddress + 1
// - No return value.
void sx1509Class::writeWord(byte registerAddress, unsigned int writeValue)
Wire.write((writeValue & 0xFF00) >> 8);
Wire.write(writeValue & 0x00FF);
// writeBytes(byte firstRegisterAddress, byte * writeArray, byte length)
// This function writes an array of bytes, beggining at a specific adddress
// - firstRegisterAddress is the initial register to be written.
// - All writes following will be at incremental register addresses.
// - writeArray should be an array of byte values to be written.
// - length should be the number of bytes to be written.
// - no return value.
void sx1509Class::writeBytes(byte firstRegisterAddress, byte * writeArray, byte length)
for (int i=0; i<length; i++)