/* -*- mode: c++ -*-
* Kaleidoscope-LED-Wavepool
* Copyright (C) 2017 Selene Scriven
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
#include "kaleidoscope/plugin/LED-Wavepool.h"
#include // for pgm_read_byte, PROGMEM, abs
#include // for int8_t, uint8_t, int16_t, intptr_t
#include "kaleidoscope/KeyAddr.h" // for MatrixAddr, KeyAddr, MatrixAddr<>::...
#include "kaleidoscope/KeyEvent.h" // for KeyEvent
#include "kaleidoscope/Runtime.h" // for Runtime, Runtime_
#include "kaleidoscope/device/device.h" // for Device, cRGB
#include "kaleidoscope/event_handler_result.h" // for EventHandlerResult, EventHandlerRes...
#include "kaleidoscope/keyswitch_state.h" // for keyIsPressed
#include "kaleidoscope/plugin/LEDControl.h" // for LEDControl
#include "kaleidoscope/plugin/LEDControl/LEDUtils.h" // for hsvToRgb
namespace kaleidoscope {
namespace plugin {
#define INTERPOLATE 1 // smoother, slower animation
#define MS_PER_FRAME 40 // 40 = 25 fps
#define FRAMES_PER_DROP 120 // max time between raindrops during idle animation
uint16_t WavepoolEffect::idle_timeout = 5000; // 5 seconds
int16_t WavepoolEffect::ripple_hue = WavepoolEffect::rainbow_hue; // automatic hue
// map native keyboard coordinates (16x4) into geometric space (14x5)
PROGMEM const uint8_t WavepoolEffect::TransientLEDMode::rc2pos[Runtime.device().numKeys()] = {
// clang-format off
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 59, 66, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 34, 60, 65, 35, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27,
28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 48, 61, 64, 49, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41,
42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 58, 62, 63, 67, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55,
// clang-format on
WavepoolEffect::TransientLEDMode::TransientLEDMode(const WavepoolEffect *parent)
: frames_since_event_(0),
page_(0) {}
EventHandlerResult WavepoolEffect::onKeyEvent(KeyEvent &event) {
if (!event.addr.isValid())
return EventHandlerResult::OK;
if (::LEDControl.get_mode_index() != led_mode_id_)
return EventHandlerResult::OK;
return ::LEDControl.get_mode()->onKeyEvent(event);
EventHandlerResult WavepoolEffect::TransientLEDMode::onKeyEvent(KeyEvent &event) {
// It might be better to trigger on both toggle-on and toggle-off, but maybe
// just the former.
if (keyIsPressed(event.state)) {
surface_[page_][pgm_read_byte(rc2pos + event.addr.toInt())] = 0x7f;
frames_since_event_ = 0;
return EventHandlerResult::OK;
void WavepoolEffect::TransientLEDMode::raindrop(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, int8_t *page_) {
uint8_t rainspot = (y * WP_WID) + x;
page_[rainspot] = 0x7f;
if (y > 0) page_[rainspot - WP_WID] = 0x60;
if (y < (WP_HGT - 1)) page_[rainspot + WP_WID] = 0x60;
if (x > 0) page_[rainspot - 1] = 0x60;
if (x < (WP_WID - 1)) page_[rainspot + 1] = 0x60;
// this is a lot smaller than the standard library's rand(),
// and still looks random-ish
uint8_t WavepoolEffect::TransientLEDMode::wp_rand() {
static intptr_t offset = 0x400;
offset = ((offset + 1) & 0x4fff) | 0x400;
return (Runtime.millisAtCycleStart() / MS_PER_FRAME) + pgm_read_byte((const uint8_t *)offset);
void WavepoolEffect::TransientLEDMode::update(void) {
// limit the frame rate; one frame every 64 ms
static uint8_t prev_time = 0;
uint8_t now = Runtime.millisAtCycleStart() / MS_PER_FRAME;
if (now != prev_time) {
prev_time = now;
} else {
// rotate the colors over time
// (side note: it's weird that this is a 16-bit int instead of 8-bit,
// but that's what the library function wants)
static uint8_t current_hue = 0;
// needs two pages of height map to do the calculations
int8_t *newpg = &surface_[page_ ^ 1][0];
int8_t *oldpg = &surface_[page_][0];
// rain a bit while idle
static uint8_t frames_till_next_drop = 0;
static int8_t prev_x = -1;
static int8_t prev_y = -1;
// even frames: water movement and page flipping
// odd frames: raindrops and tweening
// (this arrangement seems to look best overall)
if (((now & 1)) && (idle_timeout > 0)) {
if (idle_timeout > 0) {
// repeat previous raindrop to give it a slightly better effect
if (prev_x >= 0) {
raindrop(prev_x, prev_y, oldpg);
prev_x = prev_y = -1;
if (frames_since_event_ >= (frames_till_next_drop + (idle_timeout / MS_PER_FRAME))) {
frames_till_next_drop = 4 + (wp_rand() % FRAMES_PER_DROP);
frames_since_event_ = idle_timeout / MS_PER_FRAME;
uint8_t x = wp_rand() % WP_WID;
uint8_t y = wp_rand() % WP_HGT;
raindrop(x, y, oldpg);
prev_x = x;
prev_y = y;
// calculate water movement
// (originally skipped edges, but this keyboard is too small for that)
//for (uint8_t y = 1; y < WP_HGT-1; y++) {
// for (uint8_t x = 1; x < WP_WID-1; x++) {
if (!(now & 1)) { // even frames only
for (uint8_t y = 0; y < WP_HGT; y++) {
for (uint8_t x = 0; x < WP_WID; x++) {
uint8_t offset = (y * WP_WID) + x;
int16_t value;
int8_t offsets[] = {
// clang-format off
-1, 1,
-WP_WID - 1, -WP_WID + 1,
WP_WID - 1, WP_WID + 1
// clang-format on
// don't wrap around edges or go out of bounds
if (y == 0) {
offsets[0] = 0;
offsets[4] += WP_WID;
offsets[5] += WP_WID;
} else if (y == WP_HGT - 1) {
offsets[1] = 0;
offsets[6] -= WP_WID;
offsets[7] -= WP_WID;
if (x == 0) {
offsets[2] = 0;
offsets[4] += 1;
offsets[6] += 1;
} else if (x == WP_WID - 1) {
offsets[3] = 0;
offsets[5] -= 1;
offsets[7] -= 1;
// add up all samples, divide, subtract prev frame's center
int8_t *p;
for (p = offsets, value = 0; p < offsets + 8; p++)
value += oldpg[offset + (*p)];
value = (value >> 2) - newpg[offset];
// reduce intensity gradually over time
newpg[offset] = value - (value >> 3);
// draw the water on the keys
for (auto key_addr : KeyAddr::all()) {
int8_t height = oldpg[pgm_read_byte(rc2pos + key_addr.toInt())];
if (now & 1) { // odd frames only
// average height with other frame
height = ((int16_t)height + newpg[pgm_read_byte(rc2pos + key_addr.toInt())]) >> 1;
uint8_t intensity = abs(height) * 2;
uint8_t saturation = 0xff - intensity;
uint8_t value = (intensity >= 128) ? 255 : intensity << 1;
int16_t hue = ripple_hue;
if (ripple_hue == WavepoolEffect::rainbow_hue) {
// color starts white but gets dimmer and more saturated as it fades,
// with hue wobbling according to height map
hue = (current_hue + height + (height >> 1)) & 0xff;
cRGB color = hsvToRgb(hue, saturation, value);
::LEDControl.setCrgbAt(key_addr, color);
// swap pages every other frame
if (!(now & 1)) page_ ^= 1;
// swap pages every frame
page_ ^= 1;
} // namespace plugin
} // namespace kaleidoscope
kaleidoscope::plugin::WavepoolEffect WavepoolEffect;