#include "Kaleidoscope.h" static bool handleSyntheticKeyswitchEvent(Key mappedKey, uint8_t keyState) { if (mappedKey.flags & RESERVED) return false; if (!(mappedKey.flags & SYNTHETIC)) return false; if (mappedKey.flags & IS_INTERNAL) { return false; } else if (mappedKey.flags & IS_CONSUMER) { if (keyIsPressed(keyState)) ConsumerControl.press(mappedKey.keyCode); else if (keyWasPressed(keyState)) ConsumerControl.release(mappedKey.keyCode); } else if (mappedKey.flags & IS_SYSCTL) { if (keyIsPressed(keyState)) SystemControl.press(mappedKey.keyCode); else if (keyWasPressed(keyState)) SystemControl.release(); } else if (mappedKey.flags & SWITCH_TO_KEYMAP) { // Should not happen, handled elsewhere. } return true; } static bool handleKeyswitchEventDefault(Key mappedKey, byte row, byte col, uint8_t keyState) { //for every newly pressed button, figure out what logical key it is and send a key down event // for every newly released button, figure out what logical key it is and send a key up event if (mappedKey.flags & SYNTHETIC) { handleSyntheticKeyswitchEvent(mappedKey, keyState); } else if (keyIsPressed(keyState)) { press_key(mappedKey); } else if (keyToggledOff(keyState) && (keyState & INJECTED)) { release_key(mappedKey); } return true; } void press_key(Key mappedKey) { if (mappedKey.flags & SHIFT_HELD) { Keyboard.press(Key_LeftShift.keyCode); } if (mappedKey.flags & CTRL_HELD) { Keyboard.press(Key_LeftControl.keyCode); } if (mappedKey.flags & LALT_HELD) { Keyboard.press(Key_LeftAlt.keyCode); } if (mappedKey.flags & RALT_HELD) { Keyboard.press(Key_RightAlt.keyCode); } if (mappedKey.flags & GUI_HELD) { Keyboard.press(Key_LeftGui.keyCode); } Keyboard.press(mappedKey.keyCode); } void release_key(Key mappedKey) { if (mappedKey.flags & SHIFT_HELD) { Keyboard.release(Key_LeftShift.keyCode); } if (mappedKey.flags & CTRL_HELD) { Keyboard.release(Key_LeftControl.keyCode); } if (mappedKey.flags & LALT_HELD) { Keyboard.release(Key_LeftAlt.keyCode); } if (mappedKey.flags & RALT_HELD) { Keyboard.release(Key_RightAlt.keyCode); } if (mappedKey.flags & GUI_HELD) { Keyboard.release(Key_LeftGui.keyCode); } Keyboard.release(mappedKey.keyCode); } void handleKeyswitchEvent(Key mappedKey, byte row, byte col, uint8_t keyState) { if (!(keyState & INJECTED)) { mappedKey = Layer.lookup(row, col); } for (byte i = 0; Kaleidoscope.eventHandlers[i] != NULL && i < HOOK_MAX; i++) { Kaleidoscope_::eventHandlerHook handler = Kaleidoscope.eventHandlers[i]; mappedKey = (*handler)(mappedKey, row, col, keyState); if (mappedKey.raw == Key_NoKey.raw) return; } mappedKey = Layer.eventHandler(mappedKey, row, col, keyState); if (mappedKey.raw == Key_NoKey.raw) return; handleKeyswitchEventDefault(mappedKey, row, col, keyState); }