#include "led_control.h" uint8_t LEDControl::pos= 0; uint8_t LEDControl::rainbow_hue=0; uint8_t LEDControl::rainbow_steps = 1; uint8_t LEDControl::rainbow_wave_steps=1; long LEDControl::rainbow_current_ticks =0; uint8_t LEDControl::breathe_brightness=0; uint8_t LEDControl::breathe_fadeAmount=1; uint8_t LEDControl::chase_pixels= 1; uint8_t LEDControl::current_chase_counter = 0; void LEDControl::set_key_color(byte row, byte col, cRGB color) { implementation_led_set_crgb_at(row, col, color); } cRGB LEDControl::get_key_color(byte row, byte col) { return implementation_get_key_color(row, col); } void LEDControl::initialize_led_mode(uint8_t mode) { set_all_leds_to(led_off); if (mode == LED_MODE_OFF) { // set_all_leds_to(led_off); } else if (mode == LED_MODE_HEATMAP) { } else if (mode == LED_MODE_BREATHE) { } else if (mode == LED_MODE_RAINBOW) { } else if (mode == LED_MODE_RAINBOW_WAVE) { } else if (mode == LED_MODE_CHASE) { } else if (mode == LED_MODE_STEADY) { set_all_leds_to(led_steady); } } void LEDControl::set_all_leds_to(cRGB color) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < LED_COUNT; i++) { implementation_led_set_crgb_at(i, color); } } void LEDControl::next_led_mode() { if (led_mode++ >= LED_MODES) { led_mode = 0; } } void LEDControl::set_mode(uint8_t mode) { led_mode = mode; } void LEDControl::update_leds(uint8_t current_keymap) { if (current_keymap == NUMPAD_KEYMAP) { if (led_mode != LED_SPECIAL_MODE_NUMLOCK) { stored_led_mode = led_mode; } led_mode = LED_SPECIAL_MODE_NUMLOCK; } if (current_keymap != NUMPAD_KEYMAP && led_mode == LED_SPECIAL_MODE_NUMLOCK ) { led_mode = stored_led_mode; } if (led_mode != last_led_mode) { initialize_led_mode(led_mode); } if (led_mode == LED_MODE_OFF) { } else if (led_mode == LED_MODE_HEATMAP) { } else if (led_mode == LED_MODE_BREATHE) { effect_breathe_update(); } else if (led_mode == LED_MODE_RAINBOW) { effect_rainbow_update(); } else if (led_mode == LED_MODE_RAINBOW_WAVE) { effect_rainbow_wave_update(); } else if (led_mode == LED_MODE_CHASE) { effect_chase_update(); } else if (led_mode == LED_MODE_STEADY) { effect_steady_update(); } else if (led_mode == LED_SPECIAL_MODE_NUMLOCK) { effect_numlock_update(); } last_led_mode = led_mode; } void LEDControl::effect_numlock_update() { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 44; i++) { implementation_led_set_crgb_at(i, led_off); } for (uint8_t i = 44; i < LED_COUNT; i++) { implementation_led_set_crgb_at(i, led_bright_red); } led_compute_breath(); implementation_led_set_crgb_at(60, led_breathe); // make numlock breathe implementation_led_sync(); } void LEDControl::effect_steady_update() { implementation_led_sync(); } void LEDControl::led_compute_breath() { // algorithm from http://sean.voisen.org/blog/2011/10/breathing-led-with-arduino/ breathe_brightness = (exp(sin(millis()/2000.0*PI)) - 0.36787944)*108.0; // change the brightness for next time through the loop: //breathe_brightness = breathe_brightness + breathe_fadeAmount; // reverse the direction of the fading at the ends of the fade: if (breathe_brightness == 0 || breathe_brightness == 150) { breathe_fadeAmount = -breathe_fadeAmount ; } SetHSV(led_breathe,200, 255, breathe_brightness); } void LEDControl::effect_breathe_update() { led_compute_breath(); set_all_leds_to(led_breathe); implementation_led_sync(); } void LEDControl::effect_chase_update() { if (current_chase_counter++ < chase_threshold) { return; } current_chase_counter = 0; implementation_led_set_crgb_at(pos - chase_pixels, led_off); implementation_led_set_crgb_at(pos, led_dark_blue); pos += chase_pixels; if (pos > LED_COUNT || pos < 0) { chase_pixels = -chase_pixels; pos += chase_pixels; } implementation_led_set_crgb_at(pos, led_blue); implementation_led_sync(); } void LEDControl::effect_rainbow_update() { if (rainbow_current_ticks++ < rainbow_ticks) { return; } else { rainbow_current_ticks = 0; } SetHSV(rainbow,rainbow_hue, rainbow_saturation, rainbow_value); rainbow_hue += rainbow_steps; if (rainbow_hue >= 360) { rainbow_hue %= 360; } set_all_leds_to(rainbow); implementation_led_sync(); } void LEDControl::effect_rainbow_wave_update() { if (rainbow_current_ticks++ < rainbow_wave_ticks) { return; } else { rainbow_current_ticks = 0; } for (uint8_t i = 0; i < LED_COUNT; i++) { uint8_t key_hue = rainbow_hue +16*(i/4); if (key_hue >= 360) { key_hue %= 360; } SetHSV(rainbow,key_hue, rainbow_saturation, rainbow_value); implementation_led_set_crgb_at(i,rainbow); } rainbow_hue += rainbow_wave_steps; if (rainbow_hue >= 360) { rainbow_hue %= 360; } implementation_led_sync(); } void LEDControl::boot_animation() { set_all_leds_to(led_off); type_letter(LED_K); type_letter(LED_E); type_letter(LED_Y); type_letter(LED_B); type_letter(LED_O); type_letter(LED_A); type_letter(LED_R); type_letter(LED_D); type_letter(LED_I); type_letter(LED_O); type_letter(LED_SPACE); type_letter(LED_0); type_letter(LED_PERIOD); type_letter(LED_9); led_mode = LED_MODE_RAINBOW_WAVE; } void LEDControl::type_letter(uint8_t letter) { implementation_led_set_crgb_at(letter,led_bright_red); implementation_led_sync(); delay(250); implementation_led_set_crgb_at(letter,led_off); implementation_led_sync(); delay(10); } /* SetHSV from light_ws2812. Their source was: * getRGB() function based on * dim_curve idea by Jims * */ void LEDControl::SetHSV(cRGB crgb, int hue, byte sat, byte val) { /* convert hue, saturation and brightness ( HSB/HSV ) to RGB */ int base; if (sat == 0) { // Acromatic color (gray). Hue doesn't mind. crgb.r = val; crgb.g = val; crgb.b = val; } else { base = ((255 - sat) * val) >> 8; switch (hue / 60) { case 0: crgb.r = val; crgb.g = (((val - base)*hue) / 60) + base; crgb.b = base; break; case 1: crgb.r = (((val - base)*(60 - (hue % 60))) / 60) + base; crgb.g = val; crgb.b = base; break; case 2: crgb.r = base; crgb.g = val; crgb.b = (((val - base)*(hue % 60)) / 60) + base; break; case 3: crgb.r = base; crgb.g = (((val - base)*(60 - (hue % 60))) / 60) + base; crgb.b = val; break; case 4: crgb.r = (((val - base)*(hue % 60)) / 60) + base; crgb.g = base; crgb.b = val; break; case 5: crgb.r = val; crgb.g = base; crgb.b = (((val - base)*(60 - (hue % 60))) / 60) + base; break; } } }