#!/usr/bin/env perl ################### ################### This tool is horribly written. ################### It is a bloody hack. ################### It should be refactored. But it seems to kind of work ################### ################### use warnings; use strict; use File::Temp qw/tempdir/; use Cwd qw/abs_path cwd/; use JSON; my $sha256 = 0; my $size = 0; my $tag = shift || 'master'; my $dir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 0 ); my $checkout_dir = "Kaleidoscope-$tag"; my $filename = $checkout_dir . ".tar.bz2"; my $checkout_path = "$dir/$checkout_dir"; chdir($dir); `git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/keyboardio/Kaleidoscope-Bundle-Keyboardio $checkout_path`; chdir($checkout_path); `git checkout $tag`; `make update-submodules`; `find $checkout_path -name .git |xargs rm -rf`; `rm -rf $checkout_path/toolchain`; `rm -rf $checkout_path/etc`; `rm -rf $checkout_path/doc`; chdir($dir); `rm -rf $checkout_dir/avr/build-tools`; `mv $checkout_dir/avr $checkout_dir/$checkout_dir`; # A hack to get consistent naming with the old setup `tar cjvf $filename -C $checkout_dir/ $checkout_dir `; $sha256 = `sha256sum $filename | cut -d' ' -f 1 `; chomp($sha256); die "There was a problem generating the sha256" unless ($sha256); $size = -s $filename; `git clone https://github.com/keyboardio/boardsmanager`; `mkdir -p boardsmanager/builds`; `cp $filename boardsmanager/builds/`; my $platform_template = { 'archiveFileName' => 'Arduino-Boards-v1.14.zip', 'toolsDependencies' => [ { "packager" => "arduino", "name" => "avr-gcc", "version" => "7.3.0-atmel3.6.1-arduino5" }, { "packager" => "arduino", "name" => "avrdude", "version" => "6.3.0-arduino17" } ], 'url' => 'https://github.com/keyboardio/Arduino-Boards/archive/v1.14.zip', 'name' => 'keyboardio', 'version' => '1.1.4', 'checksum' => 'SHA-256:fd0017ea2950f6fb3afb46a503f0193c75111d68dfc95fa2775fbd63f0cf4528', 'size' => '1008405', 'boards' => [ { 'name' => 'Keyboardio Model 01' }, { 'name' => 'Keyboardio Atreus' } ], 'architecture' => 'avr', 'category' => 'Contributed', 'help' => { 'online' => 'https://community.keyboard.io' } }; my $version = $tag; if ($version =~ /^v(\d.*)$/) { $version = $1 }; $platform_template->{archiveFileName} = $filename; $platform_template->{version} = $version; $platform_template->{url} = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/keyboardio/boardsmanager/master/builds/' . $filename; $platform_template->{checksum} = 'SHA-256:' . $sha256; $platform_template->{size} = $size; my $json = JSON->new->allow_nonref; local $/; open( my $fh, '<', 'boardsmanager/package_keyboardio_index.json' ); my $json_text = <$fh>; my $data = from_json($json_text); push @{ $data->{'packages'}->[0]->{'platforms'} }, $platform_template; my $json_out = $json->canonical->pretty->encode($data); open( my $out_fh, '>', 'boardsmanager/package_keyboardio_index.json' ); print $out_fh $json_out; close($out_fh); # rm -rf /tmp/boardsmanager print "Now, you need to cd to $dir/boardsmanager check the content and commit it\n";