This is not yet proper documentation about running or writing tests, just some rough notes. Kaleidoscope includes a simulator that can pretend (to a certain extent) to be a keyboard for the purpose of testing. On most UNIX-like systems, you can run Kaleidoscope's simulator tests by running ``` make simulator-tests ``` Our simulator currently has some weird linking issues on macOS, so the easiest way to run tests on macOS is using Docker. ``` make docker-simulator-tests ``` During development, when you may be running your tests very frequently, it's sometimes useful to run a subset of tests. You can control the directory that Kaleidoscope searches for test suites with the 'TEST_PATH' variable. To only run tests in subdirectories of the 'tests/hid' directory, you'd write: ``` make simulator-tests TEST_PATH=tests/hid ``` or ``` make docker-simulator-tests TEST_PATH=tests/hid ```